Nine Heavens

Chapter 1460 Azure Moon

Chapter 1460 Azure Moon


"Is it going to the energy space of the polar five-color divine jade at the center of the Vein of Eternal Strength?"

Hearing the heart-warming words of Emperor Xun An's husband, Yue Lan burst into tears and guessed happily.

"Hehe, for those who know me, Empress Dowager, I can't hide anything from you! It's there, but Empress Ai is telling me, why did Empress Dowager take you there?"

Emperor Xun An nodded with a smile, admiring the intelligence of his queen.

"Naturally, I can't worry about Brother Song and the two respected sisters-in-law. There, I can always pay attention to when they finish absorbing the dark energy, and then watch them leave with peace of mind."

Yue Lan flashed her eyes and said after a little thought.

"That's right, but that's just one of the reasons, and there's another one I didn't guess after love."

Empress Xun An supported his beloved wife to control a small divine dark energy plate and entered the void of the light and dark world, shuttling between countless stars.

"Oh! Could it be possible?"

Yuelan's eyes suddenly flashed with joy, she exclaimed, said ordinary words in disbelief, and then looked intently at the dark-seeking emperor.

The Emperor Xun An nodded deeply, and said: "I did not guess wrong after love, the polar energy in the center of the Vein of Eternity is rich, and the blue snowflake trees we spread have taken root and sprouted, and you will see that area is blue in a while, as if Mingling World is like a round bright moon in the human world, so beautiful and beautiful."

"Really? Hurry up! Emperor, let's fly to where, I must take a good look at the beauty of the only non-human spiritual creature in the history of the Light and Darkness, how it will be in this dark or dark world of Light and Darkness beauty of."

Yue Lan was sure that her guess was correct, and she couldn't wait to say happily.

"Don't worry about love, the emperor will obey!

Xun An loves and smiles, and immediately accelerates the shuttle speed of the Divine Dark Energy Disc in the star space, continuously flying towards the center of the Vein of Eternal Strength in the central area of ​​the Light and Dark Realm.

The new Kingdom of God and Dark Energy, Heavenly Witch Kingdom, is built in the shape of a triple ring city on the vein of eternity, and the five-color god jade land is located in the center of the triple ring city, which is also the center of the entire light and dark world. Before, the Dark-seeking Emperor and Song Zhen flew outside the outermost ring city tower in order to investigate the movement outside the light and dark world, so now they are flying to the five-color jade land, and the Dark-hunting Emperor and Yue Lan are also flying back to the middle and inner ring capital. route.

Not long after, under the guidance of the Emperor of Darkness, Yuelan saw a very huge blue area in the center of the city of Tianwu Kingdom, just like the beautiful moon on earth in the chaotic universe of the Mingling world, shining with blue light. quietly exist.


Seeing the beautiful blue moon hundreds of millions of miles away, Yuelan sighed sincerely.

"Hehe, today is Empress Dowager's birthday in the Mingling world. This is the place where the emperor discovered that the dark energy of the five-colored jade is strong, and the blue snowflake tree sprouts very quickly, so he arranged a place for temporary manipulation of dark energy. In this way, countless blue snowflakes germinated and became seedlings, which quickly formed this month, and I want to give it to Empress Ai today as a birthday gift, and I hope Empress Ai will be happy."

Emperor Xun An saw that Yue Lan had shown a knowing smile for the first time since she and her came to the Light and Dark Realm. He saw it in his eyes and was excited in his heart. He hugged the Empress of Love tightly in his arms and said.

"Thank you, Emperor! Thank you! Even Yuelan herself no longer remembers the month of her birthday, how could the Emperor know?"

Yue Lan heard that the You Lan Yue Yue that the Dark-seeking Emperor let her see was carefully prepared for herself, and while being infinitely moved, she asked in surprise.

"Hehe, don't forget that Brother Song is taking advantage of the space. I asked him for help, and he easily deduced your birth date in Mingling World. I know that in your world, everyone is the happiest It's my own birthday.

After the emperor learned of your birthday, he thought about it and knew that this gift is like the name of the queen of love, and it is the most suitable to commemorate the beauty of the world in the Mingling world and remember the senior Liaomang, so a few months ago, the emperor It's getting ready.

Just a moment after Brother Song and the two respected sisters-in-law left, I sensed that Youlan Meiyue had successfully sprouted. If you like it after love, just enjoy it quietly at this position. When you have enough appreciation, the emperor will give you even more surprises. "

The emperor looking for darkness supported Empress Ai's shoulders, temporarily stopped the divine dark energy disk, supported Empress Ai's shoulders, and accompanied her to gaze at the beautiful blue moon hundreds of millions of miles away.

"Emperor, do you think our dark spirit world will become as beautiful as the bright spirit world after the light and dark dream comes true?"

With smiling eyes and an auspicious look on her face, Yue Lan raised her eyes to look at the Emperor Xun An who was also full of joy and asked.

"Yes, I asked Brother Song. He said that if the Dream of Light and Darkness is really realized, the Cosmos God will realize the true great good and great fate. The light and dark world may disappear, and only the world of light and dark spirits will be left. All goodness, and all obscurity of existence will disappear.

Then the Mingling World and the Darkling World merged into one, and there was no longer a distinction between the two worlds of time and space. All races in the world will also go to the Mingling world.

The new world is an infinitely beautiful time and space of benevolence, where all living beings in the universe co-exist and co-prosper, no longer worry about evil forces and the pain of war, and live in endless happiness forever. "

The dark-seeking emperor's eyes were infinitely deep, looking into Aihou's clear eyes, he said with confidence.

"That world is so good. At that time, we will have such a beautiful blue moon, right? How long is that day, Yuelan can't wait!"

Yuelan's gaze once again turned to the beautiful blue moon composed of countless seedlings of blue snowflake trees thousands of miles away, her eyes sparkled with infinite expectation and longing, she said faintly.

"It won't be long, Brother Song said, now the Mingling world only needs to eliminate the seventy-seven forty-nine levels of hell under the five human worlds of the chaotic universe, and the dark spirit world destroys the evil forces of the Aoyou clan, and then the Mingling world will be the child of the spirit boy." Tuoling Mountain rectifies all the time and space of the universe, and establishes the rule of life of the four spirit boys in time and space, and the dream of light and dark will really come true."

The dark-seeking emperor had discussed this with Song Zhen many times before, and he believed that this was the general situation.

"Heck, it's so beautiful! Emperor, Yuelan can't get enough of it, but Yuelan wants to go up to Youlan Meiyue. When she gets there, Yuelan will also give the Emperor a gift. The Emperor will be happy!"

While talking, Yue Lan suddenly blushed and smiled inexplicably.

"Is that right, after love, I have to give gifts to the emperor, haha, as long as it is a gift given by the queen of love, no matter what, this emperor will take care of it and cherish it like life.

It doesn't matter if you can't see enough after love, as long as you like it after love, you can watch it anytime after you sit in the palace and open the window. Now this emperor will take you to fly to Youlan Meiyue! "

Hearing that Aihou Yuelan also had a gift for herself, which surprised the dark-seeking emperor, Chang Huai laughed for a while, took Aihou's jade hand, and once again urged the dark energy disk to enter the interstellar time and space.

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