Nine Heavens

Chapter 1443 Xiaofei Chasing

Chapter 1443 Xiaofei Chasing

"Hey! Wait I—"

When Liu Qianlang, Shui'er, Huoyan poisonous witch Liaoyan and Yaya were talking and laughing, a delicate and angry voice suddenly came from behind.

The four of them looked back, and saw a pretty little girl in a white short dress, riding on a colorful damask, and a golden monkey all over her body, chasing everyone.

"Hehe, Xiaofei. Didn't you say you wanted to stay with Xiaoliu in the second world and continue to practice together in Niangshan Ruhai? Why do you regret it and bring Xiaoliu with you?"

After Xiaofei flew close, Liu Qianlang asked with a smile.

"Hmph! At that time, I didn't know that you were going back to the first world. Later, I heard that Aunt Feng, who came to visit me in the second world, said that you were going back to the first world. So I changed my mind. I want to go back to the first world to find my mother. .Why didn't you tell me that you are going back to the first human world?"

Xiao Fei looked very angry, pouted and asked.

"Haha. Why didn't we tell you, you were playing with the little golden monkey Flash at that time, we specially called you, but you just cared about playing and ignored us."

When Liu Qianlang heard this, seeing her angry face, her little face was flushed, and she couldn't help laughing.

"Huh? Xiaoliu, is that what they said?"

Xiaofei blinked his eyes, looked down at the little golden monkey beside him, Xiaoliu, stroked its head and asked.

"Yes, that's what Uncle Liu really said at the time. He said they were going back to the First Human World, and asked if you would go back to find your mother, but you just smiled and flew away, ignoring Uncle Liu."

Little golden monkey Xiaoliu told the truth, looked up at his little master, and answered.

"Oh! That's it, then you're not right! Why don't you chase after me and speak clearly, so that I can understand, how can you concentrate on listening to you when you are having fun?"

Xiaofei felt that he was wronged, but he still refused to admit it, and was full of illogical reasons to save face for himself.


"Whose daughter is so cute and domineering! Well, we were wrong, come on, kid. Didn't you catch up, we were wrong, can we go together now?"

This is the first time Shui'er has seen Xiao Fei, and there was a lot of it, seeing that the other party was several years younger than his daughter Tianling, handsome and domineering, unreasonable, very cute and cute. He couldn't help but greeted with a smile.

"No, I'm not going, mother said, don't get close to anyone casually, because father told mother that there are many bad people in this world, let mother be careful, mother also taught me to always beware of bad people. Look at you and that Auntie is furious all over, she must be the evil ghost that mother said!

All you have to do is tell me the way to the first world. My colorful damask travels thousands of miles a day, and I will be home in a few days. In this way, you go your way, Xiaoliu and I go our way, and no one can hurt anyone. "

Shui'er showed kindness and kindness, but Xiao Fei didn't appreciate it. He looked up and down the unfamiliar Shui'er and the flame poisonous witch Liao Yan, his clear eyes were full of vigilance, and he immediately rejected Shui'er's call.


Shui'er sighed in embarrassment, and then said mockingly: "Sister Yan'er, listen, we are evil spirits, quickly put away the fire of the sky witch! Hehe."

"Sister Shui'er is saying, don't say that this child looks at us, the Sky Witch's Fire of the Sky Witch Clan feels weird, I guess other people in the First World will see us as ghosts from hell when they see us."

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other and smiled, hiding the flames of the sky witch outside their bodies. One turned into a whirling beauty wrapped in a light blue dress, and the other turned into a flamboyant Li Ji in a bright red gauze.

"Alright, if Xiaofei knows the way home, Uncle Liu will point you to the method of returning to the first human world, and you and Xiaoliu can go back by yourself. By the way, Xiaoliu, you can complete all the magical skills in the city of stars. Why are you willing to leave Niangshan Milk Sea?"

Liu Qianlang saw that Xiao Fei was very young, but his determination was firm, so he naturally didn't want to interfere with the child too much. Besides, I have a premonition that I will meet her again sooner or later. So he agreed to her, and then turned his gaze to the little golden monkey Xiaoliu.

"Thank you Uncle Liu for your concern. Xiaoliu's mother has condensed her heart and soul into her body, and she is always in my body. My mother told me that a man should take time and space as his great cause. He should not just care about friends and family. So Under the guidance of my mother, I have already practiced all the magical skills of my family in our Galaxy City.

Next, my mother asked me to protect my little benefactor, little master Xiaofei, and experience the five human worlds here, and then go to the land of Mingling to search for our Mingling Galaxy City.

By the way, mother asked me to thank Uncle Liu. Mother said that I met a man of great kindness and fate, and sincerely invited Uncle Liu. One day, when our city of stars is revived, you can come to our city of stars as a guest! "

Although the little golden monkey Xiaoliu looks very clever and mischievous, his words and deeds are no longer pure and childish. The words he uttered at a young age are mature and heavy.

"Hehe, yes. Now that you are leaving, Uncle Liu is really reluctant. I wish you Yue Lian the happiest, safe and healthy return to the place you each want to go in the end. I will coat you with a layer of instant escape. Divine light and implant direction guidance, and then you can appear in the first human area immediately."

Liu Qianlang smiled and looked deeply at Xiaofei and Xiaoliu for a while, and suddenly covered them with a layer of magical and inexplicable aura with a wave of his sleeves, and then, Xiaofei and Xiaoliu suddenly floated into the sky.


"Uncle Liu, Xiao Fei can't bear to miss you. If you have the opportunity, you must come to my house to see me. My home is in Qianque Lake, the golden capital of the first world. My mother is the owner of Qianque Lake. Sister Yaya, I can't bear to miss you either, you It's very beautiful, but you went to Niangshan Ruhai to see me many times, and I ignored you."

Xiao Fei had a determined look on his face just now, but once he really left, he suddenly felt that Liu Qianlang was so inseparable from many people he knew, and burst into tears in the cloudy sky.

"Little master, don't cry! Mother said, no matter how weak we are, as long as we are born in this world, we must learn to grow up and learn to be strong. In the future, we will have to walk alone on many roads!"

"Well, little master knows. But I really miss Uncle Liu and the others. They are all good people. The two Aunt Huo just now are also very beautiful. Also, where is Uncle Song? I miss him too much." , why didn't you see him, he was always with Uncle Liu?"

From the distant sky came the sound of Xiaofei Xiaoliu drifting away.


When Liu Qianlang heard that Xiao Fei had finally revealed who his mother was, although Liu Qianlang had guessed almost the same before hearing such a transformation, but when he really heard it, his heart still trembled and he blurted out, Call out the person in your heart in the first world of your own Mortal Realm.

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