Nine Heavens

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285 Don't Fall Ghosts

Let a large number of human demons and heavenly troops guard the newly-arranged golden bee and fierce spirit flower seal array around the Realm of the Hunting domain, and flew towards the unknown sky in the third world.

The Crying Demon Laughing Ghost has always been obsessed with slaughtering the stubble of the Beiximen, not only for the revenge of being expelled for the bloodbath, but also for Liu Qianlang's Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen. In particular, when the Japanese and the four-faced seven-armed Yinlang Pioneer were attacked that day, the legendary demon boy and spirit boy also appeared.

They are all the primordial gods of the birth, birthday and moon. It is rumored that if they gather all the primordial spirits of the four-star boys, devour them and turn them into their own mana, they will be ridiculously proud of the three worlds, and they will be called holy in all worlds.

With such an opportunity, how could the Weeping Devil Laughing Ghost not be tempted! However, no matter how ambitious the Crying Demon Laughing Ghost is, he still knows his own strength. The commander of the Yin soldiers in the Realm of the Hunted and the Demon Nether Sect will not allow him to use it, and his plan to co-operate with the five demons has gone bankrupt again. Now the only ones who can cooperate with me are Shanai Waterfall, Jue E Cave and Bu Tan Hai.

And if the expectations are correct, the Isle of Sadness and Joy must have joined forces with Lake of Shame and Wrath, Mountain of Sorrow, and Valley of Dread. They are invincible, and they also have the dark and terrifying power of the killer of the remnant star guest, and the inexplicable red shadow woman always helps them.

But I belong to the abandoned land of the Sorrow and Joy Gate, even if I get the cooperation of Kindness and Love, Absolute Evil, and Not Greedy Sea, it is difficult for me to be the first to control the power, and their power cannot be controlled by myself at all.

In such a situation, if he wanted to get three Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen, it would be as powerful as reaching the sky. The best choice is to go to see the tree of Mingkong and Mingmen that you least want to see, Pingpin, the vanguard of the Yin soldiers in the Nether Gate of February, and ask him for help from Yin soldiers. Based on these thoughts, the Weeping Devil was galloping strangely under the dim moonlight.

"Hey! Brother Jin, don't you want to see that annoying ghost with seven arms and seven arms? How come you figured it out, aren't you afraid that he will take advantage of me?" The crying demon said provocatively while turning an evil red Li Ling flower in his hand .

"Hmph! It's all you bitch, like you've never seen a man in your life, even you like such a ghost? How despicable!" Laughing ghost said mockingly, holding the black steel awl in his hand.

"Hehe, brother Jin is handsome, but I will never see you, so what's the use of it! You and I are both trash, hehe, can't you even admire others?"

The Crying Demon turned his head vigorously to see the Laughing Ghost's face, but no matter how he turned, he would never be able to face the Laughing Demon, so he couldn't help laughing mockingly.


The Crying Demon was furious when he heard the words, swung the steel awl and stabbed behind him, but the two were in the same body, so they couldn't help but let out a miserable howl at the same time.

"Hmph! Listen to me, bitch, when I get the three Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen, I will activate the Pure Yang Divine Art, refine you bitch alive, and become a refreshing man !"

Holding back the sharp pain, the Laughing Demon shouted viciously.

"Hehe, let's dream, so what if you get three Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen? If you practice the pure yang magic art, I won't be able to practice Yin Jue Xue? Who will our body belong to? Hehe."

The Crying Demon smiled charmingly, and the Laughing Demon screamed strangely in anger. Under the emerald sky, in the dimness, a strange man with four arms was turning around strangely amidst the bright red twinkling red flowers and dots of golden light. , rowing the evil rainbow towards the northwest sky of the third world.

"Haha, is that guy, who is neither male nor female, an abandoned disciple of sorrow and joy, drinking and hating the seventeen-backed wolf, the chief weeping devil and laughing ghost?"

As soon as the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost left, three figures descended obliquely from the sky. The three figures were full of demon spirits, evil spirits circulated, and their bodies were strong. Judging from their appearance, they should be two men and one woman.

The woman is in the center, with a slender figure, standing on waterfall flowers, wearing a chaotic colorful magic dress, and her neck is not a human head, but a chaotic colorful phantom flower, the petals are blooming and trembling, and the five sense organs are all in the bud , but there are six eyes outside the calyx, one black, two white and three red. I don't know how to call it, so let's call it the six-eyed flower-headed demon.

On the left side of the woman's body, looking below her head, is a refined fairy in white robes, with a pure white sword on her feet, and white waves swaying. But when you look at the head, there is only one human and devil. To say it is a head is actually a bit too much. Because on its shoulder is a faint blue round egg. There is only one eye on the egg, its eyes are red and yellow, giving people the feeling that the egg is broken and yellow.

The one on the woman's right is better, at least he has a reasonable head, but the head of a human body, from top to bottom, has countless left and right arms, all holding a magic weapon, and no one is idle. Under his feet is a real scorpion, about ten feet long. The larvae are covered with chelicerae, making a perfect contrast with the host, and the two seem to be their own.

It was the scorpion-headed monster who said the joke just now. After repeated research, his mouth is probably in the middle of a large pile of beards. Because bean-sized eyes should not be able to speak.

"Hey! It's really him. I came to my Jue'e Cave before. I saw them and said I was looking for you two, but I didn't see you, so I asked you to talk about the alliance with the Realm of Hunting. We Here they come, they go backwards, what do you mean?"

The guy with a broken egg turned his bare egg head around and said with certainty.

"It's unlucky, isn't that why we came here in vain? The Waterfall Master intends to discuss with them to avenge the death of the third sister Yingxiao." The six-eyed flower-headed demon said regretfully.

"It may not be in vain, revenge is not in a hurry, don't you see that they are heading towards Mingkong, they must be going to change ghosts into pills, it is worse than us. Hehe"

The three human demons whispered to each other for a while, and then they also passed away in the direction where the crying devil and laughing ghost flew.

On the shore of the dark sky, three waves of figures descended one after another after several hours, but except for the first wave with a body, two faces in the front and back, and a person with four arms who clearly appeared in the body, the other two groups of figures were all sneaky, probing their brains, displaying With the invisibility fog technique.

The second group of figures are none other than the kind-hearted and smiling Waterfall Lord, the evil-doing Dongdonghuang and the lack of evil, and the non-greedy Haijun Cangyan. They are the three people who mentioned earlier, the flower head, the egg brain, and the head of the scorpion. magic. They were chattering and chattering, and fell thousands of miles away from the first group of figures in the green mist.

After the third group of figures landed, they rose into the sky after a while, lying on the clouds, revealing their strange heads, looking at the people and demons on the shore of the dark sky and the dense emerald green sea tens of thousands of miles away, each with eyes sparkling with excitement. Light. They have eight heads, three bat heads, and five round cat faces. They are ugly, but they are not annoying.

"The three souls bow down, the seven souls call the immortals, and the primordial spirit opens the way. Give me a ghost to become a pill."

The human demon on the shore of the dark sky, as soon as his body settled down, he knelt down and bowed, but his body kept bowing forward for a while, and then bowing back for a while. One side was a man, and the other side was the face of a woman with loose hair. There is a woman's face on the back of the head, which is very weird. While they were praying like this, men and women chanted in interlaced voices.

After seven or forty-nine prostrations, six strands of blue souls, fourteen strands of green souls, and a dark red primordial spirit, like a rainbow, flew out of their bodies and formed a huge rainbow bridge reaching the center of the sea tens of thousands of miles away. Under the tree of the gate of hell.

When the huge Hongqiao was formed in an instant, the demon immediately flew along the Hongqiao to the tree of the Nether Gate in the blink of an eye, and continued to bow his head and kneel.

"Oh! Seeing how capable weeping demons and laughing ghosts are, they have already knelt in front of the Pingpin Eryue Mingmen, but our Sangu bat and Wuyue cat have even opened the first-ranked January Yinmen! It's so mad that it's so mad. ah!"

In the cloud, a bat-headed demon said enviously.

"Cut! In the past, I would have been envious to death, but now it's different. Gu Zhu said, after hearing the news this time, if we can go back alive, it's our turn to enter the Poison of Swallowing Wheels to flip the positive spirit star array .Hehe, when we come out after seven hours, we will all be fair-spirited immortals, who cares about this!"

Not far away, a chubby cat's face said so, although its eyes also showed envy.

"Shut your stinking mouths, be careful not to be discovered by the crying monster, and you will lose your life in the end, and you still want to join Feifei!" Another cat face said.

Sangu Bat and the other April cats changed their expressions when they heard the words, and immediately retracted their necks, only showing two eyes looking down, while the talking cat thought it was alert, and stretched its neck abruptly.

Under the tree of the gate of the underworld, the gate of the underworld opened suddenly in February, "Huh—" a gust of cold hurricanes blew out, and the hurricane was already howling on the shore of the underworld sky. In the sea of ​​dense emerald mist, green clouds rolled in an instant, fog waves surged into the sky, hurricanes roared everywhere, and ice and snow swords flew flying.


"It turned out to be a weeping ghost, shouldn't you call the Sanyue Mingmen, what else can I do to find the ghosts who have given me the pill?" Gui Xian, asked angrily.

"I'm really sorry, the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost has something to bother the vanguard of Yin Lang with seven arms and seven arms, and I can't trouble you to give Dan Guixian Tongchuan. These are 10,000 high-grade nine-level primordial spirits, please accept them!"

Crying devil and laughing ghost, waved all four arms, and suddenly ten thousand gorgeous primordial spirit fireflies of various colors flew towards the ghost immortal of Budaocidan.

"Hehe, hehe, you are being polite, there are so many!"

The mouthless fat head suddenly cracked a crack, and a kind smile burst out, and the fat body suddenly gave birth to two hands, absorbing all the primordial spirits and retracting the body.

"Not much, not much! As long as you don't fall in love with Gidan Guixian, the crying devil and laughing ghost will hunt for you, the four-faced and seven-armed Yin Lang Pioneer Officer is he now?"

Seeing that the other party had taken away the primordial spirit, the Crying Demon and Laughing Ghost stood up, and the Crying Demon asked coquettishly as he combed his hair seductively.

But it's a pity, this Budaoci Dan Guixian loves money more than beauties. He doesn't even show his eyes on his fat head, but he is struggling to count the number of primordial spirits he has received, turning a deaf ear to the crying demon's words.

The crying devil stomped his feet angrily, but had no choice but to wait for the other party to finish counting the "money". The Laughing Ghost could not hold back his temper, and waited for a full hour. At this time, the Budao bestowing pill ghost fairy finally finished counting, and asked, "What did you ask me just now?"

"This? Hmph!"

The Crying Demon was so angry that he pulled his hair straight, and turned around abruptly. At this moment, the Laughing Ghost was satisfied, and repeated what the Crying Demon had said.

"Oh! Are you looking for the Pioneer Yinlang with four arms and seven arms?" The ghost who gave Dan Dan suddenly realized.

"Hey! That's right! If you can do me a favor, I'll give you a pill to spread the word." The Laughing Ghost said with an extremely flattering smile.

"I can't pass it on anymore. He was beaten to death by some remnant star guest from the Beiximen in your third world! You go away, if you don't see that you are usually nice to me, I will kill you immediately to relieve my anger!"

The Laughing Ghost was thinking about how to invite Yin Lang Vanguard with four arms and seven arms to lead the Yin soldiers to help him snatch the three Yuanshen Moon Yuanshen. Unexpectedly, when the other party said such a sentence, the Laughing Ghost was instantly dumbfounded, and his heart twitched. It's cool.

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