Nine Heavens

Chapter 1359 Wisdom Breaks the Barrier

Chapter 1359 Wisdom Breaks the Barrier

Cheng Shifeng listened to Gao Personal Demon's words, fell into deep thought, seemed to have forgotten the existence of the other party, and the white-faced tiger king under his feet moved in sync with the slow movement of the other party's ghost cloud.

"How is your Nine Realm Heavenly Demon Formation doing?"

After a long time, Cheng Shifeng asked again.

Cheng Shifeng's eyes jumped over the tall personal demon, looking at the hurricane roaring in the hunting field with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the wind and sand filled the air, and the clouds of mist and smoke of various colors were flying everywhere.

"The sixth to ninth realms have been cultivated, and you will be done in about three months! If you want to destroy the realm of hunting, you'd better do it as soon as possible. The current defective general, Crying Devil Laughing Ghost, not only knows how to cast magic , is still secretly practicing Chunyang Divine Art. Once the cultivation is successful, the strength will be even more terrifying, and I am afraid that then you will be difficult to deal with!"

At this moment, what Gao Personal Demon said was aimed at the four alliance forces. For a moment, Cheng Shifeng regarded the other party as his own.

It wasn't until he saw the strange look in the other party's eyes and realized that he had deviated from his original position by more than ten thousand feet, that he woke up.

Then with a smile in his heart, he saw the other two heads appear indistinctly in the misty sand on the edge of the enchantment of the Hunting Domain more than ten thousand zhang away.

The Zhonglan Xing Huanmo Sword in Cheng Shifeng's hand quietly shot out a trace of sword spirit power that could not be seen by the naked eye.

This strand of sword spirit divine power first shot towards the sky, and then from behind, silently got into the body of the tall personal demon.

"Hehe, thank you for your reminder. Let me ask you one last question. How many layers of barriers are there on the periphery of the Hunting Field? What are they?"

When Cheng Shifeng saw it, he pretended not to know that the other party was approaching the edge of the barrier at an ever-increasing speed, and also secretly cooperated with the other party's movement.

Gao Personal Demon was overjoyed, thinking that the other party was confused by him, lost his sense of direction, and followed his actions at will. So he deliberately made a thoughtful appearance, and at the same time accelerated the speed of regressing.

Then, he burst out laughing suddenly, turned around, and shot into the opposite Misha like an electric shot.

"Ha ha."

"Don't be smart. When you finish answering this last question, it must be the time when you are going to kill me. Fortunately, this patrol officer is not a fool. I retreated while dealing with you.

oh! I also have to thank you for giving me millions of dollars, God. I never dreamed of such a gift. Today is considered a lucky day for the patrolling officer, haha"

Enough laughing, the tall personal demon stood in the enchantment of the hunting domain, looked at Cheng Shifeng's surprised expression through layers of misty sand, and waved a pitch-black magic knife triumphantly.

He said again: "Since the inspector has returned to the barrier, and my life is under my own control, how can I answer your question!

But, if you agree to self-destroy your immortal skills, and then follow me and become my lady devil, I can think about it! hey-hey! "

"That's it! That's it! Haha."

The tall human demon had a wretched face, and the two cowardly human demons on his left and right also cooperated and burst out laughing.


"What a ridiculous idiot, dare to think about anything, do you think you will survive if you escape back to Xintian Demon Palace? The two demons next to you go back and tell your defective general, crying and laughing, and the defective general is crying and laughing Will the ghost keep you alive?"

Cheng Shifeng stepped on the white-faced tiger king outside the enchantment of the hunting domain, at a position of more than ten thousand feet, with a blue waterfall and a flowing rainbow, a blue crescent moon on his forehead, and a calm face. Happy.

He seemed very happy and said with a smile.

"Poof! Poof!"

"Haha, how could it be? This inspector has always done everything seamlessly. The living can sue, but the dead will be fine!"

Seeing that the other party didn't care about his escape, the tall personal demon couldn't help muttering in his heart, and then raised his head and laughed.

When the laughter stopped abruptly, a jet of black swords flashed on the left and right, and they had already swung the swords to kill the demons leaning over on the left and right sides.

Cheng Shifeng was ten thousand feet away from the barrier, and heard two sounds of the demon sword cutting the demon very clearly.

"It doesn't matter if you kill them, you look back, the Demon King of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the Crying Devil Laughing Ghost, doesn't seem to trust you very much, isn't he just sitting outside the Demon Palace and looking around.

With his strength, it is not difficult to see what you did just now. Just don't know if I happened to see it. If you saw it, would you dare to go back? "

Cheng Shifeng saw the tall man killing the demon around him, and secretly said, he couldn't see that this guy was really a ruthless character.

Take it easy and say the above words.

In fact, when I looked outside into the enchantment of the Realm of Hunting, there was only chaotic sand and ghost clouds and evil mists floating around, which even the psychic eyes couldn't see clearly. The reason for saying this is just to scare the other party.

However, the tall personal demon was guilty of being a thief, and his expression changed drastically in an instant.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at it for a while. When he turned around, his face, which was originally hideous, was distorted to an unrecognizable level.

Then he roared and said with a cold smile: "Haha, do you think this patrol officer will go back to serve that ghost?

With the millions of gods you gave me, I escaped along the barrier to the other end of the hunting domain, and then slipped out, hehe! Maybe this place will be my world in the future.

go girl! Be careful, if I meet you again next time, my strength will not be what it is today, and I will definitely steal you to be the devil queen, hee hee! hehe."

The tall personal demon proudly called out the white jade bottle containing millions of human and demon primordial spirits, held it in his hand and looked at it, then shook his body and galloped away to other directions on the edge of the barrier.


Later, Cheng Shifeng ignored him and smiled happily. Then stepping on the white-faced tiger king, he quickly soared thousands of miles into the sky.

At the same time, Wanli Yaoyin thought in his heart, telling Cheng Yuanfang, Song Zhen, Lao Xiu'er of the Lake of Shame, Benyuan of the Sorrowful Mountain, the giant of the valley of the Frightened Valley, and the eight great protectors of Liu Qianlang who were flying here, also Flying thousands of miles into the sky.


"Boom! Boom!"

When Cheng Shifeng flew to the sky thousands of miles away, he urged the psychic to look around, making sure that everyone in him was safe. Then, looking down at the wild hunting domain with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, he pinched his hands into a mysterious formula.

Then Fangkou opened and closed for a while, and then I saw the sky above the Hunting Field, from the edge to the center, constantly exploding, bursting out with blue thunder and lightning.

The sky over the Realm of Hunting collapsed, tongues of flames leaped, and fireballs flew. The Realm of Hunting, which was originally filled with evil smoke and mist, suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames. churn.

Such a scene is the result of the collapse of the outermost barrier in the Hunting Field. The reason for such a situation was Cheng Shifeng's use of Gao's personal demon.

It was not out of kindness that Cheng Shifeng gave tens of millions of demon primordial spirits to high-level personal demons, but each primordial spirit pill was infused with a terrifying blue spirit meniscus divine power by Cheng Shifeng.

At the same time, the wisp of sword spirit divine power shot out by the Lanxing Huanmo Divine Sword is the force that pierces the high-personal demon primordial spirit, and quietly wraps around the high-personal demon primordial spirit pill.

When Cheng Shifeng had a thought, the divine power of the sword spirit was immediately summoned, and instantly pierced the high-personal demon's primordial spirit pill.

The high personal demon immediately collapsed and died. At the same time, the power of the primordial spirit exploded by the high personal demon shattered the spiritual jade bottle containing millions of primordial spirits, causing millions of primordial spirits to explode at the same time.

So Cheng Shifeng cleverly used the high-level personal demon and the millions of human demon primordial spirits to destroy the hardest barrier outside the hunting domain.

Such a result made Cheng Shifeng a little overjoyed.

Because at the beginning, she thought that the high personal demon would not enter the barrier again, and would directly flee to a place outside the hunting domain. Therefore, Cheng Shifeng had no such plan at first.

However, when Cheng Shifeng discovered that the other party was secretly approaching the barrier, he guessed that the other party must be afraid that he would kill him after asking questions.

And return to the enchantment, change the direction and escape from the realm of wild hunting, so that you can avoid yourself, and you will not be around by the defective general Weeping Demon and Laughing Ghost. This is definitely the smartest choice for the other party.

At this time, Cheng Shifeng had an idea, and upgraded his plan, which was just to use millions of primordial spirits to feign the death of a high-level personal demon, into a plan to destroy the outer barrier of the Hunting Domain.

It was precisely because of this that Cheng Shifeng pretended not to know that the high-level personal demon was constantly approaching the barrier of the hunting realm, and deliberately pretended to be obsessed with thinking, and let it lead him, and finally achieved his goal.

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