Nine Heavens

Chapter 1238 Blood-Red Wild Goose

Chapter 1238 Blood Swan Goose

The words of the long shadow were full of hostility towards Liu Qianlang, after a few cold snorts, suddenly shot out a long hand, picked up the fainted woman and entered the depths of the cave.


The long shadow walked into the depths of the cave beside a strange spring with golden mist bubbling and rolling, and threw the woman on the ground at once, then the long shadow continued to shrink, and then turned into a refined woman in a blue Taoist robe. In the palm of his right hand, he held a blood-red jade inkstone that was as red as fire.

The blood in the blood jade inkstone was flying like a splash of blood.

The woman who was thrown by the spring was still bleeding back and forth from her shoulders. The blood flowed into the strange spring, and the gurgling golden mist immediately rolled out layers of bright red colors, just like snow lotus blossoms.

The woman's face was pale, her brows were tightly frowned, her expression was full of pain, her right hand was tightly clutching the red-stained peach blossom fan, while her left hand was still pressing the wound.

In this situation, the woman would die at any time, but this elegant man had no intention of saving her, his eyes were full of gold, he looked at the woman's painful yet beautiful face coldly, and the corner of his mouth curved into a mocking arc.


The elegant man waved his sleeves and flicked behind him, and immediately a mass of rocks flew up inside the cave, blocking the entrance of the cave.

"Xiao Nizi, I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and dare to join forces with that Liu Qianlang to kill one of my souls. So what! Look at the forty-eight souls left by Jinlan Demon, how can you kill them?" Is it over?"

"call out--"

Jin Lanmo let out a whistle, and then forty-seven men with the same clothes as the elegant men appeared around the woman, and they all held a blood jade inkstone in their right hands.

"Oh! By the way, you fainted, you can't see, then wake up!"

The elegant man who spoke flicked his sleeves again, and the blood-stained spring water bubbling with golden mist immediately swirled into several gold-red spring water waves.

The waves of the spring water rolled several times at Qiquan heights, and then hit the woman's beautiful and pale face.

"cough cough, cough cough"

The woman woke up after a long cough, and then saw forty-eight elegant men around her sneering at her.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to come so fast. Could it be that the bottom of the nether world has also turned upside down?" The woman looked at the man talking not far in front of her, and smiled.

"Of course not. Benlan Demon just wanted to seek justice for the dead soul, killed Liu Qianlang, and turned you into my Jinlan slave. I just heard how amazing Chaos Dongluomei God was before, so I didn't believe it , Now I believe it. You are really beautiful, no wonder my soul was killed for you.

Let's talk about it, what's so good about Liu Qianlang's inferior human being, let me Jinlan Demon Venerable's soul not marry, and fall in love with a worthless human soul. "

Jin Lanmo again splashed the spray of spring water on the woman, and the washed woman became more and more beautiful, and Jin Lanmo was stunned by the amazing face covered by the golden streamer of hair.

"You are wrong, he is a human race, but his soul is not ordinary noble, the bottom soul in his soul sea is a seven-color training soul, which was given by Empress Nuwa. It is far better than your golden soul. The soul is noble. In comparison, you Thirteen Youmos are the humble souls!"

The woman struggled to sit up, disdaining to look at Jin Lanmo, and looked at the entrance of the cave far away.

"What's so great about Empress Nuwa? It's said that she was reincarnated into the human world! What are you looking at? Are you waiting for that humble human Liu Qianlang to save you? If I feel good, it seems that your injury He did it, right?

Counting on a person who kills you to save you, it seems that the former Seventh Charm Empress was not so naive! How should I say this in the world, it seems to be saying, 'Luohua wants to be ruthless! ’ Haha, Netherworld and Hell are all rumors about how bright and wise Empress Seventh Charm is, it seems that they are all false rumors! "

After seeing the Seventh Charm, Jinlan Mo looked at the entrance of the cave, his eyes flashed Jinlan, he sneered for a while, and then said in a strange way.

"That's because the white-haired brother was deceived by your soul and misunderstood me, so he hurt me, otherwise he would never! Get out of here, the white-haired brother must be looking for me everywhere now. Be careful The remaining forty-eight soul lives are all dead!"

Listening to Jin Lanmo's words, Queen Seven felt pain in her heart, but she was still defending Liu Qianlang.

"Oh! It's so sweet! The white-haired brother, hey."

Jin Lanmo imitated Empress Seventh Charm's emphasis and words, then laughed evilly, and suddenly jumped in front of Empress Seventh Charm. Taking advantage of the situation, he waved his sleeves and rolled up a ball of rocks in the cave, sealing the entrance of the cave even more firmly.

Then he said: "You think Jinlan Demon is just a piece of paper, so what can he do to me? Besides, he may be happy where he is, how could he come to assassinate the ghost himself!? Don't dream, I Changed my mind, Ben Jinlanmo suddenly thinks that you are pretty good as Mrs. Jinlanmo."

"Bah! Even if the Empress Dowager died, she wouldn't stay with such a disgusting shadow like you!"

Empress Seventh Charm coughed violently and reprimanded her sharply.

"Several! If you fall into the hands of this Jinlan demon, I'm afraid you can't help it. Let this Jinlan demon purify Jinlan's soul and make you a member of the Jinlan demon palace."

As soon as Jin Lanmo finished speaking, thousands of golden lights burst out from his body, and then clusters of golden smoke gurgled out from his body, and then quickly condensed along his body towards his left palm.

In the next second, the surging golden mist in the left palm quickly covered the back of the Seventh Charm.

"No, you can't do this! Ahem."

After the Seventh Charm, his face became even paler in an instant, and he cried out sadly, and then fainted again due to excitement.

"Hey! Beauty, you're still shy!"

After seeing the Seventh Charm, Jin Lanmo tilted her body and turned over. Looking at her fair neck and graceful beauty, she paused for a moment, and then said with a smile.

"What are you looking at, do it!"

Jin Lanmo himself smiled wickedly, scanning the stunning face of Empress Seventh Charm, and the other forty-seven bodies of souls were also watching, drooling. Jin Lanmo laughed and ordered.

"Boom! Boom!"

Immediately, with a movement, the other forty-seven Jinlan demon souls also condensed the same Jinlan smoke from their single palms, and they all moved towards the seventh charm.

"Haha, beauty, you will soon be a member of Jinlan Demon Palace, and then we will kill that humble human Liu Qianlang together, avenge my 7749th soul life, and seek justice for your injuries .”

Forty-eight strands of golden mist quickly converged in one place, forming a ball of golden sun on the back of Seventh Charm, and then gradually condensed into a monstrous golden heart.

Jin Xinchu was about the size of a fist, spinning slowly and strangely, magnificent and magical. The golden heart frequently shoots out circles of ripples, and the circles of ripples reflect countless bewitching Venus, soon filling the entire cave space.

At this time, the figure of Empress Seventh Charm floated up, sat cross-legged automatically, and steadily floated towards the position more than Zhang high above the strange spring that was bubbling with golden mist. Then he held his head high and held his hands together to form a strange magic spell.

And the fist-sized heart of golden light also suddenly floated to the forehead of Empress Seventh Charm, and began to gradually shrink, and when it became the size of a little fingernail, it slowly stuck to Empress Seventh Charm's beautiful forehead.

"Wow! What a beautiful golden heart, I like it so much, why don't you give it to me!"

At such a critical moment, a hand suddenly appeared strangely behind Seventh Charm Empress, and then the little golden heart was pinched away by the two outstretched fingers of this hand.

"Huh? Who dares to play tricks with Ben Jin Lanmo!"

Jinlan Mo roared for a moment, staring at it, only a man's hand was playing with Jinxin behind the Seventh Charm Queen, and there was no figure in sight.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that you are going to die. I keep this heart of golden light. In the future, I will go to the bottom of the netherworld to lead the way. And destroy the Jinlan Demon Palace along the way." .”

The man's hands are very nimble, playing with the Golden Heart, looking very leisurely. The tone of speech is calm and indifferent.

"Hmph! Are you sure you dare to take things from Jin Lanmo?"

The blood jade inkstone in Jin Lanmo's hand suddenly became bright red, and then surrounded by clouds of blood.

"Will! Will!"

The clusters of Xuexia quickly split apart and turned into bright red blood squirrels. The blood squirrels dripped blood and looked like geese, but their heads were ferocious. What opened was not a bird's beak, but a strange and terrifying bloody mouth. His eyes glowed with golden waves, frightening, hissing and soul-shattering.

"Hehe, even your life is at stake, not to mention your things."

The man's voice continued to be heard from an inexplicable direction.

"It turned out to be a person who is not afraid of death. Why did you want to kill me, just to win my golden heart?" Jinlan Demon released countless bloody geese, already full of confidence in his heart, and he was not in a hurry for the final blow, he sneered.

"For the woman who loves me, this golden heart of yours is just a child's toy in my opinion, so it is worth my shot, including your forty-eight lives!"

When the man was speaking, with an abrupt hand, he stroked the golden hair strands of Seventh Charm Empress, and put the locks of her temples behind her ears. The stunning face of the Seventh Charm Empress froze everything in the space.

There was a long silence.

"You are Liu Qianlang. After stabbing Seventh Charm, now you come to save her. It seems that not only she likes you, but you also like her! Unfortunately, you have no chance, because Jin Lanmo decided to like her too. her!"

Jin Lanmo finally guessed the owner of that hand, and felt even more proud. Because relying on his ability to dominate the Nether World, how can he not kill a human kid. All righteous boys are nothing but dead people here.

"Hey! You shouldn't say everything. If you still dare to like the person Liu Qianlang likes, then you have only one way to go, and that is death!"

The moment Liu Qianlang uttered the word death, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword had already split ninety-nine eighty-one roaring Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Sword Dragon. It wasn't from the position of that hand, but from the heads of every Jin Lan demon soul.

The pretentious Jin Lanmo hadn't made a fuss, but had already been chopped into gold powder. He didn't even have a trace of his soul to escape from the cave, because the exit of the cave was sealed by himself.

Next, Liu Qianlang appeared with white hair fluttering around, not one, but seventy-seven forty-nine, the Seventh Charm stood behind one of the forty-eight souls, and one stood behind each of Jin Lanmo's forty-eight souls.

Such a scene was not difficult for Liu Qianlang, and the Rogue Wuji did it. After killing the Jinlan Demon, seven or forty-nine Liu Qianlang screamed seven or forty-nine Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Swords, and soon, those bloody geese in the space screamed and disappeared.

Then, seventy-seven forty-nine Liu Qianlang merged into one body, Liu Qianlang held the blood jade inkstone in his hand, a golden heart shone in the blood jade inkstone, and a blood-red goose squatted on the golden heart. With the other hand behind his back, he bent down and silently watched the Seventh Charm Queen in front of him.

She was in a coma, her face still pale.

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