Nine Heavens

Chapter 1236 Jin Lanyuan Forest

Chapter 1236 Jinlanyuan Forest


Liu Qianlang took a beautiful bite of the sweet dream fruit, and chewed it with relish, making the people around her so greedy.

"Hey! Sister Sui'er, you're so stingy, why didn't you give us one?" Yuan'er pouted as she watched Sui'er look at Liu Qianlang affectionately.

"Hee hee! What a coincidence, there is only one left. If there are more in the future, I will give them to you!"

Sui'er blushed, gently shook the peach blossom fan and said.

"My silly sister, there's no such thing as it, it's lover fruit, we're not qualified to eat it!" Beside Yuan'er, Hao'er and Yue'er had already seen the clue, and said to Yuan'er with smiles one after another.


"Ha ha."

Sui'er's face turned even more blushing, causing the four guards of the fairy knife and the four sisters of Huahaoyueyuan to burst into laughter, until Liu Qianlang summoned a basket of fairy fruits in his black jade skull profound realm, and everyone chewed on the delicious food, and drank the spirit shadow for another It's just a wedding banquet and wine party arranged in one place.

Successfully killed the Jinlan giant, one of the thirteen ghosts, and his eight Jinlan demon guards. Everyone was very happy, chatting and laughing for a long time.

Sitting at the banquet, Liu Qianlang looked at Sui'er several times, with words in his eyes, but he didn't want to break Sui'er who was laughing with his hands. In fact, Suier already knew what Liu Qianlang wanted to ask, so he deliberately waited for him to ask, and seeing his anxious eyes, he couldn't bear it after a while.

"Brother White Hair, do you want to ask about Giant Jinlan and Thirteen Youmo?"

Sui Er smiled, Wang Mu Lingling. The beautiful eyes are almost the same as Shui'er's, in fact, it should be said that Shui'er's eyes are similar to hers. A water is her beautiful soul.

"Hehe, Suier still understands me. The white-haired brother, I really want to ask this question, I believe you brothers and sisters-in-law are also like this." Liu Qianlang fed a fairy fruit into Suier's mouth, watched her happily eat it, and then looked at the ice cream. Jinlang and others said.

"Actually, we haven't really killed the thirteen ghost giant Jinlan. He is called Lingying, but the Jinlan giant is just a tree of Jinlan that I cultivated by him. We should kill him It is just one of the seventy-seven forty-nine wraiths.

It is rumored that there are thirteen ghosts at the bottom of the ghost hell, each of which has seventy-seven forty-nine ghosts. One is more terrifying than the other, and the thirteenth ghost is the weakest. No one has ever seen what they look like, and they don't know what they are. Only in the past ten years, when the thirteenth ghost suddenly appeared, did they know that he was called Lingying.

Regarding what the body of the thirteenth ghost is, even I have never been clear about it. Ghosts and ghosts of the ghosts and hells have various opinions. Some say that the body is actually the long shadow we see, and some say It's a golden man, and some say that Thirteen Youmo doesn't exist at all, it's just a kind of nothingness

In short, there is a saying in the Nether Hell, the four are the five transformations, the seven charms, the nine yangs and the thirteen ghosts, and the four are the four rules of the underworld emperor that the white-haired brother eliminated, which is the law of yin and yang reincarnation. Wuhua is the ghost power led by the five people of Moonlight, Axe, Snake, Linghua, and Guanghua distributed in the five worlds.

Suier knows that Shiliuyuehua has been imprisoned by you all this time, Axehua is dead, Snakehua Wuyazi and Linghua Cailing retired, Guanghua also died before the evil god of chaos hands up. Because of this, I, the Queen of the Seventh Charm, had to appear.

However, what I never expected is that I will meet the little wave that I have been looking for but never found since the lower world by the Tianling River, that is, you. For infinite years, I have been unable to find you, so I decided to close myself in the Lost Sun City and never come out, cultivate everything by myself, and then use my achievements to dominate the five worlds, even the netherworld and the heavenly world, and then I will naturally find you.

Before I could finally complete my plan, a family of ghosts, the Underworld Emperor, the Four Yin-Yang Ways, and the Way of Reincarnation suddenly perished in the Nether Hell. The world changed dramatically, and the Nether Hell trembled.

I don't care what the four rules of the Underworld Emperor do, but the yin and yang law of reincarnation is the underworld rule I cultivated, how can I ignore it? The seven charms of the poisonous witch Liaoyan were taken away by you, I was so angry that I appeared angrily.

When I saw you for the first time, I was shocked, it was in the boundless hole I set up, that time I wanted to kill you. It turned out not, because I recognized you, and I'm still with you"

Speaking of this, Sui Er blushed for a while, bowed his head for a moment, and said: "Now that I have found you, everything I have done in the past is not important, and my ambition to contend for the hegemony of the Three Realms is no longer there. Everything I did turned out to be everything you wanted to destroy. So I compromised with you step by step. I want to do the right thing with you again, and I want to help you in turn.

Because nothing else matters, I find that all I need is you. Although I have done many ways to make you feel sad, I will help you make up for my mistakes step by step. Of course, if you don't give me this chance and kill me, I won't regret it! "

As Er said this, there was some pain in his eyes.

"Suier, the white-haired brother won't kill you, don't say that you have turned from the dark to the light, even if you don't, the white-haired brother will not kill the person who loves you, no matter if she is a demon or a spirit. The white-haired brother never cares What is righteous way and evil way, only believe in good fate. Hehe, if you insist on being a little villain, at most I will tie you up in the body sea and prevent you from coming out."

Liu Qianlang didn't care about the teasing of the four sisters Huahaoyueyuan, and said while hugging Suier in his arms.

"Thank you, white-haired brother!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, Sui'er was very happy in his heart, sobbing softly. Then snuggled into Liu Qianlang's arms and continued: "Nine suns, although they are also the forces of the nether world, are known as the ninth red sun. The nine red sun devils wear red sun masks and live in the realm of the sky. If nothing major happens in the nether hell , They rarely show up. Their strength is definitely better than mine, and they are also very mysterious.

As for the Thirteen Nethers, it is the Thirteen Youmos I just mentioned, which is the most frightening core strength of the Nether Hell. If we finally defeat the Nether Hell, we will inevitably have a life-and-death confrontation with them. "

When Suier said this, his eyes sparkled, full of worry, his face was pale, and his hands were cold.

Liu Qianlang felt that Sui'er's body was trembling a little, held her hand tightly and said: "Sui'er don't need to be afraid, we will win!"

"What Hun Zun said is that with the help of sister Sui'er, our chances of winning will be even greater. According to Sui'er, since the forty-ninth ghost of the thirteenth ghost has been killed by us, it is estimated that for the time being His other wraiths will not come here. I think those trees outside the Golden Lane Palace are still famous."

Listening to Sui Er's words, Lord Tianhen Lonely Sword and Demon Executioner kept thinking, and interjected to mention the countless golden heart trees outside the Golden Palace.

"Oh, those Jinlan trees, don't worry, Brother Zhu. The previous Sun Moon Sacred Tree and this Jinlan tree, you will see many strange spiritual trees in the future, all of which are carefully cultivated by me. Among the Three Realms , except my Lost City of Absolute Sun is the source, there is no other place in the Three Realms.

This is the source of my Jinlan tree, Lin Kong, and there are 777,777 Jinlan trees planted there, but only those possessed by spirit shadows can bear the heart of Jinlan one tree.

My original intention of cultivating them is to create countless Golden Twilight Hearts, and then refine the unique golden heart charm power of my Lost Sun City. Too bad it didn't work out.

It was destroyed by the spirit shadow, and Jin Lan's heart was used to poison the human race in the second world, and cultivate the golden heart and white bones ghost demon skeleton. Moreover, I agreed at first and helped him a lot. Including the white-haired brother who once used sweet dream fruit to harm him.

At that time, I was also deceived by him, and I didn't know that Tianmengguo would harm the white-haired brother. Let's go, at this moment, we can go out and chop all the trees of Jinlan, the sooner the better. "

At the end of Suier's words, he said very anxiously.

"Sui'er, you mean those golden trees." Liu Qianlang suddenly understood something, the chaotic cauldron under his feet was suddenly full of colors and waves of light surged, and then hugged Sui'er and flew out of the Golden Palace. .

Behind, Bingjinlang, Jiuying and others all frowned and looked around at each other, then smashed the golden palace, and followed them away.

After the Chazhan Kung Fu, everyone's spirit objects appeared in the forest space of the tree source of Jinlan. The countless Jinlan trees that everyone saw before are now undergoing strange changes, one by one keeps getting thinner and taller, and in a blink of an eye, many of them have turned into countless long shadows.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"


From the long shadow, suddenly protruded countless golden skulls, and then stretched out a pair of sharp presents, and then flew out countless ghost skeletons with white bones and golden hearts.

After jumping down from the long shadows like a waterfall, these demon skeletons screamed sharply and jumped around, and then their figures flashed again, changing strangely, and they all turned into one by one in the next moment. They were real people, and they were all familiar faces that Liu Qianlang had seen.

"Heck, Daddy Hunzun!"

Liu Qianlang was terrified, seeing his beloved daughters Tianling and Xiaoying, shouting for joy, flying towards him with trembling Tianling wings.

"Quick! Hurry up! Everyone kill them!"

Seeing this scene, Suier shouted anxiously, but Liu Qianlang, the four sisters of Xiandao Guard, Hua Haoyueyuan, and Jiuying were all watching all this in a daze, and no one made a move.

Because every face is one's own relatives, friends, lovers or brothers and sisters.


Tianling threw himself into Liu Qianlang's arms, smiled happily, and followed me, Xiaoying, to also rush in.

In the distance, Bingjinlang, Zhu Mogong, Huanlangzi and Chao Jiufeng burst into tears, and suddenly knelt down, watching the twelve peak masters of the twelve shocking peaks of the Xuanlingmen of Longyun Mountain roaring towards them, feeling in love. Difficult to control. Shout out to the head, master, master uncle.

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