Nine Heavens

Chapter 1473 The Island of the East

Chapter 1473: The Island of the East

"The shuttle of crossing is our Four Spirits Tianhui Shenzhou. It can not only capture the target we are looking for, but also carry it. It also contains the divine power of the four spirits universe. No matter in the world of Mingling or the time and space of dark spirits, You can travel miraculously.

Its mystery lies in the countless changes in shape and quality. It can be transformed into the appearance of the time boat I gave to Jiuying, or it can be transformed into the sky and clouds, stars, sun and moon, and even the appearance of various creatures. Traveling through any time and space will not be disturbed limit.

After we gathered the shuttle that traveled successfully, let it track down the whereabouts of your brother Song Zhen and your two sister-in-laws first, and then let the shuttle temporarily help them deal with the forces of the Aoyou Luo Emperor Star Fighting Spirit, and use it as a source of news from the light and dark world in the future Deliver cosmic messengers. "

"The crossing shuttle is so powerful and mysterious, it is exactly what we need urgently. Why did you have scruples before leading the waves? If you seem to be able to wake up Jiuzhan's bag, you don't want to take the step of Siling Tianhui and gather the crossing Tiansuo? Presumably It's not just the reason why it takes so long to gather the Four Spirits Tianhui, right?"

Cheng Yuanfang's two divine powers, light and dark, turned into a black and a white spirit wolf around his body. His chaotic eyes were not yet closed, and his red-eyed eyes were looking at five places in the world. He asked in a deep voice.

"Indeed, the time travel shuttle is miraculous and mysterious, but since we will enter the dark spirit time and space after we create it, the only thing that worries me is that it will conceive the cosmic soul itself.

If one day it gets out of control, it will be a blessing or a curse, it is really unpredictable. If the Fallen Demon can be said to be the number one spirit demon in the sky, its strength will be higher than the combined efforts of our four spirit masters, and it will be really difficult to deal with. "

Now that things have happened, Liu Qianlang feels that this matter should be made clear so that everyone can have a psychological preparation for the future.

"There is a saying that there is no perfect thing in the world. Now we have no choice. If we don't create a shuttle, we can no longer control Brother Zhen's situation. We will never ignore his safety.

All of our four spirit masters can implant the spiritual consciousness in the crossing boat, and once they find signs that they are about to lose control and fall into the devil, they can immediately use the spiritual consciousness to destroy his spiritual consciousness. I believe we can still do it. Time is running out, don't be distracted, let's get started! "

Outside Liu Juan's body was already green waves, and the infinite spiritual power in the five worlds formed an invisible and invisible vortex of power, surging towards her miraculously, and then tumbling and circling around it, entering the bright red on her head Inside the jade seal of the Nine Dragons fireworks that exploded.

Liu Juan's face was icy and arrogant, she smiled all over the city, and then smiled all over the country, and said with a trace of sternness at the corner of her mouth.

"What my sister said is true, the matter has come to this point, we don't need to say any more."

After Liu Qianlang said these words for the last time, the four spirit masters suddenly began to condense all the spiritual mediums they needed in the five worlds, and entered the realm of the shuttle of creation and time travel.

At this moment, on a mysterious island in Eastern Tianyang, six beautiful girls floated down. They were all dressed in colorful fairy dresses.

Suddenly, the youngest little girl, who was only eleven or twelve years old, wearing a dark blue dress, suddenly screamed while running:

"Wow! So beautiful, hee hee! It's all mine!"

The reason why the little girl was so amazed was because she suddenly found dozens of seven-color magic shells piled up on a sunken island rock that can only be found in the deep ocean.

"One, two clucks"

The little girl suddenly got a beautiful and lovely seven-color magic shell. She was so happy that she couldn't help laughing out loud. She immediately bent down and put it into the sea of ​​sleeves while counting.

"Hehe. Sister Tianling, Sister Danrou, Sister Liusha, Sister Die'er, Sister Xiaolan, why are you running so fast, come and see, there are many wandering spirit diamonds and spirit crystals here!"

When the little girl lost her heart to pick up the shells, the other little girl who was left alone suddenly shouted with joy, and then bent down to pick up a piece of dazzling purple spiritual diamonds, which shone seductively in the sun. mango.

This group of girls is none other than the four Tianling sisters, Die'er, and the blue dragonfly, Xiaolan. The one who saw the shell was Xiaolan. Although she was the youngest, she was also the most mischievous, so she was always at the front of the six sisters and naturally ran at the front of the island.

And the single one is Liu Qianlang and Xiaoying, the daughter of Palace Master Qinghua. She was more gentle and graceful when she was a child, and even more so now. Compared with other sisters, she is relatively calm. After landing in the archipelago, I was immediately attracted by the green mountains and green waters on the beautiful island under the blue sky and white clouds.

So I looked left and right, and soon I was left behind by the sisters who were chasing and fighting in front. But when he lowered his head suddenly, he saw several piles of crystal-clear diamonds and spirit crystals of various colors on several rocks. He was instantly attracted by its beauty, and excitedly called out to the little sisters in front of him.


When the four sisters in the middle heard this, they quickly floated back to Xiaoying's vicinity, and immediately looked at those exquisite spirit diamonds and spirit crystals. I saw three piles of spiritual crystals in front of me, divided into nine colors of red, blue, yellow, purple, white, green, green, gold, and silver. Each pile has nine stones, each with a different color, and the nine stones are surrounded by one place, shining brilliantly.

From a distance, it looks like three gorgeous nine-petaled miraculous lotus flowers blooming in the sun, infinitely beautiful and magical.

In another position, it is under Xiaoying's feet, not counting the one in Xiaoying's hand, there are seven under it, and one golden one is enough for nine.

The four sisters watched quietly for a while, couldn't help laughing happily, and then drifted away to these spirit diamonds and spirit crystals, intending to take them for themselves.

"That's not right, Sister Tianling. You see, there is still some sand and sand on these spirit diamonds and spirit crystals. It is obvious that someone is salvaging and picking treasures in this eastern sky. Father Shui Ling knows that we are taking things from the world like this. He will teach us a lesson! Besides, the treasure hunters worked so hard to pick it up, and we took it away like this, how angry and sad they are!"

Xiaoying wants to be gentle, considerate, and like it, she doesn't want to take away these spiritual diamonds and crystals.


All the sisters, in classical Chinese, naturally think that what the second sister Xiaoying said is right, but facing the beautiful Lingjing Lingjing, they like it so much that they can't help but give up or take it, and look at the eldest sister Tianling helplessly. .

Tianling's eyes flashed, he pondered for a while, and said: "You see, this place is far away from the eastern horizon of the First Human World. There is no capital city here, so how can there be any treasure hunters? In my opinion, these spirit diamond spirits Jing must have been huddled here by some bad monsters in the past, and was later wiped out by the distant Ling Bo.

Even if we don't take it away, there will be no owner if we put it here. Why don't we take it back and refine some spiritual objects or fairy weapons. It's better than throwing them here, no one wants them. "

Among the six sisters, Tianling was the biggest, had the most tricks, and was also the most mischievous. In fact, she could tell at a glance that these spirit diamonds and spirit crystals should not have been mined from the extremely deep waters of Eastern Tianyang. But when he saw such a beautiful thing, he immediately felt possessive. Hearing Xiaoying's objection, he immediately said something like this.

"Oh! That's right, it's great! This one looks good, I want it, hee hee! And that one."

The other sisters were immediately overjoyed when they heard the words. Naturally, they didn't think about the unreasonableness of Tianling's words, and they didn't want to think about it.

"Sister Tianling! You?"

Xiaoying watched the little sisters fighting each other to hold pieces of spiritual diamonds and spiritual crystals in their hands, happily admiring them towards the sun, and cast their eyes on their sister Tianling. She wanted to say that her sister was lying to everyone again, but the words When it reached the edge of his mouth, he took it back.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Sister Xiaoying doesn't like the spirit diamond in your hand? You are the first to get it?"

Tianling laughed amusedly, then beckoned to take all the spirit diamonds and spirit crystals under Xiaoying's feet into his sleeve.

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