Nine Heavens

Chapter 1428

Chapter 1428 Shooting Six Faces

"Master! Look, the little devils below have destroyed the Dam of Golden Light, let's kill them immediately! Chop these hateful things into smoke, and never give them a chance to do evil in the world!"

Nine Swords saw that all the spirit masters condensed their Huanhua army with a layer of virtual Nether Qi, swiped their swords, and also put their Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Dragon Army with fake Nether Qi. Immortal Ziyang who glanced at her side and the dragon roaring at the tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Swords at her feet shouted to Liu Qianlang who was standing steadily on top of the seven-eyed dragon.

"Don't worry about the Nine Swords, the opponent just broke through the dam of the ground gate, and it's not clear what's true, we'd better keep our respective positions and observe calmly before we talk.

However, Nine Swords and Fairy Ziyang are ready, when we face each other, we need you to be the first to rush forward as the vanguard! "

Liu Qianlang knew that the success or failure of this battle was directly related to the strategy of whether he and others could finally eliminate the seventy-seven forty-nine levels of Hell, so he was still very cautious even though he was already full of confidence.

After answering the question of Nine Swords, Liu Qianlang immediately activated the white light to drill his eyes, and looked towards the vast sea of ​​golden light mist, and soon discovered that there were countless phalanxes of Yin soldiers looming in the sea of ​​golden light mist. The Hell Winged Dragon Vanguard Nether Force led by Arm Yinlang.

Behind it, there are countless Yin soldiers stationed far away, and those Yin soldiers are roughly divided into five camps. The situation is exactly the same as what my sister told me, it should be almost all the troops of the five parties and the underworld in the Absolute Sun Lost Territory. Only a part of them are encircling and suppressing the Lost City of Absolute Sun at this moment.

"Far away, sister Feng, what do you think of the attack at this moment?"

Liu Qianlang observed for a while, thinking about his distant brother Cheng Yuanfang and younger sister Cheng Shifeng through sound transmission.

"Well, brother Qianlang, it's just right at this time. Before they have a large number of forces coming, give them a disarm! Everything is ready for Shifeng, and we will wait for brother Qianlang to give the order. My spirit demon star whip army will definitely kill these evil spirits. The ghost smoked in a mess!"

Cheng Shifeng came on a whim, and the thousands of Huanhua troops behind him, all the sergeants were helpless, all holding a Cheng Shifeng's transfigured spirit demon star whip, which was crackling at the moment, like countless sky whip dragons winding and roaring.

Cheng Shifeng, with long blue hair fluttering, stepped on the crescent moon of the blue spirit, looked back at his army of spirit monsters and star whips, nodded very satisfied, and was the first to answer in favor.

"You can attack, but wait for the waves!"

Cheng Yuanfang said simply, and then Yin Hong's chaotic eyes swayed for a while, and finally locked on the six-faced nine-armed Yin Lang in the vast golden waves. Then the evil-killing arrow set up a bow and shot an arrow.


Liu Qianlang and Cheng Shifeng, as well as Nine Swords and Fairy Ziyang in the sky all heard a sharp whistling sound piercing the Nether Space-Time, and then saw a golden arrow shot thousands of miles away.


After a while, several of them heard a howl that shook the netherworld.

"Qianlang, give the order!"

Cheng Yuanfang took the evil arrow and said simply again.

"Haha. Good! Fairy Nine Swords and Ziyang listened to the order and immediately rushed into the golden mist of the Golden Light Dam. You have to annihilate the six-faced and nine-armed Hell-Winged Dragon vanguard army within one hour!"

Liu Qianlang saw his brother Cheng Yuanfang shoot dead the six-faced and nine-armed Yinlang vanguard marshal with an arrow, and the hundreds of millions of hell-winged dragon vanguard army immediately went into chaos. I couldn't help laughing, and ordered immediately.


Nine Swords and Fairy Ziyang received the order, and immediately controlled the tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Sword Dragon, roaring and roaring down the sky, and galloped thousands of miles away.

Because Fairy Ziyang activated the magical power of shadow escape, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate sword sword dragon army instantly smashed into the hell winged dragon vanguard army. Therefore, just a moment later, there was the sound of the two sides' fighting.

Afterwards, Liu Qianlang led his zombie Yin soldiers in front, and Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng on the left and right behind, also galloping towards the target at an appropriate speed.

Within the golden mist of the vast dam of the gate, at a distant location, the five armies of Xuanxuan, Prime Minister Wu, the dragon-clawed poisonous spider, the commander-in-chief of the five armies of Jue Yang Miyu, and the good-for-nothing prime minister, the snake-headed scorpion, are all gathered at this moment In front of the central army of the five-party army, it is on a Mingyun cloud platform.

The two prime ministers, Xuan Ling and Wen Wu, were judged by the five armies to be alright, and they looked at the front line relatively calmly. However, the commanders-in-chief of the five armies were all restless, cursing and swearing.

The reason why the former mentality is slightly better, there are two main reasons. One is that Yin Lang with six faces and nine arms is the grandson of the emperor of the first level of hell, with a very high status. A few can't afford to offend, and don't want to offend.

If the opponent wins, it is a good thing, but if he is defeated and dies, it is still a good thing to get rid of this arrogant guy.

Second, the three also want to use this opportunity to suppress the arrogance of the commanders of the five armies, so that they will not be rebellious and embarrass the leaders of the central government in the future.

The commander-in-chief of the Wufang Mingkong army has never taken seriously the so-called vanguard marshal of the six-faced and nine-armed Yin Lang of the Mingdu garrison forces. In their eyes, the six-faced and nine-armed Yin Lang is just a guarding Yin soldier.

Today, in such a major Yin-Yang battle, he should be the vanguard. When the commanders-in-chief of the five-party Netherworld armies were gathered here, he would be furious when he heard it. He felt that his majestic orthodox army had been insulted.

"Army from all directions, what are you waiting for, since the dam of golden light in the ground gate has been breached by the nine-armed old man, let's rush into the third world together with the five armies!"

As the Marshal of the Netherworld Army in the south of the Lost City of Absolute Sun, when he heard from afar that Yin Lang with Six Faces and Nine Arms had really destroyed the Dam of Golden Light, his face turned ugly and he couldn't take it any longer.

Isn't this slapping your own mouth? He was stationed in the Mingkong in the south of Jueyang Lost Territory. Not only did he never break through the Golden Light Dam, but he also defended the frontier against the enemy. destroy.

In addition, there are sins such as losing the seven-eyed dragon. In order to restore his dignity, the commander-in-chief of the Southern Mingkong Army was the first to shout.

"That's right! I'll go back to the command tent immediately, and the warlord will attack! The other marshals of the four armies responded immediately. When they spoke, they turned around and wanted to leave.

"Hehe, why should you be in such a hurry! Now the six-faced and nine-armed Yin Lang Vanguard Marshal is as powerful as a bamboo, and his army of hell-winged dragons will soon rush to the tower of hell. Why not wait until the tower of the ground gate collapses before making a move! Woolen cloth?"

The snake-headed and clawed scorpion prime minister suddenly smiled strangely, dissuading the commanders of the five armies.

"Hmph! Why, what good did that nine-armed old man promise you, so he turned to him like this? Oh! I heard that Prime Minister Wen gave his 300 million soldiers, snakes, ghosts, scorpions, demons and ghosts to the nine-armed old man. Really worth it!"

Hearing this, the commanders of the five armies stopped and looked at the snake-headed and clawed prime minister coldly. After a while, the commanders of the southern armies snorted coldly and asked.

"Ha ha."

"Are there any benefits? Of course there are. Otherwise, how could Zhenxiang pay such a large amount of money. But this benefit was not given by him, but by Zhenxiang himself. If the five commanders listen to me and wait patiently for a while, Not only do you get military merit for nothing, maybe someone you hate will too."

The snake-headed and chelated scorpion prime minister smiled strangely, and looked at the commander of the Wufang Mingkong army.

"Hiss? Haha."

How can the commander of the five-way Ming Kong be a fool? After a little contact with the relationship between the snake-headed scorpion prime minister and the six-faced nine-armed Yin Lang, he understood the other party's intention to send troops to death. Can't help but understand and laugh.

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