Nine Heavens

Chapter 1373 Mancang Guardian

Chapter 1373 Mancang Guardian Lord

It's really deceiving, the missing general, Crying Demon and Laughing Ghost, was so angry that he roared, soared and stepped on the evil cloud, and flew towards the edge of the water soul demon formation, and began to personally control the fifth realm water soul demon formation. array of battles.

Speaking of which, the missing general, Crying Devil Laughing Ghost, is considered to be at the pinnacle of strength. When he was still in the first human world, he was the cave saint of Lihun Cave. When he came to the third human world, he practiced magic skills repeatedly. Successfully practiced the secret art of pointing magic and Yinjuan and the magic of heavenly magic.

I saw the defective general weeping and laughing at ghosts, stepping on the red and blue evil clouds all the way, erratic and erratic, the ghosts outside him were rattling, and soon appeared on the opposite side of Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Yuanfang's brother and sister thousands of miles away. The figure suddenly rose several times, and the body turned frequently.

The Laughing Ghost's face was cold, his five-colored eyes burst into flames, his hands were stabbed with different forks, and the five-colored evil rainbows of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple shot into the sky.

The crying demon had a pretty face with a smile, his eyes were filled with joy, holding a flower for his nose with one hand, and stroking his black hair with the other, he was actually looking at Cheng Yuanfang affectionately.


"cluck cluck"

Suddenly the laughing devil and the crying ghost let out a burst of laughter at the same time, one was like a fairy music Lingling, the other was like a thousand years of ice and cold bullying the wind, Yin and Yang laughed, and it spread to the ears of Cheng Shifeng and Cheng Yuanfang who were thousands of miles away. A hundred thousand evil breath of death rushed towards his face.

"Sister Feng, let's go and adjust the breath for now. After my brother breaks through this formation, we still have four major formations, and it will become more and more difficult in the future. We need to maintain our strength, and finally we can destroy Xin Tianmo Palace in one fell swoop!"

Cheng Yuanfang noticed the strangeness of the other party, especially the strange and unpredictable evil in the eyes of the crying demon, fearing that his younger sister Cheng Shifeng would be fooled and suffer, so he said through voice transmission.

Cheng Shifeng was really tired from the tens of hours of fierce battle just now, thinking about what his brother said was right, the most important thing is to get the final key.

What's more, with my brother's strength, it is absolutely no problem to break the water ring of the water soul formation. Participating by myself will make people look down on my brother, so I obediently responded, and controlled the white-faced tiger king to quickly turn back.

Just a quarter of an hour after Cheng Shifeng's figure flew away, Cheng Yuanfang really confirmed his guess, and saw countless Li Ling flowers with green stems and red buds flying from all directions like a sudden storm, all rushing towards the place where his sister was just now. s position.


After those Li Linghua'er fell to one place, they found that the target had left, and instantly gathered into a huge Liling Huaerqiu with a radius of hundreds of miles.


Thousands of miles away, crying evil eyes, looking forward to flying, I was somewhat disappointed to see that the maddened beauty was not killed by his Li Linghua'er, but it was good that the person in the magic robe didn't leave. catch him

The Crying Demon smiled inexplicably.

"Yeah, haha. Good job!"

The Laughing Ghost did not expect that the Crying Demon had already made the first move, and was very satisfied. After letting out an evil laugh, he pointed at the sky with a piercing star and a different fork, and the five-color evil rainbow shot into the sky, making a dizzy mumbling sound from his mouth, Then, the already chaotic water soul demon wheel formed a large azure water ring, and immediately returned to its original state.

Immediately, the morale of the hundreds of millions of blue-bodied monsters on it was high, shaking their huge bodies, wielding the giant hammer of the blue water soul, and following the whistling and spinning of the cloud ring of the water soul monster wheel, they jumped off the cloud ring and pressed towards Cheng Yuanfang.

It was a dark moonlit night again.


Seeing the wheel of water soul, man and devil, which is tens of thousands of miles away from the sky, the water ring is pressing down like the sea, the three-eyed wolf at Cheng Yuanfang's feet raised its head, howled at the moon, and then its dark body, suddenly It skyrocketed to more than ten thousand feet.

Dashes of bright red lightning covered his body, and then these lightnings brought a hurricane and shot at the wheel of the water soul demon that was overwhelming the water ring and the water soul demon that was flying towards Wu Ya.

At the same time, the three-eyed mad wolf Mangcang had three blood-red eyes on his face, and his eyes were vast, shooting out countless dark-red arc-shaped light blades. These arc-shaped light blades, under the bright moon, shimmered, cold and beautiful. Like a violent storm, with a sharp whistle, it slashed into the sky.

Under the countless arc-shaped light blades, the water soul demons who rushed at the first moment were killed and injured, and they were all cut into blisters and flew around.

And after the three-eyed wolf howled at the moon for a while, it also spit out dazzling purple thunderballs one after another from its bloody mouth. Part of the thunderball roared and shot towards Li Ling Huaqiu.



The Li Ling Huaqiu was shattered by the protruding thunder ball from the three-eyed wolf, and the Li Ling Hua Qiu flew all over the sky in an instant.


The three-eyed mad wolf was overjoyed, and he destroyed the opponent Li Linghua'er Xieqiu in one fell swoop. However, instead of being angry, the other party laughed, and the laughter was full of viciousness and viciousness.

Immediately, Man Cang saw that those Li Ling flowers that had not bloomed suddenly bloomed one after another, and then countless blood demons with claws and claws jumped out of it. strong.

Howling, these gorefiends sprang out Li Linghua and shot at themselves and their master.

In the blink of an eye, Cheng Yuanfang and the three-eyed wolf were swallowed up by hundreds of millions of water-spirited demons and sky-filled blood demons. The killing speed of the three-eyed mad wolf is already beyond imagination, but the number of demons on the other side is too large, it is really difficult to deal with it.

It had just been exterminated within ten thousand miles around, and immediately more monsters shot from farther away, and the three-eyed wolf roared in anger.

"Ha ha."

"Man Cangxiu is just some human demons, you can't do anything to your master! Prepare to fly to the extreme center of the water ring, the wheel of water souls and demons, and see how your master kills them!"

Cheng Yuanfang stood steadily above the three-eyed mad wolf, holding the dark blue evil arrow in his hand, and nine golden arrows on the string. When he saw his pet showing his power just now, he didn't make a move. The black magic robe outside him swelled, and he laughed.

Then the chaotic eyes on the forehead suddenly surged like a waterfall, and the eyes were rich and dark red and almost purple, rushing down majesticly. In an instant, he and his beloved pet Man Cang were protected in the sea of ​​eyes. Those water-spirited demons and blood demons within a radius of tens of thousands of miles immediately turned into bloody water.


The three-eyed mad wolf Man Cang took the opportunity to howl wildly, soared straight up, soared for a full hour, and reached the extreme commanding heights in the center of the water ring of the water-spirit-human-devil formation tens of millions of miles away.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

When Cheng Yuanfang's beloved pet was flying all over the sky, his figure suddenly turned into tens of thousands, all of them were shot with bows and arrows, but in a short time, the sky was already raining arrows, and the sky was full of rain, regardless of the whistling sound of the hurricane, only Listen to the howling of arrows.

Thousands of miles below, a hundred thousand huge water souls and demons formed a large water ring that swirled and overwhelmed, but did not swallow and destroy Cheng Yuanfang. The defected general, Crying Demon and Laughing Ghost, both the Crying Demon and the Laughing Ghost were unexpected, and their eyes were full of shock. Until now, they hadn't figured out how the other party did it.

The water soul man's magic hammer, which was tens of thousands of feet thick, smashed the magic pounce, and countless Li Linghua'er blood demon venom boiled and entangled layer by layer. In the end, the other party was allowed to escape, and it was unscathed.

However, the missing general, Crying Demon and Laughing Ghost, had no time to be frightened, hesitated, and quickly withdrew to the rear of the fourth realm's sour-colored wind-spirited demons in the gust of wind and sand.

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