Nine Heavens

Chapter 1424

Chapter 1424 Five Army Sentences

"No! No! Emperor Hades please think twice!"

At this moment, one of His Royal Highness's ministers suddenly got up and walked into the hall, raised his head proudly, and shouted loudly.


"The five-party army condemned Xuan Ling! Why did you prevent this emperor from conquering the city of sin, Jueyang Lost City!?"

Jueyang Mingdi possessed himself and saw that it was Wufang Junpan, the supreme military officer of his Nether City, who was speaking, and was immediately annoyed. However, the opponent's status is prominent, the military power of the previous and new dynasties is in his hands, and his family background is prominent, so he has to give seven points of face.

He frowned, snorted softly, and asked questions in a calm tone as much as possible.

"Breaking the three gates of the Netherworld is the biggest military operation in the Underworld now. And the Underworld Emperor wanted to abandon the Underworld in a fit of anger, and take command in person to conquer a small Lost City of Absolute Sun. Wouldn't it be the wrong direction to choose the wrong direction!

Prime Minister Wu's dragon-clawed poisonous spider will move back to the court in a few days. Now that Emperor Underworld is leaving the capital and the five armies from Jueyang Lost Territory are returning, what should all the arrangements be?

Even if the generals of the five parties head to the southern border together, and the Underworld Emperor who sits in charge is not there, what is the morale of the army? Therefore, Emperor Hades should stay calm and not be impatient, and make a decision after careful consideration! "

Xuan Ling, judge of the Five Fang Army, faced Jueyang Mingdi's questioning, his eyes were steady and his words were powerful.

"The words of the five-party military judgment are naturally reasonable, but the Lost Sun City must not be underestimated. It has existed mysteriously for countless years. Although it is in the Lost Sun Realm, it has never appeared, nor has it Have done anything against the nether world.

On the contrary, I heard that the Nether Hell's famous Nether Hell controls the five mortal Nether Five, and it turned out to be the hands of the legendary Seventh Charm Queen, the lord of Absolute Sun Lost City.

But in the past month or so, the Lost City of Absolute Sun has repeatedly done bad things that undermine the overall situation of the Netherworld. All actions are aimed at our Jue Yang Miyu. Now that the city is openly showing itself and is our enemy, has the five-party military judge ever thought about why this is? "

After hearing the words, Emperor Jueyangming gradually stabilized his emotions, thinking that what the other party said was good, but his decision just now was by no means just out of control for a while, and it did have his reasons.


Seeing that Jueyang Mingdi calmed down, Jueyang Mingdi of the Wufang Army judged that he was a courtier after all, so he couldn't be too aggressive. His huge body shook slightly, and he raised his two sharp black hands like dragon claws to salute.

With a flash of eyes and a sigh, he said: "Xuan Ling is dull, please explain it to Emperor Ming!"

"This emperor suspects that the Seventh Charm Empress has formed an alliance with the Zhengling boy. Their recent abnormal behavior must be instigated by the Zhengling boy who is currently active in the third world."

As soon as Jueyang Mingdi said this, His Highness and all the ministers talked a lot, most of them didn't believe it. In any case, the Seventh Charm Queen and her Lost City of Absolute Sun also exist in the Nether Hell, so how could it be reasonable to cooperate with people from the Mortal Realm?

Such doubts naturally exist in Wufang Junjuan Xuanxuan, but he did not rush to deny it, but continued to ask: "I wonder if the Underworld Emperor has conclusive evidence?

From Xuan Ling's point of view, it seems that the mysterious Seventh Charm Empress is more likely to compete with the Underworld Emperor for the dominance of the Absolute Sun Lost Territory!

What Emperor Hades said about her collaborating with the rumored No. 1 Human Realm Zhengling Boy is really puzzling. They are yin and yang, they are natural enemies, and there is really no reason to link them together. "

"The five-party army has always looked down on the previous dynasty of the Nether Prison, so it doesn't bother to ask about many things in the Nether Prison. But this emperor is not like this. When I was the king of the Hades of the Jueyang Palace, I have always been concerned about the Nether Prison. The great ghost clan, who mutated from 100,000 immortals and gods in the heavens, was very interested.

Therefore, I often go to some parties, so I have heard many things about the Seventh Charm Empress. The Seventh Charm Empress also descended to the lower realms along with the hundred thousand gods back then, but she was not sent by the heavens, but her own soul was sent to the lower realms.

Its soul is divided into nine strands, eight strands are reborn in the world, and one strand enters the netherworld. This ghost soul is the Seventh Charm Empress, and her ghost soul is her main soul, and she came here together with the fairy body.

Later, all the 100,000 immortals outside the Netherworld had mutated, but because she was far away from the Nether Outer Prison and was in the Nether Inner Prison, no mutation occurred. That is to say, she is not our fellow Nether ghost, but still a celestial fairy. It is said that her name is Dongluo Meishen, and she is also the number one beauty god in the heavens.

You think, since she is not of our race, how can she be of one mind with us! It is estimated that this is the reason why since he came to the Lost Sun Realm and secretly built the Lost Sun City, he has remained hidden.

Her nature is also destined to be our enemy sooner or later, and now the Zhengling boy is attacking Nether Hell on a large scale. They came together because they belonged to the same school of good spirits. "

Jueyang Mingdi made the above conclusion based on his own understanding of the Seventh Charm Empress Dongluo Meishen.

"Hiss? That's it. But there are two points that Xuan Ling doesn't understand very well. One is why the Seventh Charm Empress came from the lower realm with nine strands of soul? The second is why she has been helping the Nether Prison before, and for her Create the five rules of the world? These seem to make no sense."

Hearing the words, Xuan Ling of the Wufang Army was surprised for a while, and felt that the order made by the Emperor Hades was not unreasonable, and then asked again.

"The question asked by the five-party military judge, the emperor has heard a little bit. It is rumored that the god Dongluomei has a lover in the heaven. However, that person disappeared from the lower realm for some reason, so the god Dongluomei did not hesitate to share in order to love the lower realm. From the lower realm of the soul to the yin and yang realms of the human world.

Divide the soul into nine strands, in order to be able to find that person as soon as possible. The soul is divided into yin and yang, and the reason is simpler. No matter whether the person's soul is in the five yang worlds or the yin world, there is a chance to find it.

According to her wish analysis, her original intention was not to help the Nether Prison. The five laws of the world she created all tend to lead the souls of the people in the world into the netherworld. Or a few powerful people kept breaking through the rules of the world, and finally came to the vicinity of her Lost Sun City in the Lost Sun Realm.

In this way, the person she is looking for will appear sooner or later, all she has to do is wait patiently for endless years in the mysterious and unpredictable Lost City of Absolute Sun. In short, everything she does is for the person she is looking for. "

Emperor Jueyang Ming pondered for a long time, and told some rumors he had heard plus his own analysis.

"Ha ha."

"The Underworld Emperor believes in these absurd rumors!? What the Underworld Emperor said earlier, Xuan Ling can still accept it. As for what you said later, this person created the five worlds just to find a beloved person, Xuan Ling can't believe it anyway.

Although Xuan Ling doesn't know much about the Nether Prison, he also knows that the Five Human Worlds is the most overbearing means of the Nether Prison to enslave the five human beings, and it is the survival of the Nether Prison's big ghosts. strategy.

All the facilities in the five mortal realms are strictly controlled by the kings of Hades from all walks of life in the imperial capital of the great ghost clan, the Emperor of the Underworld, how can it be up to her to decide. Underworld Emperor did not say that this person is too powerful, these words really shouldn't come from a generation of Underworld Emperors!

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