Nine Heavens

Chapter 1370 Flying Red Beast

Chapter 1370 Flying Red Beast

At this moment, Liu Qianlang is standing steadily on the sundial of the dragon with flying red clouds, Cheng Yuanfang is on the left, stepping on the dark three-eyed wolf, and Cheng Shifeng is floating on the huge white-faced tiger king on the right.

The three of them, Liu Qianlang with flying white hair, Cheng Yuanfang's black hair flashing rainbows, and Cheng Shifeng's long blue hair like a river. They were all flying behind their heads, standing in the void where the hurricane roared, majestic and domineering.

Behind them, Liu Qianlang's eight protectors, who were also imperial spirit cavalry, guarded the left and right.

This group of people gather together, although the number is not large, but the momentum is like a giant eagle in the sky, patrolling the wind, cloud, hurricane and vortex, and the vast world is in it.

Nine swords are at another angle in the higher sky, with hundreds of thousand-foot dragons roaring under their feet, waiting for the order from the master Liu Qianlang, they will immediately rush into the nine-level heavenly demon formation in the realm of chaotic hunting, and kill them. a joy.

The dragons roar in the sky, and the nine swords are drinking, drinking Jianzuifang wine.

But under the sun.

Liu Qianlang had a calm expression on his face, and he was not in a hurry. The psychic's dazzling eyes shrouded the entire area of ​​the Hunting Field, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing the defected general Crying Devil Laughing Ghost control the evil cloud to fly over the Earth Soul Realm, he just chatted for a moment, and then raised his eyes to the center of the Hunting Realm, which is thousands of miles high in the sky.

Through layers of clouds and mist, Liu Qianlang saw a dark ancient bluestone demon palace.


Seeing this demon palace, Liu Qianlang felt a strange feeling in his heart, immediately put away the Shang wine jar in his hand, unexpectedly showed a very solemn expression, and sighed softly.

Following Liu Qianlang's line of sight, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng also saw it one after another, and even showed the same expression. However, the three of them looked at each other, nodded slightly, and said nothing at the moment.

"Ha ha."

"Oh? Why, the mountain sage Ben Yuan of the Mountain of Sorrow, the giant of the valley owner of the Frightening Valley, and the grandma Xiuer of the Shameful Lake are all dead! Now there are eight more newcomers to die!

Guangming Island Master, don’t think that you are all that great when I failed to encircle the Shame and Nu Lake in the Tianmo Palace in the heart of the hunted area that day. At that time, it was because my Heavenly Demon Formation hadn't reached a great level of cultivation, so you took advantage of it.

However, today is different, I am afraid that you will not be able to break through the first realm of the Nine Realms Heavenly Demon Formation, you have no choice but to die! "

The missing general, crying devil and laughing ghost, looked at Liu Qianlang who was tens of thousands of feet away for a while, and found that the other party was still very frivolous, and immediately a nameless evil fire burned all over his body, and laughed violently and mocked.

However, Liu Qianlang didn't pay any attention to the triumphant crying devil and laughing ghost, but pointed his middle finger and two fingers towards his side, and with a thought, his brother Song Zhen appeared lying on a comfortable recliner.

The clothes on Song Zhen's body have been restored to cleanliness, and the poisonous wound on his face has been healed. However, no one has the ability to restore the horrific spiritual power consumed.

Right now, there are only three people who can restore his heart and spiritual power, one is Liu Qianlang, the other is Cheng Yuanfang, and the third is Cheng Shifeng. But at this moment, the three of them are going to fight a big battle, so they can't do it with all their strength for the time being.

The reason why Liu Qianlang called out his brother was very simple, to let him witness the demise of the Heavenly Demon Palace in the heart of the Realm of Random Hunting.

After Liu Qianlang summoned Song Zhenjiu, he immediately held his brother's giant palm, and in an instant, 30% of his terrifying nine chaotic divine powers were injected into his body. Then Song Zhen's almost collapsed body, the eight extraordinary meridians, and the twelve serious meridians quickly recovered, and his complexion also gradually changed from dull to bright.

What Liu Qianlang did was not good for the next big battle, but the life of the first brother naturally came first. Even if he has no chance to go all out to cure his brother, he will never let him continue to suffer, so that he loses his life.

Not long after, although Song Zhen's spiritual power had not yet recovered, his divine sense quickly recovered and he opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw Third Brother and everyone surrounded him, his eyes were full of joy.

"Third brother! Yuanfang, sister Feng, all guardians!"

Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows began to twist again, greeting everyone excitedly.

"Fourth brother, just watch us kill these monsters and avenge my brother's serious injury!"

Liu Qianlang signaled Song Zhen not to speak, expressing his intention.

Hearing this, Song Zhen recalled his previous experience, immediately realized the situation in front of him, and nodded slightly.


"Take the time!"

At this moment, a blood-red mythical beast suddenly galloped thousands of miles above Liu Qianlang and the others. The divine beast roared loudly, and above it stood a gorgeous woman in a five-color witch robe.

The woman held a five-color mirror hammer in her hand and was very excited when she saw Song Zhen. She didn't care about the existence of Liu Qianlang and others. When the blood-red beast flew by, she picked up Song Zhen and shot towards the sky.

After a while, he stopped on the cloud, and crazily healed Song Zhen's injuries and helped him recover his spiritual power.

"is her!"

Cheng Shifeng recognized at a glance that it was Dongyuan Huowu Zhansha, and that the blood-red mythical beast turned out to be brother Zhen's blood unicorn, and he was about to chase after it.

"Sister Feng, stay here! She has no ill intentions towards your Brother Zhen. Leave her alone, we will immediately adjust our breath, reach the best condition, and prepare to attack the Realm of Random Hunting!"

Liu Qianlang stopped Cheng Shifeng, and then took the lead in sitting cross-legged on the Shenlong Tiandial. He didn't care about the tens of thousands of feet of defects.


This feeling of being ignored once again stimulated the defective general to cry and laugh. The Crying Devil Laughing Ghost screamed strangely, how could it make a few members of the four alliances look down on them and roared: "Cang Liao listens to the order! Heavenly Demon Great Formation, Earth Soul Human Demon Formation, attack immediately!"



The missing general let out an evil howl, and the hurricane and vortex over the Hunting Field became more raging, flying sand and rocks, and the sky was dark and dark.

After a while, the space of the Hunting Domain with a radius of tens of thousands of miles was plunged into the pitch-black flying sand.

The black sand grains are full of sharp thorns, like tiny hedgehogs all over the sky, looking cold and piercing, roaring into the sky. Fly stabbing the blue cloud, the cloud is torn apart, and cutting through the huge rock of Xuanshan Mountain is also a mountain blasting stone powder.

The missing general, Crying Demon and Laughing Ghost, stepped on the evil cloud of red and blue intersecting, and two dark Yin soldier guardians holding thorns and stars beside him, laughed ferociously in the dark wind and sand, flashed several times, and then disappeared.

Immediately, a pitch-black ferocious human demon with a height of several feet appeared in the sky of hundreds of thousands of miles in the pitch-black misty sand. After glancing at Liu Qianlang and a small group of people, there was a roar that shook the sky.

The two hammers collided, sending out a sky-shattering roar, and roared: "The earth soul sky wheel shoots the rainbow and strikes!"

Then, in the dark wind and sand in the hunting ground, a hundred thousand huge black cloud rings of pitch-black earth souls suddenly flew up, and the top of it was full of pitch-black earth soul demons flying swayingly. They also held hammers in both hands, and as the dark earth soul cloud ring of the ghost boat whizzed towards Liu Qianlang and others, they all smashed wildly.

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