Nine Heavens

Chapter 1267 Ganoderma Lucidum Guanghe

Chapter 1267 Ganoderma lucidum Guanghe

"Xiu'er, I'm sorry! It was my sister who was wrong and beat you!"

Concubine Lao Rao of Shameful Lake mobilized her magic power to restore the woods of Yangliu Yiyi for her younger sister Yong Moxiuer, and then carefully repaired the door of Mengxian Xiaozhu's house. The fog shoots towards the mysterious mountain of immortality.

However, when she shot tens of thousands of feet into the sky, the wishful white ganoderma in her hand broke free from her hand, and drew a pure white river of light towards the east of the Shame and Fury Lake.

"Hehe, do you want to be your sister? If you want to, then jump into the Ruyi Bailingzhi Guanghe River! This girl is at the bottom of the Ruyi Bailingzhi Guanghe River. Hehe, beauty, your sister is coming to die. This girl kills her." Are you happy after losing her?"

Ruyi Bai Ganoderma lucidum's flowing waves of light resonate with the silver bell-like laughter of the red shadow woman.

"Let go of me, sister—don't come here, she will kill you, good sister! Xiu'er doesn't blame you, I know you love me, and if you don't let me in the palace of shame and anger, you are also afraid of you Those subordinates made it difficult for me. Wait for me to take care of the scenery on the lake. I miss my father and mother so much, my sister will go first to accompany my parents, and my brother will go."

"Cang lang lang!"

With a crisp sword howl, when Yong Moxiu'er seemed to kill herself, someone stopped her. Then Concubine Liu Qianlang heard Liu Qianlang's voice: "Miss Xiu'er, you still have sisters with you in this third world, and now you have abandoned demons and returned to immortality, and your body has returned to a human body. What an enviable thing, how can you talk about life and death so lightly!"

"It turns out to be the owner of Guangming Island! Why do you stop me? If I don't die, my sister will fall into the tiger's mouth. Although Yong Moxiu'er is not doing well, I definitely don't want my sister to be in trouble. No matter what happens to her, I hope she lives well."

Yong Moxiu'er's voice was a little choked up.

On the surface of the Ruyi Bai Lingzhi Guanghe River, the embarrassing concubine Laohu heard the words, purple tears dripped from the white veil, and then resolutely threw herself into the Ruyi Bai Lingzhi Guanghe River.

Ruyi White Ganoderma Lucidum is located at the bottom of the Guanghe River.

Embarrassed concubine of the shameful lake, the purple sun and purple mist on her chest are like a waterfall, first venting to the bottom of the river, and then the purple mist rises everywhere, and soon the red shadow woman who is hundreds of meters away, and the Yongmoxiu'er who is holding her shoulder, and another A person with flying white hair and a round-swallowing cloak at an angle of hundreds of feet away was shrouded in a gorgeous purple mist.

However, everyone was silent for a long time in silence.

"Hmph! Give me back my sister, or we will die together tonight!" Shamed and angry, Hu Laofei felt that as soon as she thought about it in the next second, Ziyang would explode, and no one, including herself, could escape death. , the first to speak.

"Hehe, hehe, how can you love your sister so much, and you will die with her at every turn. Don't you think that if we wanted to kill you, it would be unnecessary to bring you here? The master of Guangming Island can kill you with a sword, and this girl will die too. But Lingshan Feihong can instantly seize souls. But none of us."

After the silence, the red shadow woman let go of her hand, and then watched Yongmo Xiu'er run a hundred feet away. She could have killed Yongmo Xiu'er with a random move, but she really didn't do that.

"Are you all in the same group, are you all from the School of Sadness and Joy?" Concubine Shame and Nuhu Lake supported Ziyang with one hand, and embraced her younger sister Yongmoxiuer who floated over with the other. In the floating Zixia, two purple-eyed rainbows Full of differences, unexpectedly the other party would let his sister go, asked.

"Yes, I am the owner of Zuo Ming Island, he is the owner of Guangming Island, and we are the side-by-side kings of the word Beiximen! Hulao is a smart person, he should know the purpose of us waiting here tonight, and the crying devil and laughing ghost." ?”

The red shadow woman held the emerald green hill of Lingshan with her hand, glanced at Liu Qianlang who was facing sideways and said.

"Hmph! Is there a difference? Aren't they all attacking Xiangnuhu?" Lao Concubine Xunuhu sneered and asked.

"Of course there is, and it's the exact opposite! Tonight, the master of Guangming Island only wanted to kill a few high-level figures in your shame and anger lake, such as you. But his ultimate goal is to eliminate the third mortal fallen devil and destroy the gate of the underworld. Tree! It's not as simple as just slaughtering all the third human monsters.

The Weeping Demon Laughing Ghost only wants to use the power of the Lawless Demons in the Hunting Realm to annex and hijack the Seven Demons, and finally go to the Nether Inner Prison, and defend the existence of the Fallen Devil's Enlightenment Principle and the Tree of the Nether Gate. In a word, if the Weeping Devil and Laughing Ghost succeeds, you Shanuhu Lake and other human demons will only be enslaved by them forever! "

The red-shadowed woman spoke in the breeze, with golden locks of hair occasionally shining in the beautiful mist above her head.

"I think the Weeping Devil is better. You aim to kill the six demons, while the Weeping Devil's purpose is to control. In this way, even if the Lake of Shame and Wrath is defeated in the end, it will not be the death of the Weeping Devil. Hands. But if you defeat him, there is only one dead end!"

After Yong Moxiu'er got it, Hu Lao Concubine, who was ashamed and angry, judged that the other party would not attack and hurt others, temporarily stopped Ziyang's cloth fog, and said after a while.

"Hehe, the previous situation was indeed the case. However, the owner of this Guangming island came here to assassinate tonight, and happened to meet the girl Yongmo Xiu'er, so that this island owner of Guangming saw another better choice for the Seven Demons. That is, if Wherever humans and demons are willing to abandon demons and return to immortality, the island master can do so without any conditions.

Whether the island owner's words are true or not, I can judge by looking at my sister. Moreover, the owner of this island has already taught the respected sister to swallow the poison of the wheel and turn it over. With her ability, anyone who wants to abandon demons and return to immortality in Shame Lake can completely set foot on the road of righteousness and cultivation.

Righteous spirit cultivation, I think this is also the creed that you, the embarrassing concubine Laohu, have been adhering to with all your heart. I hope you will seriously consider it. One thought becomes a demon, one thought becomes a fairy. After abandoning the demons and returning to immortality, stepping through the fourth mortal demon extinction yang way, you can enter the fifth mortal world to cross the catastrophe and enter the heavenly way. At that time, Nether Hell had already lost the ability to control us! "

Liu Qianlang took the words of the Hongying woman and went further.

"Haha, what a whimsical idea! Just relying on the weak and weak forces of the Beiximen, I want to fight against the six-man demon, the nine-level demon hunt in the hunting domain, and the unimaginable power of the nether inner prison! It's a dream, there is no such thing as A glimmer of hope for success! It sounds nice, but there is only one dead end!"

Embarrassed and angry, Lao Concubine Hu laughed out of vicissitudes.

"Judging from your tone, it seems that you also hope that you can be righteous and fly straight to the nine heavens?" The red shadow woman heard the true inner calling of Concubine Hulaohu.

"Hmph! So what, my brother led me and my sister into the second world, and died in the sea of ​​golden light to protect me and my sister into the third world. When we died, we were told to resist the poison of the netherworld. Fallen devil! But what is the result? We have no choice. In the third world, if you are not killed, you can kill someone.

There are no resources for cultivating immortals here. In order to survive and cultivate, we have to keep killing people and seizing the soul in exchange for ghosts of the underworld gate. Stopping towards the nether hell. And this is the only choice in the third world, let us stick to our original aspirations, how can we live up to the teachings of our respectable brother!

So we can only become cruel, bloodthirsty, and keep killing people, and even hope that we will be killed too! We have lost ourselves, facing the lake all the time, I often ask who am I! ? "

Embarrassed and angry Hulaofei lost control of her emotions, roaring and speaking in a mournful voice.

After another period of silence, the red-shadowed woman said: "Believe in yourself again, have you seen the emerald green hill in my hand? From now on, the saints of shame and anger lake will no longer have to go out of the lake to hunt and kill the primordial spirit for cultivation. When I left just now The seven people on the lake have already left spiritual references. At this moment, the seven people in the shameful and angry lake must have infinitely abundant righteous spirits and countless treasures of heaven and earth.

So, isn't it worth considering? correct. I have already done this, and I want to offend you a little bit. After a while, the Lord of Guangming Island will use the poison of swallowing the wheel to reverse the magic power to wash away the ghostly evil light outside your body, otherwise you will not be able to walk out of the Ruyi Bailingzhi River of Light, nor can you return to the Lake of Shame and Wrath up.

Please forgive me. Although it is disrespectful for me to do this, I really do it for you and Shanuhu Lake. As for the other demons you are concerned about, the Realm of Hunting, and the forces of the Nether Inner Prison. Of course we have ways to deal with it. Now Guangming Island Master is just cleaning up the ghosts and evil spirits on the surface of your body, and wants you to completely return to your former self. You need to think clearly after you go back, and you can really abandon the demons and return to the immortals. Then your sister can further help you with the poison of swallowing the wheel and flipping the magic skill. Where to go, you go back, so you can decide for yourself. Now let's take offense! Please, Guangming Island Master! "

After the Hongying girl said something, Shi Li watched Liu Qianlang off.

Liu Qianlang was very happy when he heard the words, because what the other party said was also what he wanted to say, so he nodded and said: "What the island master Zuo Ming said is right. I have offended Grandma Hu. I hope that when we meet again, we will be fellow Taoists. Not the enemy!"

Liu Qianlang returned the red shadow woman's gift, and also bowed to Lao Concubine Shame and Nuhu, and then urged the poison of swallowing the wheel to reverse the magic skill, and was about to cleanse the poison for Concubine Shame and Nu Lake.

"Hmph! Grandma Benhu remembers your kindness. I don't need to worry too much about it! Who you think Grandma Benhu is at your mercy, Xiu'er! Go back with my sister!"

Empress Dowager Concubine Hu Rao trembled and sneered, holding Ziyang in her hands, she suddenly covered Yong Moxiu'er with a layer of dazzling purple light, while she was only relying on the weak protection of Zixia smoke, leading her sister and whizzing away.

"Zi la la!"

At the same time as they were leaving, Ruyi Bai Lingzhi's powerful spiritual aura rushed towards them like a sea of ​​waves. Yong Moxiu'er was fine, protected by the dazzling purple light. Moxiuer was safe and sound.

However, Concubine Shameful Lake's Concubine Rao was miserable. The ghostly evil light outside her body was continuously impacted by the wave of positive aura of Ruyi Bai Ganoderma lucidum, making a frightening sound of corrosion. But she didn't say a word, still holding her sister and galloping.

"This? Alas! She is really stubborn!" the red shadow woman below sighed.

"The hero of the wind and cloud is not afraid of death, so what if he burns his bones and burns his body! Don't worry, a person with such a strong will, she can't die! Hehe, what you are holding is the hand of the immortal Bailing of Bulao Mountain?"

Liu Qianlang watched the embarrassing concubine Laohu and her younger sister Yongmoxiuer disappear from sight, then turned her head and said to the red shadow woman who was also looking into the distance.

"I want to know, giggle, don't tell! Oh, I should go to bed, goodbye!" The red shadow girl giggled, said mischievously, and then saluted Liu Qianlang with a blessing, and the red light disappeared in a flash.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Liu Qianlang was not angry, but was very happy. Not only because of the naughtiness of the red shadow woman, but also because of the shameful lake incident tonight, which made him feel that killing Concubine Laoluo of the shameful lake is indeed not as good as trying to influence her.

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