Nine Heavens

Chapter 1386

Chapter 1386: Yin Jue Xue

In addition, the situation in his sight was very strange. In the edge of the underworld opposite him, how could there be a woman who was standing on a cloud of fire and covered in fire?

That woman is waving a five-color mirror hammer, and she is flying in the sea of ​​nine tripods and rainbows. Who is she? It seems that they are not in the same group as the warring parties.

It seems that her intention is to fly into the underworld, but what is puzzling is that the underworld soldiers in that area, all kinds of ghost weapons flashed together, and the underworld rainbow shot thousands of miles away, trying their best to prevent her from flying close.

And the Jiuding youth behind her was also rude to her, waving his hands frequently, his fingers shot like arrows, and they shot intensively at her retreat. This woman is in the torment of being attacked back and forth.

After observing for a while, General Defect looked back, crying and laughing, and glanced in the direction of Sky Demon Palace in the Sky Heart Heavenly Demon Palace in the Realm of Hunting Thousands of Miles away.

Above the sky, the nine colors of the nine-color magic ball became more and more intense, and began to burst into bursts of lightning, and it was about to explode.

The missing general thought about it, analyzed the pros and cons, and took out a ray of blue light from his arms. This light was given by the mysterious person. As long as he silently recited the spell he gave, he could immediately go to the ultimate end of the fifth world.

After examining it for a while, the missing general was crying and laughing at the devil, the laughing ghost didn't hesitate anymore, his mind had already started to move, and he chanted the spell given by the mysterious person.

"Yo! Brother Jin is not planning to enter the Nether Gate! That mysterious person just promised that he would not treat you and me badly, and he didn't say how to thank you. What's the use of going there?

I'm worried, if he has bad intentions, we go, tell the whereabouts of Jiuding, and he achieves his goal, so what if he kills us immediately? Then it will be too late for us to regret it, I think it is better not to die! "

The crying demon suddenly stroked his hair with his slender hands, his eyes flashed a strange color, and he said in a monster voice. When she was speaking, there was a bright red and dazzling Li Linghua, which was an incorporeal light flower, which slowly sank from the top of her head to a position close to the laughing ghost's face.

This phantom spirit flower, the stamens turned from golden yellow to reddish purple, and the roots were as thick as blood. When it completely submerged on the Laughing Ghost's head, the Crying Devil had a shy face and a peachy smile.

"Bitch! Shut up! If you don't tell me, I still forgot. The biggest regret and pain in my life, Laughing Ghost, is that I have such a superfluous thing like you. Haha. But, this situation is coming to an end.

I'm sorry, Hongmei, now I can tell you that I really succeeded in practicing the Pure Yang Divine Art. That being the case, why should I carry you as a burden if I don't want to be a romantic and unrestrained Mr. Pian Pian! "

The laughing ghost reprimanded him, then laughed coldly, and then activated the long-planned pure yang magic, trying to completely destroy the crying devil behind his body, and become a man with a pure yang body.


Hearing the words, the crying demon combed his black hair, just smiled blindly, and ignored the laughing ghost behind him urging the pure yang magic power. There was no fear or unwillingness in that laughter, but it was full of joy and expectation.

"Ha ha."

With lightning-fast movements of both hands, Laughing Ghost has already pushed the pure Yang Shengong to its peak in the blink of an eye, wanting to end the years of torment immediately, and at the same time escape from the third world quickly before the nine-color magic ball explodes.

So spare no effort.

When the pure Yang magic power was successfully activated, the Laughing Ghost was already laughing loudly for his victory. However, suddenly a snake-like slender hand came from under his armpit, and instantly snatched the blue light from his hand.


Immediately, the Laughing Ghost heard a loud noise, and what he saw was not the Crying Demon behind him collapsing and disappearing.

Instead, his body was suddenly stretched and torn by Li Ling's bloody veins like lightning, and suddenly there was a muffled sound, and he collapsed.

The laughing ghost watched as his arms, legs, and face were all shattered, peeling off the Weeping Devil's back piece by piece.

But the crying demon instantly turned into a slim and pretty woman.

Seen from behind her, she has a graceful figure, graceful like a fairy, without any flaws, the part of her face on her head, which was originally her face, has been healed, and her beautiful hair has flowed out.

The Laughing Ghost's collapsed body parts, the Primordial Spirit Pill and the Soul Bubble escaped ten feet away, staring blankly at the changes in the Crying Demon, his spiritual thoughts trembled, and he asked with a hundred thousand annoyance and anger:

"You, you, you, you have succeeded in blood refinement! How is this possible! You and my primordial soul have always been my primary soul, the master soul, and I know all your soul thoughts like the back of our hands.

But you only practice Yin Jue Xue, how could I not know? "


"Am I beautiful, Brother Jin?"

The Crying Demon was not in a hurry to answer the laughing ghost's question, but looked up and down at his extremely graceful figure, and turned around after a long time, with a charming smile, stroking the strands of hair with his slender hands, and sparkling eyes asked with intoxicating eye waves.

"Beautiful, really beautiful!"

The laughing ghost hated the Crying Demon to death, but when the Crying Demon turned around, he saw the other's face for the first time in his life. It was really impossible to describe how perfect his face was, no matter how much he hated it, he couldn't deny it.

In embarrassment, he had to admit that he was absolutely telling the truth.

"Hehe, brother Jin is so stupid, you forgot that my main body belongs to Li Lingguang Huaer, and my spiritual consciousness can be injected into the main body Li Lingguang Huaer, and then I can practice Yin Jue Xue!

In fact, I have successfully practiced Yin Jue Xue long before you, and I have never destroyed you, so there is a glimmer of hope.

I hope you will tell me after you have successfully practiced the Pure Yang Divine Art, we can activate the Divine Art together, it can be done, you and I will be separated perfectly.

Then exist separately, and then start our journey of golden brother and red sister magic couple. What a beauty that is.

However, you never took me to heart, always thought that I was your burden, and thought of ways to eliminate me all the time. It wasn't until the moment you activated the Pure Yang Divine Art just now that I was completely desperate, and naturally I didn't show any mercy.

I have already implanted Li Linghua'eryi in your mind, as long as you activate the pure yang magic power, you will immediately be controlled by my Li Linghua'er mind. My only secret is to learn. "

Hearing the Laughing Ghost's praise, the Crying Demon burst into a poignant and charming laugh, and rebuked the Laughing Ghost a lot.

"This? Hongmei, forgive me. I was really confused. In the past, I only cared about my own ambitions, so I really ignored you. But now, brother Jin knows that Hongmei cherishes our relationship with you so much.

In the future, I will definitely change my past, find a suitable body, and be reborn immediately, and I will treat you well in the future! "

While the Laughing Ghost Primordial Spirit Pill and Soul Bubble flickered strangely, the laughing ghost phantom in the primordial spirit was speaking while manipulating the primordial spirit and soul, and quickly fled away.

"Hmph! Since I, the crying demon, chose this step, how can I trust you again and want to run away! Hehe"

How could the Crying Demon believe the Laughing Ghost's duplicity, he had already predicted that he would escape, and with a wave of his sleeve, the Laughing Ghost's Primordial Spirit Pill and Soul Bubble were in his hands.

In the next second, the Crying Demon's expression turned cold, and his five fingers moved together. The Laughing Ghost's Primordial Spirit Pill and Soul Bubble turned into powder amidst sobbing, and disappeared.


The Crying Demon held a blue light in his hand and smiled coldly. On his beautiful face, the left and right hair flowed, and there was a small flower mark of Li Ling flower on his forehead.

Turning around, the crying demon raised his head and looked up at the nine-color magic ball in the sky thousands of miles away, and found that the color of the nine-color magic ball became stronger for a while, but gradually faded away, and did not explode.

The color of the crying demon's eyes changed miraculously. After thinking for a while, holding the blue light, he stepped on the blood-scale poisonous clam, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

In this space, it became quiet in an instant, only the spiky stars left behind after the Laughing Ghost collapsed, floating in the void.

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