Nine Heavens

Chapter 1265 Mengxian Xiaozhu

Chapter 1265 Mengxian Xiaozhu

"Back to the past, giggling, how come? I can't go back, my former brothers and sisters, friends, dead dead, dead dead, devil's devil. Even if I go back to the past alone, so what! Let me remember Perpetuate painful memories?"

Yong Moxiuer smiled wryly.

"The road always has to go on. Even if you miss the road, or even don't know what road is ahead, as long as you live, there is hope. Fight against the sky, fight to the death, even if you die, you will have no regrets!"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang chose a glass of pure white sake to drink, and suddenly threw it to Yong Moxiu'er.

"Would you like to drink with a human demon?" Yong Moxiu'er stretched out her right hand like an eagle's claw, and said with a trembling hand as she took the wine glass with a white arc drawn under the moonlight.

"Xiu'er is such a beautiful name, as beautiful as your unchanging heart. When I hear your name, I can think of how beautiful and moving you used to be. I have many fellow disciples who are like you in the past. Right now In my mysterious territory. I have temporarily sealed them. I dare not let them be exposed here, so that I will go to the fourth and fifth human world later.

I am afraid that they will fall into the devil, and I will be in pain. However, cultivating immortals and talking about destiny requires personal action, so I seem to have protected their lives by doing so. But I have been struggling, I don't know if such a choice is right, and I don't know how far I will protect them in this way.

However, I must do it, even if one day they come back and blame me. Because I am afraid of facing the same pain as you, that is, watching fellow Taoists, relatives die one by one, falling into the devil! We share common sorrows, and I was also a disciple of the Xuanling Sect above the Twelve Shocking Heaven Peaks of Longyun Mountain in the First Human World. Speaking of which, you are still my senior. Therefore, Liu Qianlang is willing to drink with you. "

Above the sparkling lake, in the mist, Liu Qianlang's figure was hazy, but his eyes were piercing and deep.

"What a refreshing wine! The spirit is purifying the soul to remove the poison of the ghost, are you expelling the poison of the ghost swallowing the wheel of gold in my body?" The golden heart, golden bones, and golden veins created by the Lanzhi tree have lessened the poison that swallowed the wheel. Said in surprise.

"That's right, Liu Qianlang currently has this ability. I have infused this wine with the power of the Seven-Story Pagoda Rainbow Golden Light Swallowing the Wheel's Poison. You are lucky to say that I have been refining the golden light I once absorbed The poison, and purify it to become my body-protecting golden cloak, which is the golden light cloak outside me now. I call it the swallowing wheel cloak. Until today, I have not fulfilled my wish.

In the future, if he meets someone who wants to abandon demons and be righteous, Liu Qianlang can use the vast righteous spirit Jin Lan in the cloak of Tunlun to wipe out the dark light outside the opponent's body, and then the righteous spirit will cultivate his soul with sake! Just now when your seventh baby returned to your body, I have already washed away the dark light from your body. Now you drink sake again, and within three days, you will be completely the old Xiu'er again. "

Liu Qianlang looked at the dark light outside Xiu'er's body that was turning into bubbling black smoke in the mist, and the bloody green evil mist kept leaking out, nodded and said.

"I will really go back to my former self!? That would be death, and I am worthy of these scenes!"

Yong Moxiu'er looked at the changes in her body in surprise, her ugly face was constantly returning to its original appearance, the dark human devil's claws saw the color fade, and the sharp claws were disappearing. The claws became slender hands. Half an hour later, Yong Moxiu'er was almost the same as before, and shouted excitedly.

"Why die and continue your fairy road. Didn't you say that you still have many relatives and friends who have fallen into demons? I will teach you the magic of swallowing the poison of the wheel and turning them around. You should persuade and redeem them, wake them up, and fight the demons." Guixian."

Liu Qianlang watched Yong Moxiuer examine her changes with great excitement, and suddenly had a new idea of ​​conquering Shanu Lake, but she didn't know if it was feasible. So remind Xiuer.

"Well, heck, you're right, I will definitely let my senior sister return to her former self, and we will continue our true journey of cultivating immortals! Thank you, Guangming Island Master! Now, can you teach me the magic power of swallowing the poison of the wheel?"

Yong Moxiu'er was excited for a long time, then slowly calmed down, nodded, and smiled happily. At this time, she had a peach blossom-like appearance, and she felt sorry for herself. Xiu'er looked at her reflection in the lake and rekindled her life The joy of life, the longing for chasing immortals.

"Hehe, don't you feel any changes in your soul sea? I have already injected the poison-turning magic formula of swallowing the wheel into your soul sea. You will continue to temper it in the future. But you have given up cultivating human-devil skills for many years, and your cultivation base is still low." It's just that the Nascent Soul stage is absolutely unable to deal with the attacks of a large number of humans and demons.

So now I need to infuse you with the power of Qihe Wanjun, raise your cultivation base to the Mahayana level, and you will complete the fusion soon. In this way, after you abandon the devil and return to the immortal, you will not be afraid of the persecution of countless demons! offend! "

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, waved his sleeves and shot out a white rainbow, instantly entangled Yong Moxiu'er in front of him, then raised his palms to cover the opponent's palms, and the seven chaotic divine powers in his body that had been fused by him immediately flowed along the two palms. Arms, shining beautiful divine light poured into Yongmoxiuer's palms, and then flowed into Yongmoxiuer's body along Yongmoxiuer's arms, and melted into the dantian.

"Thank you Guangming Island Master! The virtue of passing on skills and bestowing strength will always be engraved in my heart forever!"

Qihe divine power entered her body, and Yongmoxiu'er felt a burst of warmth first, and then the magic power in her body continued to grow, and the terrifying spiritual energy, like the tide of the sea, roared and filled the eight meridians. His own cultivation base, together with the seven Nascent Souls, entered the realm of Mahayana after a short while of cultivation.

A long-lost sense of pride in breakthroughs and promotions arises spontaneously in Yongmoxiuer's mind. Feeling her own strength, Yongmoxiuer is like dreaming. She is infinitely grateful to Liu Qianlang, but she doesn't know what to say, so she has no choice but to So said.

"Hehe, why do you need to thank you? You and I came from the same school because you were unwilling to fall into the devil and your obsessions were untouched. That's why you got this fate. Liu Qianlang was just lucky enough to be a virtuous person."

After a while, Liu Qianlang completed the transmission of force, retreated more than ten feet, and said with a smile.

"The owner of Guangming Island said that he doesn't plan to attack Shanu Lake tonight. I wonder if he can ask, when will he come to annex Shanu Lake?"

Yong Mo Xiu'er felt that Liu Qianlang was going to leave, and asked with a melancholy expression.

"I'm sorry Xiu'er, Liu Qianlang has to go this step, but Liu Qianlang promises that it will not harm the scenery that Xiu'er painstakingly cultivated! Frankly speaking, I only had one idea before, and that was to try my best to destroy shame and anger. Lake, kill all the demons here.

The original plan tonight was to come and assassinate your Concubine Shame and Nuhu Lake, but when I saw the beauty you cultivated, especially after listening to your words, I felt another kind of hope. Maybe there will be less slaughter, and some fellow daoists will regain their lost direction. Will Xiu'er help me? I think"

"You want me to persuade Concubine Shame and Nu Huhu, don't you?" Liu Qianlang said here, and Yongmoxiu'er interrupted.

Liu Qianlang nodded, and asked after a moment of silence: "Is it possible?"

"Impossible! But I will definitely help you! What you are doing is a great virtue. Even if it is impossible, Xiu'er will work hard. Xiu'er has gone on the wrong path and was confused. Knowing the true calling of the human demon here What, it's just that they fell into a dream. Xiu'er is not only helping you, helping them, but also helping herself. Because Xiu'er has never forgotten the earnest teachings of my parents who sent me into the Xuanling Gate: change against the sky for the sake of the common people. Life!"

Xiu'er's tone of voice was very firm, and Liu Qianlang was full of respect for Xiu'er when she heard the answer she expected.

"Come on, Xiuer! How about a taste of this wine? This wine is called Fangjiu. It is fragrant and pleasant. Drinking it will fill people with hope and strength." Liu Qianlang pushed another glass of fine wine to Xiuer suddenly, and suddenly felt very bright in his heart. .

"Hehe, it's delicious! It's like the flower honey my mother collected for me when I was a child. It's fragrant and sweet. It's been hundreds of years, my parents must be gone, but I can't forget them. Master Guangming, look at that wheat field , is my father's favorite scenery, that purple beach is my mother's favorite place, and that piece of willows is my favorite place.

There is also that snow bank, where my elder brother practiced the Huahuahuadixue sword, but he, Guangming Island Master, can he accompany Xiuer to the hillside where the willows are scattered? You remind me of the days when my brother played with me in such a place when I was a child. "

Yong Moxiu'er drank the fine wine, her face flushed a little, she was happy and pitiful, there was sadness in her smile, and she shed tears from her eyes. He said with a smile, but there were tears.


Liu Qianlang didn't refuse. Liu Qianlang understood Xiu'er's complicated mood at this moment, and simply agreed, and then the two of them flew to Yangliu Yiyi, on the green and warm hillside, the moonlight in the forest was graceful, the aura was beating, and there was something in the air. A faint scent of ground flowers and herbs.

"Actually, I have an older sister who likes Lu Wei the most. Her name is Wei'er. She has been strong since she was a child, and her cultivation is many times higher than mine. She has been protecting me all this time. Otherwise, with me She will not live to this day with her cultivation. But I am very disappointed in her. She is such a strong person but has a younger sister like me who does not seek to make progress.

So she was extremely disappointed, and gave me the name "Yong". From then on, I was not allowed to stay in the Palace of Shaunu Lake, but could only live on the surface of the lake outside the seal formation of Lake Shaunu. My thatched hut is deep in the forest, and I will go inside for a cup of rough tea in a while. "

The two were walking on the winding path under the moon, with willows brushing their shoulders, and Yong Moxiu'er was talking quietly.

"Your elder sister is the embarrassing concubine of Laohuhu, right?" Liu Qianlang heard what the other party meant.

"Yes, my elder sister is Concubine Hu Lao. In fact, my elder sister really loves me. Although she expelled me from the Palace of Shame and Anger, she has never forgotten me. With my cultivation base, I can fly around in the third world. I have never died. I know that my sister is always protecting me. It’s just that every time I come to see me, she is cold and doesn’t admit it.

I also love my sister, no matter what she becomes, I want her to live. So, I want to beg you to annex the Lake of Shame and Wrath, if my sister refuses to surrender, will you let my sister live? "

Yong Moxiuer said that the sisterhood was very painful, and the tears in her eyes never stopped.

"Okay! Liu Qianlang promises you that when it is necessary, I will forcibly disperse the poison of the ghost in her body, but there is one thing, the poison of the ghost is easy to go, but I am afraid that the evil thoughts will be hard to correct. She is different from you. Although you Cultivation into evil ways, but righteous thoughts are always attached to the heart. So it is not difficult for you to abandon demons and return to immortality, but she is different.

Therefore, Xiu'er needs to try her best to persuade your sister, if her heart returns to the shore of great good, everything will be bright again! If she abandons demons and returns to immortality, Shame and Wrath Lake will have countless human demons triumphantly regain their lives! "

Liu Qianlang couldn't bear to reject Yongmo Xiu'er, so she had to tell the truth.

Liu Qianlang and Yong Moxiuer walked all the way, gradually entering the depths of the willow forest, in sight, at the end of the path of flowers and plants is a small thatched hut, with a plaque on the door: Mengxian Xiaozhu

"Hehe, Xiu'er's hut is quiet, what does the plaque mean?" Liu Qianlang asked with a smile, not knowing exactly what the plaque meant in Xiu'er's thatched cottage.

"Oh! I made Guangming Island Master laugh. Xiu'er felt sorry for her parents, fell into the devil and lost her way, and deviated from the way of the true immortal, so she wrote this plaque as a self-deprecating joke."

Yong Moxiu'er blushed and said embarrassedly.

The two talked speculatively and talked a lot. When they were less than a few tens of feet away from Mengxian Xiaozhu, they suddenly heard a bang. cover up.

"Hmph! I said why you idiot are not in the house, so you went to meet the new head of Beixi Island. It seems that this human earth immortal monk has a bit of Taoism, and he actually restored you to your human appearance."

The woman in purple, covered in purple mist, looked at the two coldly and scolded.

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