Nine Heavens

Chapter 1414 Tianfang's fantasy

Chapter 1414 Tian Fang Fantastic

When Liu Qianlang returned to the clouds in an instant, Yaya had been waiting outside for several hours, among which she came no less than a dozen times within nine days. At this moment, he finally sensed that the master's real body had returned to the phantom body, and said: "I have seen the master!"

"Hehe, it's Yaya! Why are you looking for a teacher?"

In the clouds, Liu Qianlang asked with a smile.

"Before Uncle Song left, he did divination for Master for nine days and nine nights, and obtained nine catastrophes in the future for Master. He specially made nine kits, called the Nine Bags of Zhanjue, and asked me to give them to Master.

He said that after he became a master, every time he experienced a catastrophe that he deduced, a corresponding kit would fly to the master and open automatically, reminding the master how to do it.

He also gave the master a black finger, called Xingchen Daoling, he said, the Xingchen Daoling is activated, and the kings of Qizhengzhan bow their heads to obey the order, break the formation and stand up, only the master invokes it! "

The purpose of Yaya's coming here is exactly what Song Zhen repeatedly told Yaya before leaving. Although he left, he was still full of worries about the future of the third brother, so he used nine days and nine nights to predict Liu Qianlang's future journey.

Received the enlightenment of the Nine Dao Immortal Omens, and thought hard to get the solution, sealed it in the kit, and handed it to Yaya along with her order to be the head of the highest Star Dou Ling in the Star Dao. He repeatedly told him to hand it over to his third elder brother Liu Qianlang.

After Yaya finished speaking, she had already shot two rays of divine light into the mist where Liu Qianlang was. Because she had to appease the two mistresses when she went back, she bid farewell and left in a hurry.

Liu Qianlang waved his sleeves to catch the two rays of divine light shot by Yaya, and looked at the object in his hand, which turned out to be two objects, one gold and one black. The golden one is an exquisite box, and the black one is also a pitch-black wrench.

"Fourth brother!"

Liu Qianlang caressed the two objects, and felt mixed feelings in his heart for a moment, and the calm mood suddenly became turbulent. Everything he had experienced with his fourth brother Song Zhen spontaneously appeared in his mind again.

Liu Qianlang repeatedly told himself to be strong and not to shed tears, but when he saw the things in his hands and thought that he would never see the person with one black one white two eyebrows writhing, he still shed tears after all.

Recalling that eighteen days ago, I activated my divine sense, and after my spiritual sense contacted the seventy-two Dragon Ball Dragon Boy, I immediately met with my sister Liu Juan, my beloved wife Yun Qianmeng, Fang Tianyingfang's Princess Jin Ling, and Lan Shuang, eighty-year-old. Yi Shenlong and others have been contacted.

Liu Qianlang contacted them this time mainly to get Lan Shuang back and reunite with Song Zhen.

They have already followed the method Luo Er told him, and he told his sister and them before. They have now entered the Lost Sun City built by Luo Er from the Lost Sun Realm.

And told himself a lot of news that made him ecstatic, but because the fourth brother was leaving, he didn't explain the situation on his side.

The main reason was that Lan Shuang would know, come back and tell Song Zhen, and then let the fourth younger brother Song Zhen leave without peace of mind, in a dilemma, so they just sent a baby Liu Chaos to take Lan Shuang back with a ghost boat.

As for the others, Liu Qianlang didn't take them back because he was planning a battle that was about to destroy the Palace of the King of the Underworld in Jueyang. to great effect.

Liu Qianlang's heart was surging for a while, and his thoughts quickly returned to the next action. Now that the fourth brother Song Zhen and his two siblings have left safely, he must concentrate on facing a bigger challenge.

Liu Qianlang caressed the treasure given to him by his fourth brother, and his confidence doubled.

He activated his divine sense again, put on the shadow-escaping magic, and soon got in touch with his sister Liu Juan and others in the Lost City of Absolute Sun, and then began to discuss the details of the next action and other issues.

One day later, Liu Qianlang suddenly controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and galloped down from the sky thousands of miles away without any explanation. While flying, with a thought in his mind, the tens of thousands of Yuanyuan Sect forces suddenly turned into countless light spots Returned to his black jade skull profound realm.

Among them are Miaoyan, Pa'er, Yaya, and the four Tianling sisters. Miaoyan, Pa'er and Yaya understood the reason for doing this without asking, it was because Liu Qianlang had finally figured out something after many days, and he was going to make a big move next.

So when they left, they didn't ask any more questions, but led the huge wave force, and quickly resumed the pace of cultivation within the Moyu Skull to prepare for the future.

In the Palace of the Lotus Sea, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng saw Liu Qianlang's sudden movement, and immediately took over the forces of the Heavenly Wolf Sect and the Spirit Demon Heaven and Earth Hall. In a short time, the Palace of the Lotus Sea fell silent.

Immediately, the two, the Eight Guardians, Jiu Ying and Liu Qianlang flew to one place, and then they all looked at Liu Qianlang calmly, waiting for the next move of the soul master who had been waiting for many days.

"I found the nether gate."

Liu Qianlang looked at the crowd with white hair and said.


Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and Cheng Yuanfang asked in surprise: "Isn't the Nether Gate in the chaotic airspace of the First Human World? Does Qianlang mean that we are going back to the First Human World?"

"No, we don't need to go back to the first human world, the nether gate is in both the first human world and the third human world, to be precise, it should be at the bottom of the intersection of the first human world and the third human world.

After many days of contemplation, Qianlang finally figured out the space-time layout of the five human worlds. The five human worlds must be temporarily located between heaven and earth, and the first human world must be located in the most central area of ​​the five human worlds. The other four rooms surround the first room.

Such a pattern makes it possible for us to have entrances to the other four human worlds in the first human world. And the other four human rooms are also at the entrance and exit of each other, just like we enter the second human room from the first human room, and enter the third human room from the second human room.

If we think about it, we must be able to find the entrance from the third room to the fourth room, and then from the fourth room to the fifth room.

The place where the first human world and the other four human worlds meet is the chaotic space, and the deepest part of the chaotic space is the so-called nether realm. The lost city of Absolute Sun, which we will eventually destroy, should be the poisonous abyss domain, and the Thirteen Netherlands are located in.

To put it simply, in the depths of the chaotic space, there are several layers of nether castles that gradually deepen. There will be, but the specific status is not yet known. "

When Liu Qianlang said this, he told everyone in detail about his experience in the emerald lotus building and his ultimate understanding of the five worlds and the nine realms of immortality.

After hearing this, Cheng Yuanfang and the others connected with everything they had experienced, and after some thinking, their eyes suddenly brightened, and they suddenly became much clearer about the mysterious and infinite death-filled Nether Hell. They all nodded in agreement with Liu Qian and Lang's guess.

"I understand. Brother Qianlang gave up looking for the entrance to the fourth world before, because he wanted to change the plan to gradually liberate the five worlds. He wanted to directly attack the nether gate, and then completely destroy the nether world!"

Cheng Shifeng, with a blue crescent moon shining on his forehead, setting off his blue eyes, and his long blue hair fluttering in the wind, frowned slightly, and said suddenly.

"Well, just like what Fengmei said. As long as you open the Nether Gate, enter the Nether World, and completely destroy the Lost Sun City, the Poison Abyss and all the Nether existences under it, naturally all the Nether laws in the fourth and fifth worlds will be destroyed." Then it fell apart."

Liu Qianlang nodded, his psychic eyes were infinitely deep.

"The five human worlds mentioned by Venerable Soul just now are located between the heaven and the earth. This Dharma protector is not clear enough. Please ask Venerable Soul to clarify."

Bing Jinlang, one of the Eight Great Protectors, had been savoring Liu Qianlang's words carefully, stepped on the golden golden scale god fish, and asked salutingly with rainbow flashing eyes.

"Oh, about this point, the soul master is still not sure. Let's just speculate. The soul master has a feeling that after the Nether Hell is destroyed and disappeared, then the bottom of the Nether world may also be the heaven. That is to say, the five human worlds originally His face should be surrounded by the heavens, even the eight figures from all directions."

Liu Qianlang returned the gift, explaining it this way.

"This? What is the basis for leading the waves?"

As soon as Liu Qianlang's words fell, it instantly reversed Cheng Yuanfang and the others' understanding of the world, and they couldn't help but look around at each other in a daze. After a while, Cheng Yuanfang asked.

"It's not based on the evidence. I was once in the deepest part of the sea bottom of the bone tide sea, the netherworld of the first human world. Through psychic vision, I saw countless stars shining beneath the bottom of the sea bottom of the bone tide sea.

At that time, I thought it was the infinite spiritual treasures and jewels shining under the sea, but after connecting with everything I experienced, I felt more and more that it was the starry sky, not the jewels and jewels shining!

This feeling has been with me ever since, especially when I meditate in emptiness, this feeling is especially true. The heaven we pursue is actually not only above our heads, but also under our feet, or in other words, in all directions. As for the Nether Hell, it was just an accidental catastrophe in the evolution process of the five human beings. "

Liu Qianlang stood steadily on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and the words in his mouth were like whimsical fantasies, flying with everyone's thinking.

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