Nine Heavens

Chapter 1393 Nine-Colored Cloud Demon

Chapter 1393 Nine-Colored Cloud Demon

After a long period of change, because of mutual friction, the bright clouds formed by the demons and spirits became much smaller. However, although it is much smaller, the remnants whistling and circling are still very frightening.

The bright clouds kept centering on the location where the Nether Gate Tree was before, turning into countless whirlpools and hurricanes, spreading around. At the same time, it continued to devour the vast Netherworld aura.

This process lasted several hours.

When the last Minghao on the edge of the dark sky was devoured by the energy of the demon spirit, a dark and strange city suddenly appeared in the center of the dark sky, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Then, the entire land of the underworld returned to exist in the same way as other places in the third world.

In the moment just now, everyone saw the dark and strange city, and everyone was amazed after seeing it. Among the astonishment, there was more curiosity and bewilderment.


"Hurry up and destroy this accidentally spawned nine-color cloud demon!"

Everyone was amazed for a moment, and their thoughts couldn't help wandering for a moment. At this moment, the remaining celestial demon spirit energy after devouring everything in the underworld quickly gathered into a huge nine-color cloud cluster. The nine-color cloud stretched and contracted for a while, and turned into a huge cloud demon as high as ten thousand ren.

I saw this cloud demon, with both feet on a huge mountain range, standing on the ground of the underworld, howling strangely, holding the ghost body of Master Yunye in his giant hands, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

Master Yunye obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen, he struggled between the huge cloud demons, roared with all his strength, and reminded Liu Qianlang and others.

"Haha, Yunye! Didn't you expect that you would destroy all the demons in the third world without hesitating to abandon the immortals, and then collect the souls of the ancient demon spirits everywhere, gather them together, and create the nine-color magic ball. But you created the nine-color magic ball. At the time of the magic ball, the demon was constantly gestating.

Until just now, this demon finally sprouted the demon god and demon soul, and it took shape completely. You have worked hard to eliminate the third human demon and destroy the underworld. This is really great, from now on in this third world, I will no longer have to be controlled by the ghost hell, and I will be the independent overlord, haha."


Amidst the gigantic cloud demon's wild laughter, he slightly closed his giant fingers, and the phantom of Yunye's soul exploded into pieces. Then the giant cloud demon's eyes flickered, scanning Liu Qianlang and others who were gradually gathering together in the sky.

Then roaring and howling, he waved his huge arms and grabbed Liu Qianlang and others.


At this time, the nine-image golden man seemed to sense the existence of the cloud demon, and shot towards the sky one after another, and then swooped down to the manic cloud demon in the dark sky, and started a fierce attack.

However, the cloud demon is really huge and mighty, and the nine-image golden man used all kinds of methods, such as golden rainbows and magic rainbows, bombarding the cloud demon like a snowball hitting a mountain, and it didn't work at all.

"Haha, it's a joke just because some of your gold demon soul-gathering golems want to compete with my Tianba cloud demon gathered from hundreds of millions of purple-gold demon souls. Let's hold a festival!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The huge cloud demon, with its giant claws opening and closing, pointed sharply like a sword, flashing nine-colored icy light, and then shot out a series of giant rainbows, hitting the nine-colored golden man non-stop.

Although the nine-color golden man's attack power is limited, he is extremely flexible in dodging. Whenever the huge cloud magic finger and rainbow attack, he will dexterously dodge from various angles. Then the rainbows of the cloud demons shot towards the mountains and the earth one after another, destroying mountains and flying rivers, and the roaring sound was endless.


After repeated attacks, the huge cloud demon found that the nine golden men had dodged them. In an instant, the thunder was furious, and his upper limbs fell to the ground. With all four limbs scratching, he flew like a giant ape, roaring and rushing towards the nine golden men.

Although the cloud demon's body is huge, its movements are as fast as lightning. It carries the Zhoutian hurricane, travels thousands of miles in an instant, and roars frighteningly.

Liu Qianlang looked at it for a while, then let out a clear whistle, and said, "Everyone, let's work together to help Senior Jiuxiang Jinren!"


Cheng Yuanfang, Song Zhen, Cheng Shifeng, Nine Swords and the Eight Great Protectors heard the words and responded in unison, and immediately distributed eight people in all directions in the sky in a very tacit understanding. In the area with a radius of a million miles around the huge cloud demon, they each performed their magic skills and unfolded Onslaught.

Liu Qianlang, with white hair flying wildly, besides the independent attack of the Nine Swords, controls the Shenlong Tiandial, gathers the Tiandial Shenhao, turns into a dark red dragon, roars and rushes towards the huge cloud demon, circles around him, bites, spits The blazing fireball blasted the huge cloud demon frequently.

Cheng Yuanfang, with flowing black hair, stood firmly on the sky of the three-eyed mad wolf. He pulled out the Youlan Xiexie Arrow, and watched the huge cloud demon running wildly, shooting golden arrows in succession.

Cheng Shifeng, with blue waterfall hair, blue rainbow flowing clouds, and blue spirit crescent moon shining on his forehead, shakes out the spirit demon star whip again, shaking thousands of miles of time and space.

Every time the spirit demon star whip cuts the space and draws towards the huge cloud demon, all the blue sharp stars in the sky are like rain, wrapping around the spirit demon star whip, and attacking the target together.

Song Zhen, with his black and white eyebrows twitching wildly, controls the astrological ruler, the Qishang Spring, and the chaotic Luoxiang Promise Disk around his body with both hands, stepping on the blood unicorn, shaking the sky.

The Cangqing sky-opening ax was in the sky above the huge cloud demon, with the tip of the ax pointing down, and the ax rainbow followed the change of the magic formula in his hand, and kept chopping down, without exception, towards the huge cloud demon that was flying.

The eight great protectors, controlling the spirit-winged flying fish, flew into the air in formations, with gold and silver shimmering under their feet, and there were rains of knives in their hands, chopping down at the huge cloud demon below.

And with a radius of millions of miles, Nine Swords controls tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Stegosaurus, and surrounds them closely. All the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Swords and Stegosauruses have their heads facing inward, their eyes staring at the huge cloud demon, they bared their teeth and claws, roaring and cheering.

And Nine Swords, holding the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword in his hand, flew across the tens of thousands of ring dragon formations in an instant, like a ghost, feeling Liu Qianlang's thoughts as he wanted, and when the huge cloud demon flew in that direction, it would swing the sword Appear in which direction, and then cut down the Tao Tao sword screen.

Jian Hong Taotao kept galloping towards the huge cloud demon in the center, aiming to control the huge cloud demon within the encirclement.


The huge cloud demon was chasing the nine golden statues to his heart's content, when he suddenly felt a sharp hurricane blowing from the eight people around him, and immediately saw the raging flames around him, densely covered with rainbows, and strong attacks continued to sweep in. Although the various attacks were not fatal to him, they seriously interfered with his actions.

Immediately furious, the giant palm slapped the ground continuously, and all the mountain peaks were instantly photographed flying sand and rocks all over the sky, and screamed strangely at the same time.

Because of the simultaneous attack by eight people from all directions, the nine-image golden men finally had a chance to breathe, and suddenly shot into the sky in unison, and then gathered together.

Suddenly alive, sitting back to back, cross-legged, forming a nine-petaled lotus shape.

They are all pinching strange magic formulas with their hands, and clothing them into strange golden nine-petal lotus formations. Then in front of each golden statue, one golden statue after another appeared continuously, stretching extremely far. The appearance of each golden statue is not the same.

In this way, the nine golden men in the shape of a nine-petaled lotus have become countless, forming a strange array of nine radiating. Then, all the golden statues began to chant a miraculous mantra. Listen carefully, but there is no golden statue with the same mantra.

With the sound of their chanting one after another, the colors of the people of these golden statues are getting stronger and stronger, and the golden bodies are also constantly becoming crystal clear.

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