Nine Heavens

Chapter 1307 Sleeping Old Man

Chapter 1307 Sleeping Old Man

When Liu Qianlang flew to Song Zhen's side, the two looked at each other and nodded, tacit understanding, did not speak, but both saw off the huge Niangshan thousands of miles below, silently looking down at the scene of the little golden monkey nestled in the arms of its mother .

"Uncle Liu, Uncle Song, you go back first, we want to accompany Xiao Jin for a while!"

After such an experience, the little girl Bakong seemed to be more sensible, turned her head, greeted Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen quietly, and then led a flock of birds to fly to Niangshan.

"Third Brother, will there be any gains from going to the Realm of Random Hunting?" Song Zhen was silent for a while, and asked Liu Qianlang.

"There is nothing to gain there, but the gain just now is not small. We not only know that the little golden monkey is not an ape, but is sealed. We also know that he comes from another Mingling time and space far away from us, where they stay It’s called the City of Star Rivers. Knowing this may be beneficial for us to deal with the mysterious world.”

Liu Qianlang's face was calm, very calm.

"Hmm! Indeed, the third brother went to Shame and Wrath Lake, Sorrowful Mountain and Frightened Valley by the way? Brother Yuanfang, are the Eight Guardians and Sister Feng all right? How is the situation of the three now?"

Song Zhen nodded, paused for a moment and asked.

"Hehe, the fourth brother probably arrived a long time ago, so why did I ask, of course they went, they are very good. But according to what they said, now Shanai Waterfall, Jue E Cave and Not Greedy Sea have all the demonic forces, and all of them are gone. The demon capital has entered the realm of wild hunting, and even the scattered demons in the entire third world have been subdued by them.

The current forces in the Realm of Random Hunting are too terrifying, so I didn't sneak into the Realm of Random Hunting. What we have to do now is probably to prepare with all our strength to deal with their sneak attacks at any time. So I plan to put aside the matter of refining the soul of the dark soul for the time being, and finish the matter of refining the soul of the ghost fairy as soon as possible. In this way, it is enough for Jiuying to protect the cauldron, and I can clear my background and work with everyone to deal with the attack of the Twelve Realm Demons in the Realm of Random Hunting. "

Liu Qianlang smiled and said.

"That's right, the fourth brother did think that the third brother would go to the land of the three. He also knew that the leader of the Heavenly Wolf Cult of the distant brother, the head of the Fengmei Lingyao Heaven and Earth Hall, and the eight guardians would be in charge. All three of them will be safe. But the fourth brother Just like the third brother, I didn’t know about the changes you mentioned in the Realm of the Hunting just now. That’s why I asked to be sure.”

Song Zhen also smiled, and his guess was confirmed from Liu Qianlang's words.

"Hehe, why did the fourth brother stay with Bakong and those heavenly birds? Could it be because of Xiaojin's encounter with his mother?"

Liu Qianlang leaned over and saw the birds all over the sky quietly landed on Niangshan, and he and the little girl Ba Kong surrounded the little golden monkey and silently accompanied him. Under the blue sky and white clouds, under the setting sun, it is peaceful and warm. Liu Qianlang asked with a hint of feeling in his heart.

"Alas! Third brother, I'm ashamed to say that I, Song Zhen, can deduce good fortune, good fortune and good fortune, but only these tender things can never be deduced. I didn't count it, I just Worried about Bakong, he came to me angrily in the morning to find you, saying that you stole his Ruyibudanhua wine jar.

I tried to say that it wasn't you, but she didn't believe me, so I had no choice but to go to the divination for her wine jar, but it turned out that it was Xiao Jin who snatched the wine while she was asleep and went to have a good time. So she came to look for Xiao Jin. Because I haven't returned for a long time, I came to catch up.

Oh, by the way, how did the third brother come back by such a coincidence when Xiaojin's mother was completely dead, could it be that he had sensed it before? "

Song Zhen shook his head and said regretfully, and asked Song Zhen in turn.

"Perhaps this is fate. The last time I went to the Lake of Shame and Wrath, after I saw Grandma Xiu'er and Shi Feng, I talked about how cute and naughty Ba Kong is. They immediately liked it. They insisted that I come back earlier and use Tiandao Lake to teleport the array." Send Ba Kong and Little Golden Monkey to play with them. I twisted them, and then quickly escaped, which happened to help Xiao Jin."

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen talked for a while, then turned around and flew towards Tiandao, the Island of Sadness and Joy.

Behind them, Niangshan leaned over to look at the bosom. The sea of ​​Nianghai was blue, and the waves shone with golden light. The extremely long and narrow coast was full of golden sand, and the setting sun was shining, making it even more warm and peaceful.

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen who left never thought that they left this mountain and sea by chance, and it would become the most respected and visited place by the common people in the third world.

Niangshan is revered as Niangzu, and Nianghai is revered as the sea of ​​milk. Niangzu's milk sea is the place that every person in the third world most yearns for and cares for. No one disrespects, no one does not admire.

Moreover, whenever a new life is born in a certain family, a holy woman will hold the child a hundred days later, climb up to Niangshan's arms barefoot, put the child in the arms of the giant ape for a moment, and then hold it down and drink it. A drop of milky sea water. It is said that in this way, the baby will always be engraved with the greatness of maternal love, loyalty, filial piety and righteousness after he grows up.

Later, on the opposite side of Niangshan Mountain, on the shore of the Milk Sea, a Niangzu altar was specially built for people in the third world to worship Niangzu, and later. People in the third world felt sorry for Nianzu who was exposed to the wind and sun, so they built a huge Nianzu temple as high as ten thousand ren, and covered Nianzu comfortably in the temple. To protect Niangzu forever and comprehensively.

Later, in order to worship Nianzu conveniently at any time, there was a trend of building Nianzu temples everywhere in the third world. However, in a few years, Nianzu branch temples are everywhere, and incense is flourishing everywhere. What's more, Niangzu's Dharma image is placed on the honored position in the family, and she must worship day and night.

Under such folk customs, the fairyland of the third world is elegant, the human relations are respectful and gentle, the world is peaceful, the common people live and work in peace and contentment, the city has no gates, the country is not fortified, and there are signs of prosperity everywhere.

But all of this is a matter of future generations, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen don't know it at the moment.

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen appeared in Tiandao Palace of Sorrows and Joys in about the time it took them to fly a stick of incense, and Liu Qianlang habitually settled down towards the throne of the Lord of Guangming Island at the height of the altar. But Song Zhen didn't leave the blood unicorn, and planned to bid farewell to Liu Qianlang and go to the training hall.

Unexpectedly, the two of them flew into the hall, and at the same time they saw an old human monk wearing a white Taoist robe sitting on the seat of the master of Guangming Island. Judging from his appearance, he was sixty years old, with a white hair and a childlike face, and his body was full of righteous spirit. , It is a terrifying appearance.

Seeing Liu Qianlang and Song Zhenfei entering the hall, the old man just glanced at it, and then continued to lie on the throne of the Lord of Guangming Island as if no one else was there, with puffed cheeks, holding a bunch of grapes with both hands, and kept throwing them into his mouth. He didn't lose the opportunity to tsk-tsk a few words of praise.

When Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen saw each other, they were an old man who ate voraciously. Even if they dropped a grape, they would find it on the ground, pick it up and throw it in their mouths. Although they didn't know each other, they couldn't help being happy.

"Hehe, this junior has seen senior! I didn't know that senior came to visit, so I feel ashamed, ashamed!" Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, one on the ghost boat, and the other standing on the blood unicorn, saluted almost at the same time.

"Huh? This is your home. Why are you so poor? There are broken islands everywhere, and there is not even a decent house. I searched for a long time, and I found such a bunch of sour things. But, hehe, it's quite delicious of.

Why should you go? I didn't come here to visit you on purpose. I just flew in the sky, fell asleep, and then fell onto your wretched island. So, you don't have to greet me, I've had enough, and I'm leaving by myself. "

Hearing Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen talking, the old man looked up at the two of them again, but what he said with a wave of his hand made the two of them feel as if they had gone to the wrong door.

"This, haha." Song Zhen couldn't help laughing, and said: "Meeting is fate. Since seniors can't go east or west, but they fell on our island of sorrow and joy, it shows that our fate is not shallow. Dare to ask seniors , where is the fairyland, and what is the Taoist name?"

Humans and demons are rampant everywhere in the third world, and just now I heard from my third brother that the demons of the twelve realms in the Realm of the Hunted are slaughtering and taking down scattered humans and demons everywhere. At this moment, there is not even a free-flowing human demon in the third world, let alone a lonely human monk.

Therefore, Song Zhen was full of doubts about the old man's identity and what he said. Although he asked with a smile, he was full of vigilance.

"Well, I came from the First Realm ten years ago. My name is Tian Jie Zhenren. Now I live in a mysterious realm opened by me in the Third Realm. It is much better than yours here. You mean meeting is fate Well, but you must not be predestined with me, no matter how much delicious food I have there, I am reluctant to give it to you!

ha! I'm sleepy again, stop talking to me, I'm going to bed! Remember, don't talk to me when I'm asleep, or if you tell me, I won't talk to anyone! "


This real Tian Jie felt that he came quickly, and before he could speak quickly, he let out a gasp, fell back and fell asleep, a white whisk was floating, the whisk stick was horizontally used as a pillow, and the whisk covered his face as a quilt, four Standing upright, the posture is ugly and uncomfortable, but he fell asleep, and it was very sweet.

"Third brother, it seems that this senior has to be taken care of by you. Hehe, I'm going to practice the space-taking technique!" Fly away.

Liu Qianlang nodded with a smile, and watched Song Zhen leave. There was no dissatisfaction on his face, but an indescribable excitement.

As for the word "Tian Jie" in "Tian Jie Zhenren", it is combined into the word "jie", "Jie Zhenren." Song Zhen didn't know who Jie Zhenren was, but how could Liu Qianlang not know that the old man in front of him was ten years away from him. A few years ago, he said that he wanted to communicate with a real person in the mentor world of a strange dimension.

Liu Qianlang collected the ghost boat, flew to the old man, knelt down softly, carefully looked at the old man's long-shouldered white hair and kind face, and watched quietly for a while, Liu Qianlang's heart skipped a beat.

"Master, I'm Qianlang. I've been looking forward to this day for more than ten years. I didn't expect to see you today. If I didn't meet my little sister Wei'er a few years ago, I thought you were an old man."

Liu Qianlang said with a laugh, originally it was just talking to himself, but the old man interjected: "I thought I was killed by that fellow Thunderbolt Xuanmo, he had a good idea. Why are you talking to me, I just said I don't like talking when I'm asleep."

"Hehe, you still say you don't care about people, but don't you care about me?" Liu Qianlang asked with a smile.

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