Nine Heavens

Chapter 1367 Sirius Master

Chapter 1367 Sirius Leader

"Not good! Help Tianzun immediately!"

Song Zhen broke into the Li Ling Hua'er enchantment formation above the Realm of Random Hunting, but Cheng Shifeng knew about it, and no one else knew about it.

Everything was too sudden, and Cheng Yuanfang was still cross-legged in deep thought, when he suddenly heard the sound of roaring in front of him. I thought it was the missing general in the Realm of the Hunting, who had moved.

Suddenly, his heart turned, and he jumped up with a whoosh sound, and then activated the psychic dazzling eyes to control the three-eyed wolf soaring upwards, and it was more than ten thousand miles away. Looking down for a while, he saw that Song Zhen was risking his life to fight .

Although I know in my heart that the other party is a person from the dark spirit world, and has connections with people from the dark spirit world. But at this moment, he gave up his life for the Mingling World. No matter what, the other party has never been sorry to his brother Shanmen in the past, and he is so righteous at this moment. How could I refuse to save myself!

So Wanli Yaoyin yelled, and he had already set up a bow and shot an arrow, controlled the three-eyed wolf Mancang, covered it with a layer of protective light, and immediately shot into the sky above the hunting field.

All the way, the evil arrows shot out dragons and rainbows, pierced through the flowers, and quickly flew towards Song Zhen's position.

When Cheng Shifeng heard his brother Cheng Yuanfang's call, he just woke up like a dream. The Blue Star Huanmo Excalibur in his hand burst out with a burst of blue starlight, his feet shook, and he also stepped on the white-faced tiger king and shot into the ocean of Li Linghua'er.

In another direction, Liu Qianlang's eight guardian elders, in order to break the formation, are practicing a self-protection and formation formation method called Ming Ling Tun Formation. It is a combination of the immortal sword magic skills of the four sword celestial beings, plus the Taohuaer fairy array magic power of Hua'er Taomen.

Once this array is successfully cultivated, relying on the terrifying sword spirit divine power of the four sword immortals and the peach blossom spirit divine power of the Peach Blossom Immortal Formation God, the superposition and resonance of the two divine powers will increase the power by tens of millions of times.

Based on this, breaking the formation is bound to be very feasible.

The sword spirit destroys the source and destroys the core flower spirit of Li Linghua'er's enchantment formation. The peach blossom spirit turns into a peach blossom sea, and the peach blossom spirit can annihilate Li Linghua Xiehao.

But it's a pity that Mingling Tunzhen was about to enter the critical training stage of Heling, when he suddenly heard Cheng Yuanfang's call, and immediately saw the changes in the sky above the Hunting Field. The eight guardians had no choice but to resign their efforts and join the battle of breaking the barrier with the current state of cultivation.

"Brother Yuanfang, why did you come in? Do you know who I, Song Zhen, really was in the past?"

Taotao's Li Ling Hua'er was on the tip of the wave, Song Zhen's outer mask was already full of Li Ling Hua'er, but he ignored it completely, and was still vigorously chopping down the Li Ling Hua'er that surged around him.

When he saw Cheng Yuanfang coming at a gallop, he said with pain in his five-colored eyes.

"I know, you are the dark spirit man of the mysterious world! I saw you launch the cosmic beacon!"

Cheng Yuanfang's golden arrows flew into the rainbow, and nine golden arrows were fired at once. The nine arrows frequently shot at the core of Li Linghua's continuous sprouting. After a burst of arrows shot, the momentum of Li Linghua surging in the distance gradually weakened.

Cheng Yuanfang heard Song Zhen's words and told what he saw before.

"Hehe," Song Zhen smiled wryly, "Since you saw it and knew that I was a spy in the dark spirit world, why did you come here to take risks!"

Cheng Yuanfang did not stop attacking, Chaos glanced at Song Zhen, and said: "You are not a spy, but our brother, you were before, you are now, and I believe you will be in the future.

The cosmic wolf smoke is true. When I saw it before, I really thought you were a spy, but now that I want to pass it, there must be another reason.

If it is a spy, Brother Song will not risk his life to break the formation, but we are the ones to deal with. So I, Cheng Yuanfang, don't ask about your past and future, just because I gave my life to break the battle today, I will always treat you as a brother.

I don't doubt Qianlang's vision, and I also believe in my own judgment. "

"Ha ha."

"Hearing what the leader of the Heavenly Wolf Cult said, Song Zhen can finally rest in peace. Tell third brother for me that Song Zhen has never done anything to be sorry to the three, not now, and not in the future. The future of third brother It's still hard to go, and so are you, you shouldn't waste your strength on such trivial matters, you all go back!

Believe in Song Zhen, Song Zhen will definitely break the formation of Li Linghua and Jin Xiefeng before the third brother leaves the customs. Don't help me, let me do something for the third brother in the end. "

Song Zhen laughed out of the vicissitudes of life. After more than two months of deduction and thinking, the situation became more and more dangerous, but he still hadn't found a way to break the formation of Li Linghua and Jinxiefeng, so he made a decision: risk his life to break the formation.

This is not a momentary impulse. If I risk my life to break through these two formations, Brother Yuanfang, the leader of the Sirius Sect, Fengmei, the leader of the Spirit Demon Heaven and Earth Hall, and the eight guardians, can immediately rush into the realm of chaotic hunting and slaughter all demons .

Then the situation will be reversed immediately, and then all the strength can be concentrated immediately to besiege Mingkong.

By doing this, I don't have to go back to the dark spirit world anymore, and I can escape from all possible futures.

Although evasion will make people ignore, or even look down on, but it is definitely not timid. Doing so will surely perpetuate the good image of yourself in the past. The brotherhood with the third brother, the life-and-death relationship with the two beloved wives, and the friendship with the Taoists will all come to an end because of this move. There will no longer be a world of bright spirits and dark spirits in the future, because of the pain of their own opposition.


Cheng Yuanfang saw that the light shield on Song Zhen's body was covered with Li Linghua, and the bloody whiskers of Li Linghua had already grown on it. He was furious, and immediately turned the arrow of killing evil, and the golden rainbow shot past him, and those Liling flowers made a strange and mournful sound , turned into mist of blood and water.

At the same time, Cheng Yuanfang wanted to force Song Zhen to leave the formation. Such a strong attack would inevitably result in heavy casualties. However, before Cheng Yuanfang flew in front of him, Song Zhen roared loudly: "Remember my words!"

Then the five-colored beams in the pupils instantly shot towards the two rainbows of the Chaos Elephant Promise Disk, which was whizzing tens of thousands of miles away. A vast billow of pure whiteness erupted, pushing the tide away as far as it could reach.

Haolan contained hundreds of millions of divine power, Cheng Yuanfang was not prepared at all, and was instantly pushed out of the edge of the hunting domain millions of miles away. In other directions, Cheng Shifeng and the eight guardians are all like this.

Immediately, the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk flew over the center of the Hunting Field, releasing such a white and mighty billow that it enveloped Song Zhen and Li Linghua's barrier formation, making it impossible for Cheng Yuanfang and others to enter.

"This? Brother Yuanfang, brother Zhen."

At this moment, no matter how confused people are, they will know what Song Zhen means. Cheng Shifeng is extremely smart, how can he not see what Song Zhen is going to do? In anxiety, with tears in his blue eyes, he looks at his elder brother Cheng Yuanfang who was pushed to his side And the Eight Great Protectors.

"Don't talk about it, we will immediately fly to the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk, and work together to infuse it with spirit, so that you brother Zhen can concentrate on breaking the formation!"

Cheng Yuan's face was solemn, and after observing for a while, he found that the only and most meaningful thing he could do at this moment was to control the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk for Song Zhen.

The main purpose of Lan Hao released by Chaos Luo Xiang Wuji Disk was not to restrict himself and others from entering the Li Linghua formation, but to firmly suppress the Li Linghua'er formation from spreading around the hunting field. At the same time, the powerful chaotic Luo Xiang Wuji aura can continuously consume the poisonous gas of the evil spirit of Li Linghua.

The crowd kept nodding their heads when they heard the words, and in the next moment, they joined hands and flew away over the center of the Hunting Field, and soon appeared on the Chaos Luoxiang Wuji Disk.

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