Nine Heavens

Chapter 1228 Seizing the Control Nine

Chapter 1228

In the outer hall of Ganlu Pavilion, the four sisters saw that it was getting late, while Liu Qianlang in the inner hall was breathing evenly and fell asleep, feeling a little anxious. Because the palace lord had to take a bath and change clothes to get ready before he could go out at midnight, and accepted the golden light of Qi Tian Lou offering sacrifices to the sky.

"Palace Master?"

Hua'er calls softly through the curtain of the hall door, but the shadowy figure of Liu Qianlang she sees remains motionless. Hua'er called a few more times but there was no response, so she had to give up.

About an hour later, it was late at night, the sunset outside the palace was soft, and Hua'er was walking anxiously in the outer hall, when she suddenly heard Liu Qianlang laughing in the inner hall: "Haha, sleep well!" It’s so refreshing. You all come in after a full moon, dress the Lord of the Palace, and visit the Gentle Fragrance Land tonight.”

"Heck, he's awake!"

Yuan'er laughed out loud when he heard this, and the four sisters were all overjoyed. Since the roll call required four people to wait on him, he naturally didn't dare to neglect, and immediately floated into the inner hall. Floating up, he approached the flower couch where Liu Qianlang was lying, and lowered his head to ask for his will.

Unexpectedly, just as the four sisters approached, Liu Qianlang stretched out his hand, and suddenly pulled the four sisters into the bead curtain at the same time, then glanced at the outer hall with flashing eyes, signaling the four sisters to keep quiet.

Huahaoyueyuan was hugged by Liu Qianlang together, thinking that Liu Qianlang was thinking about spring, all of them blushed, bowed their heads in embarrassment, and let Liu Qianlang hold him.

However, next, there was a surge of silver light in the bead curtain, and after a while, the four sisters found themselves in a silver boat, and Liu Qianlang used illusion to transform into his original white-haired appearance. Pair of four sisters stands.

"Oh! Sister Hua'er, where are we, where is the palace master?" Yuan'er asked in surprise.

"Senior brother Liu, is it you?"

Among the four Huahaoyueyuan sisters, Yue'er is the most careful. Ever since she met Liu Qianlang, although she could only see Liu Qianlang's eyes through the crown, she still felt an inexplicable familiarity. Especially the infinitely deep feeling, fortitude, and stubbornness in Liu Qianlang's eyes. This gaze has always been deep in my heart.

"It's me, don't be afraid, this is my ghost boat, it's safe. Back then when I strayed into Qiongshan Mountain, I got to know four junior sisters by chance. It's been more than ten years now. The four junior sisters have reached the pinnacle of cultivation. Two rooms.

Thinking of those years, I really miss Master Zijing, the eight extraordinary meridians in my body were still opened up by her. Four junior sisters, do you know what kind of existence this Xiaoyaojing is?"

Liu Qianlang didn't look back, and asked with some sad words.

"Sure enough, I guessed right. Senior Brother Liu has an air of righteousness that Yue'er will never forget. When you first entered here, I guessed it might be you. But why is Senior Brother Liu wearing a full crown?

Of course we know that except for our four sisters, everyone here is a demon skeleton. We also know that the owner of the Duying village is not a good person, but the leader of these demon skeletons. "

Yue'er said again, Hua'er, Hao'er and Yuan'er didn't recognize Liu Qianlang until now, and they all looked surprised.

"He, he was Senior Brother Liu back then?" Yuan'er widened her eyes in surprise.

"Oh! Knowing this, you still don't try to leave here? You know, because I was deceived by people similar to him, I practiced the golden light magic skill and lost my body because of her. Now I am also the existence of the golden bone skeleton The only difference, I still haven't lost my sense of self.

That's why I wear a tiara. The me you see lying on the bed every night is my illusory phantom, and my appearance is not the same as my original appearance. You see me now, as I really am. "

As Liu Qianlang was speaking, he turned his body around, his white hair was flying, his face was stern and resolute, his eyes were deep, and there was infinite emotion in his expression.

"Senior Brother Liu!"

The four sisters, when they see Liu Qianlang, suddenly think of their teacher, Empress Amethyst, and instantly bring back infinite memories of the past. The ups and downs wash away their hearts, and they cry silently, calling Liu Qianlang together.

"Knowing the details of Duguying, why do you still follow him?"

Liu Qianlang looked around at the four junior sisters from different sects and asked softly.

"There is nowhere to go, the entire Second Human World is under the control of the Solitary Shadow Village, we must either die outside, or come here to drift with the crowd, seeking opportunities to destroy the Solitary Shadow Village.

Before this kind of opportunity, we were at a loss as to where we were going, but seeing you coming, our four sisters felt hope in the dark. "

Hua'er is Mistress Chaoyin, the head of Taomen's generation. She is the most mature of the four sisters. It is her choice to think this way and to do so.

"What my sister said is that we have always agreed. If you succeed, you will be lucky, and if you fail, you will not regret it! Brother Liu, if it were you, do you think our choice is right?"

Hao'er is the most gentle, holding Hua'er's wrist, staring at Liu Qianlang's tall and straight figure.

"As long as you are alive, you have a chance. Joining the Duying Village is the only way to survive without being attacked. The choice of Chaoyin Empress is indeed correct, but helplessness is the only choice. I also made the same choice, so I have to accept Jin Guangjia tonight. In order to become the lord of the Ninth Palace, and help them cultivate the golden rainbow formation in the sky. It might not be a good strategy to follow the plan.

However, the road ahead will not be easy. I wonder if the four junior sisters are willing to support Senior Brother Liu? With your support, Senior Brother Liu's chances of winning will be much greater. At least Senior Brother Liu guarantees the safety of the four Junior Sisters! "

Liu Qianlang said slowly, and greeted the four junior sisters.


The four sisters looked around each other and nodded deeply.

Hua'er said: "How to do it, we just obey Senior Brother Liu's orders, but there are countless demon skeletons in the palace, and our every move is under their surveillance, and there are also seven ghost messengers with inexplicable identities. In the extremely nine palaces. They will always inform the inner hall of Duyingzhai about our movements.

To be honest, Senior Brother Liu, for many years, we have been trying our best to determine their identities. We have some goals. We want to kill all the seven shadows, so as to close the Extreme Nine Freedom Realm, and then find a way to exterminate all the ghosts here. skeleton man.

However, it was impossible to confirm which seven they were, and they never dared to make a move in case they were killed by mistake. Our sisters immediately revealed their intentions, and everything was in vain! well! It is really difficult. "

After Hua'er finished speaking, she shook her head and sighed.

"That was in the past. What the four junior sisters have to do now is to kill the night girls in the outer hall of Ganlu Pavilion. From then on, there are only five of us in the Nine Freedom Realm. If necessary, Senior Brother Liu will be able to kill those demon skeletons in the past." All of them can be transformed into illusions, and all of them are under the control of our hearts and souls."

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, thinking of the scene of going back to the Nine Palaces of Freedom in the daytime and slaughtering Qunfang frantically, it was still in front of my eyes.

"What? Brother Liu is saying that you have already taken them all."

After hearing the words, the four sisters turned their worries into joy, their eyes widened in amazement, and their tongues fell open.

"Hehe, if you don't believe me, you immediately killed those hundreds of night girls, and then flew out of Ganlu Pavilion to look casually." Liu Qianlang was still smiling. The reason why Liu Qianlang was so happy was because he had discovered a way to restore his physical body.

"That's not right, Senior Brother Liu has been lying on the bed all the time?" Yuan'er frowned puzzled.

"I said before that what was lying on the bed was just my phantom body, and I did a lot of things on this day. First, I met Duguying, and then slaughtered all the 'beauties!'"

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and the five people reappeared on the bed in an instant. Then the four sisters flew out of the outer hall like lightning.

And Liu Qianlang floated steadily on the ground of the inner hall, looking at the four junior sisters through the bead curtain, the moment the peach blossoms were dancing, brilliant golden mist suddenly burst out from the outer hall. Then more than a hundred night girls disappeared without a sound.

"cluck, cluck"

"Sister Hua'er, it's true. What Brother Liu said is true, all the ghosts and skeletons have disappeared. Hee hee, it's so comfortable!"

The four sisters killed hundreds of night girls, stepped on the peach blossoms and shot out of the Ganlu Pavilion. In the afterglow of the setting sun, they cheered and shouted. For the first time since entering Qitian Tower, the four sisters dared to let go of their voices and speak loudly.

"Yuan'er, be careful!"

Hua'er suddenly felt that the four sisters were a little carried away, and if they shouted like this, if Xiaoyao found out, it would be fine, so she quickly reminded Yuan'er.

"Oh!" Yuan'er froze instantly when she heard the words, covering her mouth and shrinking her voice.

"Haha, despite the four junior sisters laughing and shouting, Senior Brother Liu has already used his sealing technique to seal the Jijiu Xiaoyao Palace. No matter how happy you are, no one outside, including the owner of Duying Village, will be able to know."

Liu Qianlang stepped steadily on the ghost boat, and flew out of Ganlu Pavilion, smashed the building and the corresponding palace above it with a wave of his hand, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, that's great! Elder sister, how about we go to visit those spirit realms at night? Brother Liu, are those treasures in the spirit realms that we can take as we please?"

Yuan'er heard this, flicked her slender hand, and laughed happily. Stepping on the flower, she drew a beautiful arc, with her arms twirling, smiling.

"Silly girl, you only know how to play, and we have to arrange for Senior Brother Liu to participate in the golden light ceremony!" Hua'er was also very happy, but she suppressed her excitement and smiled.

"Well, no! Hua'er, without those monitoring skeleton men, why should we pretend, you go and play, tell me what you need to pay attention to, and you go and play. Haha, all the treasures here are up to you to collect, Just don't get too tired."

Liu Qianlang had already figured out how to appear on the Golden Light Body Ceremony, looked at Yuan'er and said with a smile.

"Hehe, whatever. Actually, it's nothing, as long as Senior Brother Liu shows up at the top of the Qitian Building on time at midnight! But Senior Brother Liu really decided to go alone without our company?"

Hua'er understood the meaning of Liu Qianlang's words, asked at last, and laughed and chased away with the three younger sisters.

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