Nine Heavens

Chapter 1489

Chapter 1489 Good words to persuade

"Oh! It's really sincere, I'm going to die, and I'm still so worried, thinking about things. You don't know, right now, Ouyang Langlong is the God of Darkness, and the God of Darkness is Ouyang Langlong. We have already It is the body of the cosmic demon that combines humans and demons. Seeing that Jiuhuanyu is invincible. Haha.

Liu Qianlang, you can sit still, don't you all have psychic eyes, come on! Let the leader open a gap in the scarlet blood demon spirit for you, and see what your first world is like now, how are your wives? "

While the four spirit masters were talking, suddenly a huge blood-red ferocious face oozes from the clouds and mist thousands of miles high. From its cold and red eyes, Liu Qianlang immediately sensed that it was the mutated face of Ouyang Langlong.

"Four spirit masters! We must hold on, we are trying to find a way to destroy the attack of the red blood demon spirit outside!"

Liu Qianlang happened to see his beloved wife Miao Yan swaying in the red blood demon spirit through the tear on one side of the huge face of Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the arrogant Blood Moon God Sect. Looking at each other, they immediately recalled the various experiences of sharing adversity with each other in their spiritual thoughts, and their pride suddenly increased.

Especially Miaoyan, who thought that her husband and the other three spirit masters would definitely fall to the devil and die this time. I don't want to take a look and find that my husband is still unscathed at this moment, I am overjoyed and shouted.


"Even the Nine Heavens Immortal God can't save you this time, Liu Qianlang, you just admit defeat. Before, the leader of the sect thought of turning you into a blood slave of the leader of the sect. It would be nice to be a puppet, but you bastard, always He escaped by mistake.

This has always been a regret of the leader, and today this regret can finally be made up. Hehe, and the Four Spirit Boys are all here, which really makes the leader of the sect very happy. In the future, the leader of the sect will fight everywhere, accompanied by blood demons transformed into four tyrannical four spirit boys, it is really refreshing! "

Miaoyan swayed in the red blood demon spirit, but she yelled such words, which made Ouyang Langlong's huge phantom, which controls the ten thousand li blood demon dragon, sneer and ridicule again and again.

"Ouyang Langlong, why are you doing this? I, Liu Qianlang, have no deep hatred for you at all. Why do I still have a grudge against my head until now! Because of unreasonable resentment, even if you don't consider others, don't you like to live?" Do you have to be upright? With your cultivation base and no other distractions, it is so difficult to achieve the peak results of cultivation, why put yourself in the endless hatred and mud!"

Liu Qianlang sat cross-legged in the cloud domain of the Four Spirits Tianhui, seeing that the three layers of seals had been devoured by the red blood demon spirit, and he and the three spirit masters were about to be completely exposed to the red blood demon spirit. The three spirit masters were all extremely anxious in their hearts, secretly mobilizing their magical skills, ready to resist.

But Liu Qianlang didn't, he believed that if his fourth brother Song Zhen didn't allow him to resist, he would turn danger into good luck, so he didn't activate any spiritual power, and he was in the midst of the terrifying red-blooded demon spirit who could destroy everything at any time , but still with a calm face and calm eyes, he advised Ouyang Langlong.

"Bah! You still have the face to talk like this. How could we not have a deep hatred? If it weren't for you, Liu Qianlang, who destroyed the Hunsha Gate, why would my young master be in trouble, and how could I go to the ghost map? My poor mother... How could innocent people die!"

Ouyang Langlong's phantom was furious, brandishing the Blood Demon Excalibur, slashing and slashing at the blood moon, continuously increasing the momentum of the surging red blood demon spirit, roaring and roaring.

"The existence of the Hun Sha Sect is against the sky and harms the goodness of the world. The righteous way in the world is vicissitudes of life, and sooner or later it will be impossible to escape the end of being exterminated. Even if I, Liu Qianlang, don't take action, I will still do it like other good people However, Liu Qianlang did not expect that your mother's innocence was killed, and she has been brooding about it for many years.

I have been looking for a way to bring your mother back to life again, so as to make up for the regret that your mother was innocently killed by righteous people. And, after years of practice and exploration, Liu Qianlang finally realized his wish. Not only revived countless innocent human races and all kinds of creatures who died in the ancient Coconut Kingdom and the former Qingliu Kingdom, but also your mother. "

Liu Qianlang's words were peaceful, but what he said made Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, listen to his ears. He was suddenly very surprised, and suddenly stopped the roaring sound, and suddenly shouted infinitely tenderly: "Mother? You Is it true, my mother is really resurrected?"

"How could Liu Qianlang make fun of this matter! But your mother is a person in the mortal realm, how could she suffer from such a life-threatening scarlet blood demon spirit. At this moment, mother is living very well, right next to my black jade skeleton. She is always looking forward to reunion with her lost son, you.

Liu Qianlang did this, one is to make up for his own mistakes back then, and the other is to resolve the unwarranted grievances between us, and intends to bring your mother to your side at the right time, and return what you should have Family fun.

Since we meet like this today, although the occasion is not good, Liu Qianlang can no longer delay the reunion of your mother and son, Liu Qianlang will hand your mother into your hands. Forget about a regret I have had for many years. But I hope you cherish the hard-won mother-child reunion.

Look at this, this is the magic sound and shadow stone, you are no stranger to it, it records every detail of your mother's life after her resurrection, she and my parents, uncles and aunts communicate with each other happily. Every time I talk about you, I’m always full of praise, saying how handsome, generous and kind you used to be.”

"Stop talking!" Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, caught the magic sound and shadow stone of the instant escape method on Liu Qianlang's cloth in the ten thousand li sky, and suddenly roared, interrupting Liu Qianlang's words, and then whimper Crying loudly, looking at the magic sound shadow stone in his hand, he knelt down in the sky and shouted repeatedly: "Mother! Mother, Longer is sorry for you, and made you suffer the wrong of being killed in the past!"

"Liu Qianlang, don't think that you do this, I will forgive you, you owe me Ouyang Langlong, although I am at the bottom of the nether world, there is still a fairyland in my body for my mother's peace of mind, immediately Return my mother to me!"

After Ouyang Langlong felt sad and happy for a while, he suddenly stood up again and shouted.

"That's natural. Since you can guarantee your mother's safety, Liu Qianlang naturally has no reason to let your mother and child continue to separate. This is Liu Qianlang's original intention. The red blood demon spirit is extremely vicious, so I will invite your mother into the house for now." It will be delivered to you from a boundless flower, and then immediately incorporated into your body in the state of pure spirit, which can ensure that your mother will not be harmed in any way."

When Liu Qianlang was speaking, a boundless flower with ever-changing petals flew out from the black jade skull in front of his chest, shooting towards the sky.

After a while, Ouyang Langlong caught it in his palm, and then quickly absorbed it into the body sea.

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