Nine Heavens

Chapter 1327 Soul Old Woman

It's fun to show off to the poses, and the colorful red clouds float on the waterfall. Occasionally, I may practice rheumatism and moonlight, and bring the fragrance of waterfalls to my soul.

After a while, Xiyang is silent and shy, and Dongyue is dim and dim. Shanshan blue light mist, caressing the beautiful face of the waterfall at night. The eight women thought that the setting sun waterfall was wonderful. Unexpectedly, the bright moon is like the sky, and the world of Shan'ai Waterfall becomes more dazzling and beautiful.

On the countless waterfalls, in the flowing moonlight, countless delicate flowers and plants suddenly bloomed, and the blossoming flowers shone with spiritual rings and colorful lights. The different grasses are fragrant and shimmering, beautiful and mysterious, as beautiful as a dream.

The flowers bloom not only outside the waterfall, but the spiritual grass is also in the waterfall. Looking from a distance, the world of Shan'ai Waterfall under the moonlight is like the Lantern Festival night with brilliant night lights, as beautiful as it can be.

"Heck! Sister Feng, look, there are a lot of people in those waterfalls. It's like the busy market in the first world we saw when we were young. What are they doing walking around?"

Xiao Wei, one of the seven mother-killers of Shame and Wrath Lake, stepped on a reed with green stems and white reed flowers, and looked carefully, and said in amazement that there were figures in all the waterfalls.

"Sisters, it seems that we are here, let's go, let's go into those waterfalls and have a look, whatever, let's have a good time first."

Cheng Shifeng stared happily for a long time, feeling the mellow aura of those waterfalls, without the slightest smell of ghosts, he said with confidence, and then he was about to fly away on the white-faced tiger king.

"Hehe, sister Feng, wait a minute, you just go like this, the white-faced tiger king hasn't scared everyone away. Why don't we all collect the imperial treasures before we go."

As Xiaowei said, the reed with emerald green and white flowers under her feet turned into a emerald and crystal hairpin, which was inserted into her hair. Others did similarly.

"Well, sister Xiaowei is right, hehe!" Cheng Shifeng thought, and the white-faced tiger king was turned into a cute little cat with tiger patterns, and Cheng Shifeng hugged it in his arms.

"Woo, breathe out."

The white-faced tiger king immediately beamed with joy, let out a burst of joy, lay in Cheng Shifeng's arms, and fell asleep in a daze.

"Fengmei, let's not be careful. This is the Demon Realm. If Yingxiao catches us, it will be miserable for us to become her."

Ozawa, one of the seven mother-killers in Shame Lake, has a suspicious personality, and said with some concern.

"Well, sister Ozawa's family is right. Let's all be careful. Even if something happens to Wanli, it's okay for us to escape."

Cheng Shifeng's blue hair slightly tilted, and Youlan's psychic eyes flashed with a smile and said.

"Hehe, it's all right. My sister Ozawa, you're the only one who is timid. I used to say that our sisters sneaked out of the Lake of Shame and Fury to play here for a while, but you always said that it would be miserable if Grandma Hu knew about it. It turned out to be such a good place, we actually came here for the first time.”

Xiao Ya'er, the youngest sister among the seven mothers-in-law of the Shame Lake, was wearing a light green gauze dress, holding a golden wheat ear in her hand and looking at Ozawa with a smile.

"It's just you for fun, hee hee. Actually, I want to go too." Ozawa smiled.

"Heck, what are you waiting for! Heck"

With Cheng Shifeng in front, everyone joined hands and flew towards the sea of ​​waterfalls under the moon.

It stands to reason that the seven murderers of Shame Nu Lake are all former lake demons who abandoned demons and returned to immortality, and their age can be said to be hundreds of millions of years old. Compared with Cheng Shifeng, a girl in her twenties, she is simply a god. However, there is no time for cultivating the Tao. Once humans and demons abandoned demons and returned to immortals, they were reincarnated.

And judging from their appearance, the seven mother-killers looked like young girls. Although Suihao, Cheng Shifeng also likes to be called her elder sister, and the seven mother-in-laws also like the young and not the old, and they are happy to do so. Therefore, the sisters are confused about the titles, and everyone is happy.

"The bright moon flies, the meteor flashes, and the fairy is floating in the sky and night in the cave of love. The endless years flow, and the haze and smoke disperse, who can stay! There used to be a great man, but now, the thoughts live through the spring and autumn.

The bright moon is flying, the red sun is falling, and people are unwilling to wander around at night. How much time has passed, and the demons come and go, what can they do? There used to be a lot of people, but now, the phantom is accompanied by the moonlight."

The eight sisters were flying happily and praising each other for their beauty, when they suddenly heard a flash on the edge of the Shanai Waterfall in front of them, and an old woman with a vague figure floated out, waving a stick from left to right Green bamboos that are more than ten feet long, and white clouds make a boat, and move forward across the sky. The mouth is mournful and mournful, singing a sad song.

All the sisters stopped laughing for a moment, all frowning, looking at the old woman curiously.

"Oh! Children, where did you come from? It seems that you are all righteous and good people. You are running around in this third world, and you are not afraid of being killed by demons."

Although the old woman's lyrics were mournful, she had a kind face. When she saw Cheng Shifeng and the others, she stopped the boat to examine for a moment. She seemed to be shocked by the beauty of the eight girls. She nodded and kindly reminded her.

"Thank you for reminding me, now that the human monsters in the third human hunting realm have just been defeated by the four alliances of Beiximen, Sorrow Mountain, Shame and Fury Lake, and Dread Valley, so they can finally be safe for a while.

That's why we dared to show up so freely. To tell the truth to our ancestors, we came from Beixi Island and Huannu Lake. We wanted to see the amazing beauty of Shan'ai Waterfall, so that we could fully cherish our love in the past. "

Cheng Shifeng's mouth was as sweet as honey, and he led all the sisters to salute and said.

"Oh! The four alliances are really not easy. They really defeated the Heavenly Demon Formation of the Demon King of the Heavenly Demon Palace in the Heart of the Hunting Realm?" The old woman nodded in admiration with a flash of excitement when she heard the words.

"Sister Feng, this old man and Shan'ai Pu are so strange. Didn't all the demons in Shan'ai Pu go to the Realm of Hunting? How could there be so many figures inexplicably, and her?"

The more Ozawa thinks about it, the more something is wrong, and he will tell you Cheng Shifeng via voice transmission.

Cheng Shifeng glanced around at the mysterious dark world around Shan'ai Waterfall, and couldn't help becoming cautious. It was also a sound transmission from the heart, and said: "Thank you, sister Xiaoze, for reminding me that this ancestor is indeed weird. At first glance, he is not a demon, without a heart of golden light. But he is not a human race. It is just a phantom of the soul."

This point, because Cheng Shifeng has psychic eyes like his elder brother Liu Qianlang, it is easy to see through. However, there are no seven mother-killers in Shame and Wrath Lake, so it is impossible to gain insight into the essence of this old woman.

"Heck, the ancestor also knows about the four alliances and the Twelve Realm Alliance of the Hunting Realm?" Cheng Shifeng communicated with his sisters, asking the old woman with a smile on his lips.

"Hehe, of course I know. The old woman is an old man in the third world."

The old woman smiled lovingly, with soft eyes shining in her eyes, she paused for a while and said: "Aren't you going to come to Shan'ai Cave to play? You counted it right tonight, tonight is all the spirits of Shan'ai Waterfall The Grass Worshiping Fairy Festival, worshiping the Xiangling Fairy. It is very lively.

When the old woman watched the girls in the waterfall for a long time, she fell in love with her three granddaughters just like her own flowers. If you enter the Shanai Waterfall, you need the boat of the Waterfall Spirit to enter freely. But of course you didn't, so the old woman came to pick you up by boat. It's just for fun, and I hope the girls don't blame me. "

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