Nine Heavens

Chapter 1452

Chapter 1452 An Xiang Laughs

Emperor Aoyoruo glanced at the eastern area of ​​God's Dark Realm for a while, and saw a fireball of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple colors, like a beast in the sky roaring and galloping between the stars. Wherever he passed, the invincible army of his Star Dou Spirit was quickly destroyed, turning into a galaxy of steam along the way.

The Darkness-Seeking Prince God Dark Energy Disk, who was besieged by him in the rear, has passed through dozens of star rings along the steam galaxy channel to stop him, and it seems that he can't stop it.

"Crazy! The people of God's Dark Energy Kingdom are all lunatics! In order to escape for their lives, there are so many people who are willing to destroy their souls and use their spiritual power to consume the interstellar energy of God's Dark Realm. Lan Ji will analyze it for me immediately, I want Let's see who is so crazy and made such a decision!"

In anger, Emperor Aoyouluo saw tens of thousands of phantoms with inexplicable faces in the halo of the giant ball of five colors, all opening their mouths and screaming, struggling to kill. The spiritual power vented wildly around him turned into waves of blue light, forming a sea of ​​blue light, rolling vastly in front of the five-color giant ball.

"Look, Luo Di, it's Princess Anxiang!?"

Lan Ji, the water spirit, listened to the order, swiped her hands across her chest, and immediately a divine spring of void appeared, and the kingdom of dark energy appeared in the bubbling water mist on it Not long ago, Princess Anxiang led tens of thousands of small divine dark energy disks into the A scene from the interstellar sky.

"She, she would actually do this?"

Emperor Aoyoruo always thought that in the interstellar war, only interstellar armored warriors like his Star Dou Ling and Star Army can win the battle with overwhelming strength and majesty. And never thought that a weak and weak woman in sight, and also the princess of the dark energy country, with a calm smile, would actually do such a horrifying interstellar event!

Although Emperor Aoyuluo really watched Princess Anxiang calmly approaching death, her beautiful figure, white hair fluttering, and fair and charming face gradually turned into white snowflakes flying like falling feathers.

But he still couldn't believe it. He didn't believe that there would be someone willing to die for the survival of others, especially if the other party was the princess of the Dark Energy Kingdom, who would be willing to give up the dignity of being the only one. He didn't believe that a person who actively chose death would still look so calm.

He didn't believe that without any persecution, there would be tens of thousands of elder shamans from the dark energy country who would take the initiative to laugh and die peacefully, even a princess girl would see death as home! I really can't believe this, because in my Star Dou Spirit army there are only force, order, obedience and slaughter.

War is only ruthless, cold and shabby, how can there be such a calm smile! ?

Emperor Aoyuluo suddenly asked himself deep in his heart, is his Star Dou Spirit army really invincible? What is the real powerful force in war?

Is it the force that turns the world upside down? If so, how could the other party be reborn from the dead wood! If not, how could the power of the Aoyou Clan have such a status as to shock the entire dark spirit world.

Emperor Aoyou Luo stared at the water spirit Lanji's spiritual spring and occupied the micro environment, for a moment he forgot the situation outside the dark energy disk of the gods, and fell into confusion.

In the heart of Prince Xun An, he felt sad for his sister, Princess An Xiang, and tens of thousands of ancestors who died calmly. In the midst of grief, he manipulated the dark energy disk of God, and led the hope life of the dark energy kingdom within a few stars. Breakthrough, victory is in sight.

In grief, Prince Xun Dark bowed and led all the clansmen behind him to kneel down, all of them staring intently at the giant ball of red, blue, green, yellow and purple colors tens of thousands of miles away, which continued to roll, and the colors were constantly weakening.

His eyes are full of sadness, and he is full of strength and pride, full of hope for the future.

"Xun An, my sister is about to leave with the ancestors forever, don't be sad for us, our hard work has finally brought life to the tribe, we are very happy! Father, Queen and Queen will be very happy when they find out!

The future of the Dark Energy Nation is in your hands. Although we have disappeared, we will all sing for you and for the Dark Energy Nation in the interstellar time and space. What about Yuelan?

I know that my younger brother and younger sister Yuelan share the same mind, why not let my elder sister and ancestors see your national wedding ceremony before they disappear completely? In this way, my sister and all the ancestors are even more gratified, and our dark energy country has an eternal future!"

Tens of thousands of miles away, while the red, blue, green, yellow, purple and five-color giant ball was rolling and speeding, suddenly the faint and beautiful shadow of Princess Anxiang appeared on top of it, Xiao Xing'er smiled and supported her.

"Sister! Little Xing'er!"

Seeing the phantoms of the two souls, Prince Xun An and everyone burst into tears and shouted joyfully.

"Yuelan? Yuelan come here!"

Amidst the shouts, Prince Xun An saw the thin sister, Wan Erwei's smiling figure was still fading, suddenly awakened to her sister's wish, jumped up suddenly, and pulled Yue Lan behind her.

"Sister Yuelan, you have heard what my sister said, are you willing to be my queen for the future of our dark energy country?"

Time was running short, and Prince Xun An didn't care too much, so he asked the shy Yue Lan directly.

"Yes! Yuelan likes the Prince of Darkness, and she admires Sister Anxiang even more! Yuelan is willing to become the queen of Darkness, and work together with you for the future of Darkness Nation!"

Yuelan has experienced countless pains, and only looking for Prince An and Princess Anxiang. The same is true. Apart from this, meeting each other is already a sympathy for each other. Ten Thousand Heavens Wu Ancestor readily nodded in agreement.

"Thank you Yuelan!"

Looking at Yue Lan with deep blue eyes, Prince Xun An nodded and said with tears in his eyes. Then he stretched out his hands, clasped his palms on top of Yuelan's palms, combined his own soul thoughts and Yue Lan's soul thoughts, using the magic technique of the Heavenly Witch, to unite their hearts and souls into one.

Then the two of them held each other's hands and simply knelt down in the direction of Princess Anxiang and Xiao Xing'er tens of thousands of miles away. There are five worships to the ancestors of Tianwu, one visit to the ancestors, and finally the husband and wife pay respects.

"Hehe. Big Brother Xun An and Sister Yue Lan are so beautiful today! Xiao Xing'er finally saw today. Little Xing'er wishes Brother Xun An and sister-in-law Xun An a happy marriage and an early baby!"

Xiao Xing'er laughed like a distant silver bell, heard in the ears of Prince Xun An and Yue Lan, and looked intently again and again, but no matter what, they could no longer see her face clearly.

The two couldn't help weeping, but Yue Lan suppressed her sadness and smiled and said, "Hehe, Xiao Xing'er has always been naughty and cute, no matter where you are, you will always be the cutest and most beautiful!"

"Yes! Elder sister is always happy with Xiao Xing'er by her side, I hope you will always be happy too. Oh! It's getting late, Xiao Xing'er accompanied sister Anxiang to the world of God and Darkness for a walk , My sister wanted to take a good look at how vast our homeland is a long time ago."

Princess Anxiang said with a faint smile on her face.

"Heck, okay! Sister, be careful, let's go right away!"



As soon as Xiao Xing'er finished speaking, the colorful giant ball of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple collapsed in an instant, and naturally the phantoms of Princess Anxiang and Xiao Xing'er's primordial spirit also disappeared. It was at this moment that the divine dark energy disk finally rushed out of the threat of the ninety-nine and eighty-one-degree star ring and sky explosion. Prince Xun Dark and the rest of his tribe narrowly escaped death again.

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