Nine Heavens

Chapter 1302 Three Immortals Laughing Wine

Chapter 1302 Three Immortals Laughing Wine

Seventy-nine forty-nine ghosts who bestowed pills, but the kung fu of tea cups disappeared outside the gate of the underworld that they guarded, only the ghost waterfall that leaked out from the gate of the underworld in seventy-seven forty-nine remained the same.

After Liu Qianlang and Jiu Jian left, there was a sudden commotion in the gate of the underworld in seventy-seven forty-nine, and then the gatekeeper marshals of the gates led the army of Yin soldiers to rush to the gate of the underworld, but everything became quiet, like Same thing happened.

"Wow! Marshal the double-headed yellow mandrill, only you, the February Nether Gate, have opened frequently in the past few days. What's going on here? Where's our Pill Giving Ghost Immortal?"

Thousands of miles away from the gate of the underworld in February, a guard of the gate of the underworld couldn't find the ghost who gave the pill to the gate, so he was so angry that he immediately thought of Pingpin's gate of the underworld, howling and asking.


In an instant, the other guards of the gate of the underworld also heard a voice of reprimand.

"Bah! Shut up, all of you. Your pill-giving ghosts are gone. What are you doing to my Marshal Two-headed Yellow Mandrill? I still want to ask you. Recently, there have been frequent changes in the third world. My four-faced and seven-armed ghost Lang Xianfeng lost his life because of this, but you have been staying behind closed doors, what kind of intentions did you have?

Besides, my Pill Giving Ghost Immortal is still missing, and the Gidan Ghost Immortal is nowhere to be found. Do you suspect that my two-headed mandrill marshal killed them! In my opinion, tonight is the day when the Seven-Eyed Dark Dragon of My Aoyou World wakes up and returns home.

But until now, the Qimu Minglong has not shown up. Maybe seven or forty-nine ghost immortals who gave pills discovered what happened to Qimu Minglong and went to help Qimu Minglong together, which is unknown. "

Hearing the words, Marshal Double-Headed Mandrill secretly regretted that he hadn't heeded the reminder of the Dan-giving ghost fairy not long ago, and didn't believe the words of the defective general crying and laughing at ghosts. Now seven or forty-nine ghost-giving ghosts have disappeared strangely. It is related to the Guangming Island owner of the Island of Sadness and Joy.

But the facts are so, the two-headed mandrill marshal can't take things on himself, and deliberately pretended to be furious and shouted.


The gatekeeper marshals with ferocious faces thought about it when they heard the words, the other party's words were not impossible, they immediately choked on their words, and were at a loss for words for a while.

"Pioneer of Yin Lang with six faces and nine arms, you immediately drive the hell-winged dragon and fly to the Heavenly Demon Palace in the heart of the Hunting Realm, and ask General Deficiency to see what changes have taken place in the third world in recent days. The whereabouts of the seventy-nine pill-giving ghosts and immortals."

Forty-eight gatekeepers of the Underworld Gate were speechless, Marshal Two-headed Yellow Mandrill, the gatekeeper of the Underworld Gate in February, shot out streaks of orange smoke from his terrifying two-headed four-eyed eyes.


"Whoa! Whoa!"

As soon as the two-headed mandrill marshal finished speaking, a huge orange-yellow fleshy bird flew up behind him, on which stood a blood-red monster with six faces and nine arms, wielding nine pitch-black axes , Then people and birds screamed and shot towards the sky.

"Well! Let's go back and wait for the reply from the pioneer of the six-faced and nine-armed Yin Lang. If there is no accident, we are ready to clear the way at midnight and enter the third world."


The two-headed mandrill of the Eryue Nether Gate watched the six-faced, nine-armed Yin Lang control the hell-winged dragon and fly into the sky, then suddenly jumped into the Er Yue Nether Gate, and then closed the gate with a loud bang.

The other forty-eight guardians of the Underworld Gate were stunned for a while, then became irritable and screamed, and had no choice but to wander back into the gate temporarily, intending to discuss with each other in the Aoyou World.

"Hehe, this kid really didn't disappoint me!"

In the emerald clouds of the sky for hundreds of thousands of miles, there has always been a fairy wearing a white fairy robe. This person looked to be about fifty or sixty years old, with white hair and a childlike face, with an amiable expression.

His arms were tilted to brush the dust, and he saw everything that happened in the sky below. When he saw seven, seven, forty-nine gates of the underworld suddenly closed, he chuckled, and disappeared into the gaps in the clouds with a flick of dust.

The outskirts of the Sorrows and Joys Islands.

After Liu Qianlang and Nine Swords controlled the seven-eyed dragon to fly here, Liu Qianlang was still drinking with one hand, and a blue light palm suddenly extended from the other hand.

The Youlan Light Palm continued to extend and grow bigger, and probed towards the altitude of hundreds of thousands of miles. When the Youlan Light Palm appeared on the bright moon, it circled around the bright moon.

The seven or forty-nine primordial gods and ghost pills, soul bubbles and golden hearts that flew up to the sky before were all caught in the giant blue palm, and the next second, the giant blue palm Withdraw Liu Qianlang's original palm.

"Hehe, thank you Nine Swords tonight. It seems that you already have a reference for refining high-level ghosts, so you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Liu Qianlang stepped on a branch of the seven-eyed underworld dragon horn, raised his head and drank the immortal wine, admiring the ghost spirit pill, the soul bubble and the golden light heart in his palm that were reduced in size by using the magical skill of shrinking the pulse, laughed.

"It's not just tonight. In the future, my Nine Swords will sprout from a free spirit body. Naturally, I will control the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword to share your worries! Master, when my Nine Heavens Fate Sword is showing its power, you can use more domineering powers at the same time in the face of powerful enemies. Amazing! But there is one thing, hehe"

Nine swords stood on another branch of the seven-eyed underworld dragon's horn dozens of feet away from Liu Qianlang, holding the wine jar upside down, with red eyes and a treacherous smile.

"Haha, it's rare that you are also a wine lunatic. We share similar tastes. Don't worry, the master has nothing else. You can never finish drinking Jiuyan Jiuquan immortal wine."

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly, how could he not know the meaning of Jiu Jian's words, and laughed immediately. At the same time, seeing the seven-eyed dark dragon galloping under his feet, and soon approaching the sky over the Beixi Islands, his soul moved, intending to take the seven-eyed dark dragon into the second soul gate in his mind.

"What kind of wine lunatic, this addressing you and me, isn't it an insult to the delicious wine. We should be called Jiuxian Drunken Sword Yaozhu. I am Drunken Sword, and you are Yaozhu, haha."

Jiu Jian smiled and waved his hands, his face was full of wine and flowers, his hair frowned, and he replied.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Under the bright moon, seeing Nine Swords' handsome appearance, Liu Qianlang felt very happy. Suspending the soul thoughts, but first received seventy-seven forty-nine spirits, souls and golden hearts who gave pills to ghosts and immortals, and then tossed the cup to change the altar, and also learned the same crazy wine and music as nine swords. And since then, I have never used a wine glass to drink, the wine never leaves the body, and the altar never leaves the body.

For a while, the two were very unhappy.

"Haha, who is talking and joking outside my Beixi Islands, envious of me, Song Zhenye!"

Just when Liu Qianlang and Jiu Jian were so happy that there was no one else, a hundred thousand huge chaotic elephants suddenly appeared in the sky above the Sorrows and Joys. The cloud rolled up for a while, and a blood-red unicorn hundreds of feet long rose up from the center of it.

On the blood unicorn, stands a tall and stalwart James who is wearing a seven-color magic gossip divination gown. This person is holding a pitch-black black ruler with a rainbow in one hand, and an emerald green bamboo tube that is more than a foot high in the other hand, and colorful spiritual mist is bubbling out of the bamboo tube. At the same time, the strange flying around the body is entangled with a small frisbee that is indistinct.

While flying towards Liu Qianlang and Jiu Jian, he laughed loudly.


The Seven-Eyed Dark Dragon saw a blood-red flying wave of blood unicorn flying from below, moaning and screaming, with a domineering and terrifying look, he couldn't help baring his teeth and claws, roaring and showing off.

"Haha, the fourth brother is really in a good mood. We happened to have a drink on the way back to the island. But the glass of wine is shallow, and it's refreshing to move the altar to pour it!"

Liu Qianlang saw that the brothers in distress had come to pick him up, and immediately waved his sleeves and slapped Xinjiu, and said with a smile.


Song Zhen was not polite, he caught the wine jar, his figure was still rising, he threw his head up and down, drank for a long time, his body was full and refreshed, he praised him, and then said with a smile: "Third brother's way of drinking is finally good. By the way, fourth brother's temper, drinking in a small cup like before, is really anxious to death!"

"Oh! Haha, master, did you hear that, in terms of heroic arrogance, Tianzun is the first, and in terms of elegance and elegance, Hunzun is unrivaled! Come! Tianzun, I will respect you with nine swords."

Nine swords are naturally no strangers to Song Zhen, they hit it off right away, raised their altars to laugh, and raised their heads to drink.


Hearing this, Song Zhen twisted his black and white eyebrows, and looked at the astrological ruler floating in front of his eyes. On the astrological ruler, there was a circle of seven-color rainbow auspicious light shining around the pitch-black ruler, and he couldn't help laughing instantly.

"Hehe, fourth brother, this is."

When Liu Qianlang saw Song Zhenfei flying to the sky, at a height of only tens of thousands of feet parallel to his own, he thought that Song Zhen had never seen Nine Swords before, so he wanted to introduce it. But immediately found it unnecessary.

Seeing Song Zhen paused, he was immediately overjoyed, interrupted Liu Qianlang, and said with a smile: "Haha. The third brother needs no introduction, this must be the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Sword Spirit, right! When the third brother left today, I immediately made a divination for you to take down the seven-eyed dragon.

At that time, I guessed that the third brother was going to have another great event, and as expected, the body of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and Sword Spirit came to the world, and helped the third brother have a smooth trip and return with triumph. Haha. Come on! Nine swords, third brother! Let's have a drink! "

"Hmph! You adults are so good and bad, you secretly drink big wine behind your back, but tell the child, children are not allowed to drink!"

When Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen and Jiu Jian were drinking so much that the world was drifting, Liu Qianlang suddenly dropped a chubby, cute and cute white big-headed eagle on his shoulder, with a curved beak, staring at the black eyes one by one and said. A shrunken little golden monkey was squatting on its back. The little golden monkey was lying comfortably in the feathers, showing its upper body, pouring the elixir, and eating happily.

"Oh! It's Feng'er, when did you come out? It's too dangerous!" Liu Qianlang glanced sideways, and from the tone of his voice, he immediately knew it was Feng'er, and said with a smile.

"You still call me Feng'er, didn't you see that I am Cang Falcon now, I am now called Bakong! I want to dominate the wind and cloud, and you are not allowed to call me Xiaofeng in the future, you know? And punish you to give me alcohol, otherwise you will be cheating children !"

The self-named Ba Kong, with a flash of white light, transformed into a little girl in white brocade with a black eagle crown on her head, and landed beside Liu Qianlang.


Then the little golden monkey appeared at her feet, squeaking unhappily.

"Hehe, it turned out to be Little Fairy Bakong. Mmmm! The name doesn't sound like a small thing in the future. How can you not want mere fairy wine. Bakong takes the wine."

Seeing that it was Feng'er from before, Jiujian fell in love with him immediately. With a swipe of his second finger in front of his eyes, a small bright red spirit jade wine jar the size of a wine glass was condensed, and it was filled with joy from the wine cloud above his head. The wine suddenly bounced towards Ba Kong.

"Hehe. It's delicious. Thank you Uncle Jiujian."

Bakong turned his head and flashed his eyes, and made a grimace at Liu Qianlang, clutching the small wine jar in one hand, and holding the little golden monkey Shunliu in the other hand, stepping on the colorful silk, and quickly flew towards the center of the barrier of Beixi Island went.

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