Nine Heavens

Chapter 1467 Five-Color Spirit Heart

Chapter 1467 Five-Color Spirit Heart

"Haha, that's enough! Look at you, we are not trying to save people here, it's like traveling in mountains and rivers, and we are in the mood to make fun of each other!"

Song Zhen saw it and smiled.

"Hmph! What's more, isn't it all caused by you?"

"Yes! That's right, Sister Lan Shuang is right."

Lan Shuang was tired of chasing her, so she imitated Ye Xiang's tone and said angrily. Ye Xiang saw that Lan Shuang and herself were in the same camp, and immediately agreed happily.

Song Zhen laughed at himself and surrendered, saying that it was all his fault, and then coaxed his two beloved wives to help him study the situation at the entrance of the Five-color Shenyu Cave.

The vast energy of five-color gods and darkness in the Five-color Shenyu Cave rushes out. First, the five colors blend together. The Guanghua River, covered with invisibility, quickly flows to the sky above the five-color Shenyu Palace far away from the space.

There, it is like the water of the plateau flowing into the plain, continuously expanding and flattening, forming a five-layer protective seal array with infinitely powerful dark energy. The Five-Color Jade Palace looks indestructible, and with such dark energy continuously supplying the sealing energy array, it is simply an indestructible city.

After the three of Song Zhen and his wife joked briefly, their expressions soon became serious.

For this situation, Lan Shuang and Yexiang could see clearly because of the rich five-color divine power in the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk. , could not help but praise.

Song Zhen stood firmly in the Chaos Luoxiang Infinity Disk, retracted his gaze from a distance, and concentrated on the dark energy aura swirling in the vast five-color divine jade hole around the Chaos Luoxiang Infinity Disk, quietly examining the five-color The entrance to Shenyu Cave.

The reason why the Five-Color Jade Cave is so called, as the name suggests, is that the entire cave is made of five-color divine jade, which is the fundamental reason why it contains infinite five-color divine power, and it is also the basis for the Aoyou clan to establish a country.

Looking at the entire five-color universe time and space, although red, blue, green, yellow, purple and five-color magical clouds are flying everywhere, but if you look closely, the space-time position here is the same as that of the light and dark world, and there are only dark stones of dark energy everywhere.

The reason why the five-color universe independently became a mysterious space-time region, which made the Aoyou clan so powerful, is all because of the five-color god jade cave.

In the world of light and darkness, the dark-seeking emperor and the ancient kingdom of God and Darkness can nourish the entire light and dark time and space and maintain the existence of the kingdom with just a piece of five-color divine jade. Its magic is self-evident.

Now, under the vast five-color spiritual mist, there is actually a cave with five-color divine jade treasures that is several feet long, which makes the three excited and a little bit at a loss.

"Husband, how should we act? As long as we destroy or move this beautiful cave, the five-color Shenyu Palace will naturally lose the protection of the five-layer aura seal. We can attack the Five-color Shenyu Palace immediately when we turn around, and then we will be broken." The source of the rear of Emperor Oyoruo."

Ye Xiangxiu's face turned red from excitement, Wang Wang couldn't help asking when she saw that her husband and sister Lan Shuang had been silent.

"I'm afraid that the five-color god jade cave cannot be destroyed. It is the source of spiritual energy that maintains the five-color universe. If it is destroyed, the five-color universe will also appear different or be destroyed. Our goal is to destroy Aoyuluo The evil power of the emperor is not to destroy the five-color universe.

This place is so magical, after Emperor Oyoruo was wiped out, it is still a rare and beautiful time and space in the dark spirit world, and we should not destroy it. "

After Lan Shuang pondered for a while, she discovered the existence of the Five-Color God Jade Cave, and it affects the whole body. The connection is too complicated, which negates Ye Xiang's theory of destruction.

"Then I'll move it away and give it to Emperor Xun'an and Yuelan. There is such a big five-color jade cave here, but they only have five-color jade, and they still regard it as a national treasure.

Let's find a way to move out the five-color divine jade from the five-color divine jade cave and give them to them, giggling. The dark-seeking emperor and Yuelan must be very happy. "

When Ye Xiang heard that it could not be destroyed, she said again.

"No, the five-color jade cave is originally located here. If it is blindly transferred to other places in the dark spirit world without understanding the detailed effects of its spiritual energy on the time and space of all parties, and making full preparations for manipulation, it will definitely cause the dark spirit time and space to reverse. , I don't know what bad results will happen.

Therefore, if we move a little bit of the five-color divine jade in the five-color divine jade cave, it is okay, but it is best not to move the whole thing, and it seems that with our strength, it is impossible to move the whole thing. "

Lan Shuang apologetically denied Ye Xiang's idea.

"Sister! Why do you always do the right thing with me? It doesn't work that way, and it doesn't work that way. Then tell me, what should I do?"

When Ye Xiang heard it, she said something to herself, but her sister Lan Shuang said no, and stuck out her tongue.

"Although my sister said it jokingly, I'm afraid that's not what you really think in your heart. I guess your real idea is to go into the five-color jade cave to see what's weird inside. As for the other sisters, you're not interested at all. ,Right?"

Lan Shuang smiled slightly, looked at Ye Xiang and said with a pursed mouth pretending to be angry.

"So what, don't you want to go in and have a look? Since this five-color divine jade cave is as magical as you said, what is it like inside? Why does it emit five-color divine light? The real source of the magical five-color divine energy lies in Where? My sister really wants to know."

Ye Xiang didn't deny it, but asked rhetorically.

"Well, what Xiang'er said is true. Seeing that there is no barrier set up by Emperor Aoyuluo outside the Five-color Shenyu Cave, I will immediately send my situation to the third brother and the emperor looking for darkness, and then go in to check. It’s too miraculous, we immediately exit and go to Lansheng’s time and space.”

After observing and staring for a long time, Song Zhen sent out the information of the phantom sound of Qishang, and then manipulated the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk to suddenly shoot into the Five-color Shenyu Cave.

After that, I never saw the Chaos Luo Xiang Wuji disk flying out again.

"Ha ha."

"Zhan Kongzi, I knew you would come to the five-color jade cave sooner or later, since you are so curious, then go in and be curious, but it's a pity that you can't come out again.

Since the five-color universe was born, some people who are as stupid as you have entered it. The frightening thing is, whether they can get in or out, they are all fused by the terrifying five-color dark energy spirits inside.

Unexpectedly, now, Zhan Kongzi, who was invincible back then, finally couldn't resist the temptation and went in, haha.

Do you think this emperor would be such a careless person? Back then, when the three of us were born together, I first discovered the magical five-color jade cave, and I tried my best not to let you know that the five-color jade cave exists. orientation.

Now how can I let you come here easily after becoming my tyrannical opponent. I lured you here on purpose, the purpose is naturally to eliminate the thorn in your side! "

Not long after Song Zhen and his two beloved wives controlled the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk and shot it into the entrance of the five-color god jade cave, in another distant location of the five-color universe, the phantom body of Aoyuluo suddenly burst out and shook the whole world. The cold laughter of the five-color universe time and space.

Then the phantom flew to the entrance of the Five-Color Jade Cave whistling suddenly, and with a wave of the huge Five-Color Jade Sword in the hands of Emperor Oyuluo, the gorgeous Five-Color Jade Cave disappeared in front of his eyes.

Immediately, the huge phantom body of Emperor Oyoruo suddenly appeared on the huge palm, a gorgeous heart-shaped miraculous thing that shone brightly and dimly from the inside out in five colors of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple.


The gorgeous heart-shaped creature roared in the palm of Emperor Aoyuluo, shaking non-stop, trying to escape from the palm of Emperor Aoyuluo, but Emperor Aoyuluo laughed coldly and viciously again, and the phantom body turned his big hand , turned around and flew back to the sky above the five-color jade palace.

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