Nine Heavens

Chapter 1293 Dark Spirit Blue Feet

Chapter 1293 Dark Spirit Blue Foot


"Yeah! I'm so mad, yayah! How dare you catch me and seal me in the mysterious empty bottle." As soon as the gray spirit jade bottle was opened, it immediately shattered, and then a darker skinny figure appeared in the pitch-black space. A crooked figure. He is not tall, and if he doesn't look carefully in the dark, it will be the same as not existing, and what Feng'er said is correct.

However, the other party's two abrupt, big eyes glowing with five colors of red, blue, yellow and purple are extremely frightening. Liu Qianlang's cultivation strength and concentration at this time can be said to be strong, but he saw the eyes of the other party. There is a feeling of being drawn and confused for a moment. It's as if the other person's eyes are a bottomless cave, and I can't help but want to jump into it.

Liu Qianlang was secretly surprised, and quickly activated the seven chaotic divine powers in his body, and then he stabilized his mind, and then sat on a spirit jade blue fairy chair that he conjured up in the dark.

Liu Qianlang was not in a hurry to speak, and silently examined the other party, waiting for him to calm down.

"Boom! Boom!"

After the man with pitch-black five-color eyes roared for a while, trying to escape from the pitch-black space, a thorn star suddenly appeared on his chest.

Then, the stabbing stars and different forks kept stabbing at the four walls in the space. There was a terrifying noise, and the arcs of pure white light instantly illuminated the entire space and the person with the dark five-color eyes.

When Liu Qianlang saw the other party more clearly, the person in front of him, except for his dark body and abrupt five-color eyes, had slender arms, hands as big as claws, each claw had nine fingers, and his feet were not long but round. Liu Qianlang was secretly delighted, because the other party's appearance showed that he was definitely not a monster alienated by a monk in the world, nor was he a sinister evil spirit.

During this period of time, Liu Qianlang read the Chaos Divine Book again and again, and also figured out the source of the ghosts in Fengdu, the former underworld. In fact, they are not ghosts and witches, but many mutant types that were born when Empress Nuwa created the first batch of people. Empress Nuwa has told Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong, Baihu, Qilin and Qinghu to kill them.

Unexpectedly, before the six divine beasts started their actions, they were tricked out of their posts by some malicious primitive gods in the heavens, and missed the time for the slaughter. When they came back, the first group of mutants had disappeared. Later, Empress Nuwa heard that under the five earthly lands, a hell that was hostile to the heavens had sprouted. Only then did she know that the so-called ghosts, immortals, ghost kings, etc. were the first batch of unqualified and defective products made by herself.

But things have come to this point, even though the people in the underworld are filthy and unkind, they are hostile to the five normal people in the world, and they are hostile to the heavens, but Empress Nuwa has no choice but to let them exist. In terms of merits and demerits, the cause is still the responsibility of oneself, because all the people created by oneself have been endowed with the heart and soul of honor, disgrace and hatred.

Empress Nuwa knew that if there were no mutation accidents in her creation of human beings, these discordant people would not be born, but once they appeared, their hearts and souls would be constantly twisted, because they were ashamed and inferior, and in turn hated and resented the normal five human beings. people, and against the heavens.

Based on what he knew, Liu Qianlang judged that the pitch-black, five-colored man in front of him was by no means any human being created by Empress Nuwa. In other words, it showed that the other party was a visitor from the inexplicable domain, perhaps someone from the dark spirit.


The man with dark and five-colored eyes waved his star fork desperately, but did not open any exit in the space. After a short pause, he probably realized that he was trapped by the white-haired man sitting in the center of the space. So the next step is to attack Liu Qianlang.


However, Liu Qianlang didn't make a move at all, he just urged the wanderer Wuji's movement, and he appeared in another position in the space with a fairy chair, and a white cloud of wine appeared above his head, and he was drinking with a smile.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

The dark and five-colored man chased and assassinated Liu Qianlang frantically for more than half an hour. Liu Qianlang just avoided jokingly, drank freely, and smiled quietly. The other party was finally so tired that he was out of breath, stopped, and then hid in the space From the most favorable corner, he glared at Liu Qianlang angrily.

"Why do you want to catch that little golden monkey?" Liu Qianlang stared at the pink color of Fangjiu's peach blossom, without looking at the other party, and asked indifferently.

"Because it is the darling of Lord Aoyouluolu, it is extremely precious, so I want to take it back!" The dark five-colored man seemed to finally understand that the person in front of him was not easy to deal with, so he began to speak very cooperatively.

"Prince Aoyou Luolu, the prince you mentioned is also from the Aoyou Dynasty in the underworld. What is your name and what is your relationship with him?" Liu Qianlang immediately judged that this person must be Aoyou Luolu after hearing the name Aoyou Luolu. A member of the royal family of Nether City, this is a great opportunity, maybe this person can provide some useful information for him to get close to Emperor Aoyuluo. So asked.

"I can answer you, but you have to promise to let me out and let me catch Flash Liu, the little golden monkey you mentioned." People with dark five-colored eyes flashed strange five-colored lights, wanting to exchange for their own freedom. .

"Okay, but if you want to lie, don't blame me for locking you here forever." Liu Qianlang felt that the other party was about to tell a lot of information he needed, so he immediately agreed.

"Tell me where the exit is first?" The other party was still uneasy, scanning the space with abrupt five-color eyes.

"Hehe, there."

Liu Qianlang pointed his index finger towards a corner of the space, and a round hole that covered thin objects immediately appeared in that corner. The snow is bright outside the entrance of the cave, and the breath of the outside world can be clearly felt in the streaks of light, as if there are tree shadows shaking.

"Yes, Aoyou Luolu is the uncle of Emperor Aoyou Luo. In the Aoyou Dynasty, he has a high position and authority. My name is Lanzu, and I am the prince's servant. Because the gate of the underworld has been opened frequently in seven or seventy-nine days. According to the phenomenon, Shanliu took the opportunity to sneak out of the Aoyou world. Because the prince liked Shanliu very much, he was extremely anxious, so he ordered me to secretly come to the third world to look for it.

Just when I found Flash and was about to catch it, suddenly a Mingling tribe with black and white eyebrows holding a black ruler appeared to stop me and caught me. Then, I saw Flash being lured away by a Minling kid in blue. "

Lanzu kept approaching the exit and answered Liu Qianlang's question.

"Hehe, are you joking? I saw that the little golden monkey is a bright spirit beast. How could it become the spiritual pet of your dark spirits? It's just a spirit beast on my Island of Sadness and Joy. You're lying."

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, he deliberately did not agree.

"Hmph! You are talking nonsense, just because your barren island of sorrow and joy deserves to live in Shanliu! You really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, Shunliu is a genius, but Shanling is not a low-level Mingling like you. The world was born, and its place of birth is an infinitely powerful place, a place that you low-spirited human races can never think of or go to.

However, Prince Oyuroru had been there before, and he had fought against the righteous human race there. It was at that time that Prince Oyuroru got it there. Ming pets are extremely rare in the world of Aoyou, and only the high-ranking and powerful royal families have them, so the flash is very precious, and I must catch it back for the prince. "


When the blue foot finally got close to the exit of the space, the thorn star suddenly stabbed towards the exit, and then the blue foot drew a five-color strange light and shot towards the entrance of the cave.

However, he didn't escape, and just when he thought he would successfully shoot out of the bright hole, he crashed into the extremely hard wall, made a loud noise, and was bounced back. And that bright hole appeared in another corner of the space.

"Hehe, it seems that people in the world of dark spirits don't have the habit of trusting others. Thanks to me, I have been prepared for it. Don't go out in a hurry. If I don't allow it, the door will be useless. Can you tell me something about Emperor Oyo Luo? What's the matter? Compared with your prince Aoyou Luolu, I am more interested in Emperor Aoyouluo and Dongyuan Huowu."

Liu Qianlang drank the fragrant wine unhurriedly, watched Lanzu regain his shape, leaned back, seemed a little lazy, and said in the tone of Feng'er.

"Emperor Aoyuluo, Dongyuan Fire Witch, is that what you, a hateful and inferior Mingling race, should be called? Respected almighty Emperor Aoyouluo, and a dark witch who knows everything about the universe! Hurry up and destroy this piece of land!" Dirty and inferior Mingling time and space! Look, this inferior Mingling people are bullying your people!"

Lanzu, who failed to escape, suddenly raised his hands above his head, and his five-color eyes shot out a strange five-color evil rainbow. The five-color evil rainbow pierced through the space, and he shouted excitedly.

"Boom! Boom!"

Then his two five-color eyes unexpectedly exploded, and then his body quickly ignited five-color fire, and quickly rushed towards Liu Qianlang. He shouted in his mouth: "Thousands of Aoyou people who cannot be bullied, since they can't leave alive, let me and this hateful person of Mingling be annihilated together."


After a while, there were two screams in the space, a skinny figure covered in flames of five colors hugged a hideous human demon, and then their bodies were slowly disappearing continuously. First the hands and feet, then the body, and finally the head. Then the space became pitch black.

"He is indeed a person from the dark spirit time and space, and the adventures in the heart are true." In the corner of the dark space, Liu Qianlang was sitting in the jade chair, still drinking the fragrant wine intact, watching Lanzu and himself prepare in advance. The scene where the monsters are disappearing, nodded slightly, and said to himself.


At the moment when Lanzu's head and heart were about to disappear, Liu Qianlang first waved his sleeves to catch the evil rainbow that Lanzu had shot away, took away the immortal wine, and then suddenly slashed out the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, killing the demon's The head and heart blasted into smoke, so that the remaining head and heart of Lanzu could not continue to be annihilated. The head shone with strange colors of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple, suspended in the pitch-black space.

At the same time, Lanzu's heart was slowly rotating under its head, and Lanzu's heart turned out to be a faint blue heart-shaped flame.

Liu Qianlang stood in the dark and inspected for a while, then probed and sucked, and a small ball the size of a pigeon egg flew out from the blue-footed head and the heart of the blue fire, one was colorful, and the other was blue and wrapped in fire.

The two small balls flashed strangely in Liu Qianlang's palm for a while, and Liu Qianlang immediately put them into a small white jade bottle. Then, with a wave of Liu Qianlang's giant sleeve, the pitch-black space disappeared immediately. And Liu Qianlang was floating cross-legged in the beautiful clouds above Tiandao.

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