Nine Heavens

Chapter 1389

Chapter 1389

With the freeing of the pupil rainbow, Dongyuan Fire Witch's mood became more and more relaxed, and even when he fantasized that he and Emperor Aoyuluo would meet again in the near future, he rushed towards him, talking about all kinds of worries about his safety and Miss your own words.

When imagining like this, Dongyuan Huowu's eyes were a little blurred, and his beautiful face was full of shy and happy smiles.

When Dong Yuanhuo's witch's eyes were blurred, he had carefully examined the mirror in the bath of fire for more than an hour, and his doubts in his heart had been completely dispelled.

Next, Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhan Shanv decided to accept the Fire Witch Zhansha, and once again fought against the ghosts of the underworld, first flew into the gate of the underworld to see what happened inside.

Why would those evil ghosts here who have mutated in the space-time Mingling race tell such a big lie, and then shoot at themselves? Could it be that Emperor Aoyuluo was forced into the palace by them and arrested?

Impossible, the Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhanshanu knew the strength of Emperor Aoyouluo in her heart, and the evil spirits of the Nether Hell, all of them added together, were not his opponents. What's more, there is also the terrifying God's dark energy disk that has been imitated all the time, but has never been surpassed and used, so how could it be caught!

Dong Yuan Huo Zhan Sha Nu solved a question, but at the same time, more questions emerged. While thinking, he raised his hand and wanted to call back the five-color mirror hammer.

However, at this moment, Mou Hong occasionally glanced at the farthest sky where the mirror was bathed in fire, and a disc-shaped bright spot suddenly appeared in the layer of clouds.

Although the bright spot is extremely small, no more than the size of a thumb, it can still be seen clearly with the five-colored eyesight of the divination monk Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhasha.

Dong Yuan Huo Wu Zhan Sha Nu suddenly felt cold, and withdrew her outstretched hand. Then continue to stare at the bright spot. The bright spots are getting bigger and clearer.

In less than the effort of the teacup, a huge black and white flying disk of God and Darkness appeared in the center of the mirror.

This flying disk is exactly the one that has been slowly hovering over the profound realm of the Aoyou World. It was myself, Emperor Aoyuluo, and all the dark spirit soldiers under Emperor Aoyuluo, who came to chase down the dark spirit aircraft of the escaped forces of the dark energy kingdom of God.

Inside the aircraft, Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhansha quickly passed through the barracks of countless dark spirit soldiers, and finally landed on the Aoyoupan palace in the central area of ​​the dark flying disk.

There, Emperor Aoyuluo was sitting on the throne, His Highness was singing and dancing, holding Lan Ji, a water elf, in his arms, he kept looking up and laughing.

And Lan Ji, the water elf, was in his arms, with a delicate posture, her charming eyes flashing, she raised her slender hands, and fed the dark spirit fairy fruit to Emperor Oyoluo mouthful.

"Aoyou! You, you."


Seeing this scene, how could the fierce Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhan Shanv bear it? She raised her finger and pointed at Emperor Aoyuluo who couldn't see her, trembling and fumbling all over.

After a burst of blood, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then said with infinite resentment: "Why did you lie to me, didn't you say that you have already killed this water spirit?

Didn't you say that the universe is boundless, and the only one who loves to occupy evil? It turns out that these are all words that fooled me! "

Because of the sudden grief and indignation, Dongyuan fire witch Zhansha burst into tears of humiliation, and her strong self-esteem was stung like never before. Even after her first love Zhankongzi broke the contract in the light and dark world, she never felt such pain. .

"Why, why? Aoyou, tell me why, since you don't like me, why did you deceive me so much and marry me as the empress!"

Amid tears of grief, Dong Yuan Huo Wu Zhan Sha Nu kept talking to herself.

Seeing the scene of thousands of arrows piercing the heart, Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhan Shanv wanted to smash the existence of Yuhuo Ningjing immediately, but she couldn't restrain herself from watching. Not only that, but also stimulated the method of listening to sound.

"Hmph, Luo Di! We all flew away, why did we fly back again, don't you still forget that living woman?"

In Emperor Aoyouluo's arms, Quan Yuanshui witch, water spirit, Lanji, and the little rabbit bumped into Emperor Aoyouluo's arms, and said coquettishly.

"Haha, you! Maybe that bitch is already dead at this moment, why are you jealous with a dead man?"

Hearing this, Emperor Aoyouluo held the phoenix head of Lan Ji, the spring water witch, the water spirit, and the five-colored eyes drunk, and laughed.

"Then maybe, that fire woman's life is as hard as the stinky stone of the dark spirit witch. I have killed her secretly many times before, but I didn't succeed.

I'm afraid that if we abandon her this time, not only will she not die, but she will rekindle her old relationship with Zhan Kongzi, and they will be in cahoots, wouldn't it be her fulfillment! "

Lan Ji, the spring yuan water witch, the water spirit demon, made a small mouth, and said that she wished Dongyuan fire witch Zhansha would die a hundred times, and that she would not see her well.

"It doesn't matter if they meet, it's too late, not to mention that bitch, even Zhan Kongzi died soon. All this was a foregone conclusion when I forced Zhan Kongzi away in the light and dark world Already. My beauty, let's just watch it in this dark flying disk!"

Emperor Aoyouluo was beaming with joy, sitting on the throne of the Disc Palace with infinite pride, watching everything in the entire third world through the flying disc of God and Darkness.

"Huh? It turns out that you made a deal between Zhan Kongzi and that bitch in the Mortal Realm of the Light and Dark Realm, so that they couldn't see each other. They have been watching each other for thousands of years, but they still haven't fulfilled their wish! Heck! "

Lan Ji, the water wizard of Quanyuan, the water fairy, gloated over Emperor Aoyuluo's words.

"Ha ha."

"That bitch thought I'd always liked her, but I didn't know that when I was born with Zhan Kongzi and her, I was so annoyed by his divination witch fire, but I didn't like Yuanquan who was not far away. The newly born Ji'er loves you so much, that's why I'll always be looking for you secretly from now on!"

Emperor Aoyou Luo smiled, raised his head and poured a glass of fairy wine.

"How did Luo Di manage to prevent them from meeting each other across the Light and Dark Realm?"

Lan Ji, the water witch and spirit demon of Quan Yuan, with watery eyes and spirit waves flicking slightly, asked Emperor Oyoruo curiously.

"What's so difficult about this, after I knew about the agreement between the two of them in the Mortal Realm, I first kindly invited the two of them to gather for a wine tasting, and secretly planted a love gu in the wine.

The medicinal effect lasts for tens of thousands of years, once the hatred enters the body. The more two people love each other, the more they cannot see or sense each other's existence. Even if they face each other, looking at each other is like nothingness.

Even so, I was still not at ease. Before they arrived at the Light and Dark Realm according to the agreed time, I first went to the area where they met, and set up countless hidden space-time light films.

Even if Love Gu doesn't work, when they reach the Light and Dark Realm, they will be instantly sealed in the time-space membrane of Invisibility.

Both of them are looking at each other from a distance, but they don't know that they have already been sealed by the time-space membrane of self-invisibility, and neither of them will ever have the chance to see each other.

At that time, I thought that after they lost sight of each other, they would go back and look for me again. For this reason, I also prepared the dark spirit wine, once the above two methods have limited effect.

I will divide their souls for them, and the soul of the dark spirit of Zhan Kongzi can be divided into several strands and thrown across the light and dark world. As for that slut, let's just throw a strand or two away, I still have use for the rest. "

Emperor Aoyouluo kept talking, every word was like a needle, piercing the heart and soul of Dongyuan Fire Witch Zhansha Nu.


Dong Yuan Huo Wu Zhan Sha Nu couldn't help crying, feeling ashamed and regretful. Unexpectedly, all along, the person I love deeply has been deceiving me.

But the person who I always thought was deceiving me, abandoning me, and hating him to the bone, has been framed and wronged many times.

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