Nine Heavens

Chapter 1426 Nether Situation

Chapter 1426 Nether Situation

"Haha, after proclaiming the emperor, it's different. Even Xuanxuan, the five-party army who once shocked the entire netherworld and the ten kings of Hades, has now bowed his head to obey the orders of Jueyang Mingdi! Just now! Emperor Yangming's formation to frighten the five armies to judge Xuanxuan is really incisive and vivid!"

Just after Jueyang Hades was full of civil and military affairs turned into smog and left, suddenly a burst of evil smoke and strange fog of various colors rolled up and flickered in the center of the hall, and then a ferocious ghost with all kinds of strong and evil colors gathered inside appeared, covered in a toad-like membrane.

This ghost was covered with cancerous tumors, and everywhere was blazing smoke and poisonous juice. When it appeared, it let out a disgusting laugh.

"Hehe, it turns out that Emperor Du Yuanyuan is here, and he is far away to welcome you, please take a seat quickly!"

In fact, Emperor Jueyang Ming had already sensed the unique vicious aura of Emperor Du Yuanyuan. Just now, the court judge Xuan Ling was good at intimidating the five armies, and he also gave Emperor Du Yuanyuan another blow.

The other party is in the second layer of poisonous realm of Hell Hell, seventy-seven and forty-nine layers of hell, and has long been salivating at the benefit of being able to directly contact the five human worlds in the first layer of Absolute Sun Hell. It's just that because I used to be the King of Hades in the Lost City of Absolute Sun, I had to accept the fact that I ruled the first layer of Hell of Absolute Sun.

But deep down in his heart, he wished that he would die sooner, and take advantage of the current chaos in the Nether Hell to annex the first level of Hell in the Lost Sun Territory, and realize his dream of one emperor and two hells.

When Jueyang Mingdi was talking and laughing, his body was full of blazing flames and smoke. He sat on the throne of Mingdi and did not get up. He squinted at His Highness Emperor Du Yuanyuan, thinking about the other party's intention of coming here.

"Thank you, Emperor Yangming, I wonder if the old forces of the dynasty that used to be the underworld capital of the Aoyou Empire still obey the call?"

Emperor Du Yuanyuan gave a polite expression, and then roared to the top of the palace lord Zhiqing, who was more than 10,000 feet high, took a seat behind him, and sat opposite Emperor Jueyangming.

Emperor Du Yuanyuan, with variegated evil eyes radiating cold light, slanting his mouth and squinting his eyes, looked at Emperor Jueyang Mingdi's somewhat arrogant posture and mentioned the old underworld general after driving away Emperor Aoyouluo.

"Oh, talk about them. If you didn't mention them, the emperor would have forgotten about them. Sigh! At first, when the emperor took over them, he was full of expectations. He wanted to form them into a huge elite force to serve me, Jue Yang Ming towards.

It's a pity that many veterans of the old dynasty are stubborn and insist on restoring the ancient Yincao Dynasty in Fengdu to prevent the establishment of our Jueyang Netherworld. You said what is the use of keeping such stubborn things, so tens of thousands of veterans of the old dynasty were slaughtered by the emperor during the enthronement ceremony.

As for the countless Nether Army under their command, except for the obedient ones who were assigned to various frontier regions, the rest were also cut down! Is that why Emperor Du Yuanyuan came here? "

Jueyang Mingdi's expression changed when he heard the words, and he understood the intention of the other party's visit, so he simply confessed that he was already on the throne now, so he would not be afraid of being questioned by the other party, so he watched Emperor Du Yuanyuan sitting opposite him, and did not get up to ask. road.

"Haha. How could this emperor come to the Yin soldiers just for a few, this emperor came here specially to congratulate Jueyang Mingdi on his enthronement.

When the Japanese emperor failed to come, he could only complain that it was a coincidence that the day Jueyang Mingdi ascended the throne turned out to be an auspicious day for this emperor to ascend the throne. Therefore, if there is negligence, I still look forward to Haihan, Emperor Yangming! "

The fierce light in Emperor Du Yuanyuan's eyes surged for a moment, he was silent for a moment, and then suddenly laughed out loud, with the taste of deliberately elevating himself above the ground in his words.

However, Emperor Jueyang Ming couldn't hear it, he also burst into laughter, and said: "Hey! What is Du Yuanyuan Emperor talking about? It's the emperor's enthronement. It is the Emperor Du Yuanyuan who takes care of it. Just as you came to apologize today, the Emperor also congratulated you by the way.

Haha, this emperor's ascension to the throne is no worse than your Poison Yuanyuan Emperor, only some ferocious Poison Xingyuan soldiers, the scene is pitifully small. But when this emperor ascended the throne, the Jueyang Lost Territory was filled with 700 million sea, land and air forces around Jueyang Emperor Capital. Seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven miles of time and space.

In addition, there are also some gods and gods from the second world of Yuntian who came to congratulate, hi! That scene, I think about it until now, is still in front of my eyes, I am really satisfied! "

Jueyang Mingdi's words made Duyuan Yuandi's body full of evil smoke, his face flashed in a mess, and he kept his bloody mouth open for a long time without saying anything.

Originally wanted to have a drink with the other party, but the thoughts of seeking a great cooperation disappeared, so he got up suddenly, flung his sleeves and walked away roaringly.

"Haha. Poison Yuanyuan Emperor, go all the way! Haha"

Behind him, Jueyang Mingdi actually misunderstood the intention of the other party's visit, and burst into mocking laughter, seeing Jueyang Mingdi leaving in shame, he felt so happy.

"Bah! Emperor Jueyang Underworld, don't be too rampant. That righteous boy is not easy to deal with. If your Lost City of Absolute Sun is breached, I will join forces with the Forty-eighth Hell Emperor Underworld to judge you! If there is such a day , see how this emperor tortures you!

Also, I heard that the God of Darkness who was sealed in seventy-seven forty-nine layers of hell and thirteen deep and polar regions has suddenly awakened and is struggling crazily. If he breaks through the seal, you will be the first to be slaughtered.

You don't know the truth, don't you think that you are proud of being in the first level of hell, holding countless yin soldiers, and directly controlling five people in the world. Extremely proud, die soon! "

A quarter of an hour later, Emperor Du Yuanyuan, who had already left, came from an inexplicable location with such a sinister word, and then Emperor Jueyang Ming could no longer hear the other party's voice.


Hearing the other party's words, Jueyang Mingdi trembled instinctively. Although he was confident that he would never fall into the other party's hands, he was still afraid when he mentioned the seventy-seven forty-nine levels of hell.

Other evil spirits may not be familiar with the seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell, but he was born as one of the tens of thousands of torture soldiers in the Poison Abyss, how could he not know the cruelty of the Poison Abyss Hell! At that time, I controlled a poisonous abyss, and I have tortured countless dead fierce ghosts, their miserable screams can still be heard in my ears.

There is also the dark god, who was first sealed by the heavenly chain, and then tortured by the seventy-seven and forty-nine hells of the netherworld. Nether, kill the world of immortals and gods in the sky.

At this time, suddenly waking up, this is not a peaceful thing! Hearing these words, Jueyang Mingdi laughed mockingly and stopped abruptly. I couldn't help being frightened, and couldn't feel nervous for a moment.

Jueyang Mingdi faintly felt that the Nether Inner Prison would also undergo tremendous changes over countless years. Amidst the apprehension, he was both excited and a little scared.

What is exciting is that the times make heroes. Compared with the strength of seventy-seven and forty-nine hells, except for the prison emperor, there is no one in power that can compare with him. After taking advantage of the chaos and unifying the seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell, he will be the only ghost.

What is frightening is that if the god of darkness in the thirteen extreme regions under seventy-seven forty-nine levels of hell breaks through the seal to deal with him, the future is really unimaginable.

How should it be? Jueyang Mingdi squinted his eyes and lay on his back on the throne of Mingdi, staring at the Lost City of Jueyang in Xuanyang, lost in thought.

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