Nine Heavens

Chapter 1494

Chapter 1494 Farewell

"Ha ha."

Hearing the words, everyone immediately relaxed, laughed happily, introduced each other, and then all flew into the four shuttles and descended to the bottom of Cangshan Mountain.

The fate of the world of mortals is different at the end, and the love of Enhai is deep and each chooses its own way.

After the army of the Four Spirits won the victory of destroying the blood moon and creating the crossing shuttle, according to the prior agreement, the three Tiansuo, composed of the soul boy Liujuan, the energy boy Cheng Yuanfang and the air boy Cheng Shifeng, have set off for the dark spirit world with their own forces. up.

The rest are Liu Qianlang's former Langyuan army. The five worlds have been decided, and Liu Qianlang presided over a five-world fairy alliance meeting as the leader of the five human immortals and the earth immortals, and successfully established the new order of the human fairy world, and then passed on the position of leader to the girl Ah, and leave all the Langyuan sect in Cangshan Lang, except for the miraculous army, three-color fire boy, five-color spirit god, Lin'er, little devil, Xiaomei, Hongxian, and family members. The old palace of Yuanmen is headed by Yaya.

The reason for doing this has already been mentioned above. After making some arrangements, Liu Qianlang led his eight beloved wives, seven daughters, nine babies and ninety-eight children in the early morning. The miraculous army of eleven, as well as the three-color fire baby, etc. drifted away in the shuttle floating in the sky, preparing to fly to the entrance of the third mortal world, the Jueyang Hell.

At this moment, Yaya led all the former Cangshan Langyuan sect forces to kneel on Cangshan Mountain to see them off. Yaya hugged the Mitian snail given by her mentor, and she had already cried to the point of tears.

Although Yaya considered the future of herself and Liu Yun of the Xuanling Sect of Longyun Mountain, as well as being able to accompany her grandparents Qian Kun and the two elders, and also for the future of the five fairy worlds, she finally decided not to continue to follow her mentor Liu Qianlang and her little master Yun Qian Dream.

But there are joys left behind, and parting sorrows!

I was brought up by my mentor and my little master since I was a child, and my mentor is like my parents. I have lived and died with him for more than ten years. How could I be willing to part with him suddenly? And those little junior sisters and Jiuying junior brothers who follow me all day, never listen to me again. They don't call her senior sister anymore, and they don't see the mistresses who love her so much. Yaya can't imagine how she will face it in the future after leaving all these things.

Looking at the familiar figures on the shuttle, Yaya choked with sobs and tears, her heart pierced like a knife.

"Yaya! Don't be sad, there are so many sorrows in the world, and there will be laughter every day. We should be happy. After our efforts, there will be no more death and pain in the five worlds! Everyone can live forever, have children and hope for immortality. Everyone can ask for it.

Son, now that you have grown up, you have become the leader of the fairy world in the five worlds. There is a long way to go. The new generation replaces the old one. Master believes in you and Yun'er, and you will make more achievements than us. Parting helplessly, the masters still have a long way to go, so they have to continue.

Yun'er, help Yaya get up, from now on Yaya will be taken care of by you as a father, the journey Yaya has traveled has been quite a lot of hardships, you must be intimate with her, and help her do everything in the fairy world.

Also, Yun'er must be filial to your masters in the cloud, if there is anything you don't understand, you young people should ask the elders and uncles in the world for advice. "

Liu Qianlang leaned down and looked down. Although he had experienced countless life and death partings, he had calmed down and no longer expressed his hurt with tears. But it is hard to part with Yaya, this disciple. The affection she poured into her, the love between her teacher and her father, completely surpassed her own flesh and blood, and she had already regarded her as her first child.

Before they parted, Liu Qianlang and Gao Zun from the former sect, Yun Zhongzi from the Xuanling sect of Longyun Mountain, and other comrades, as well as the Western Shura Temple and the former Ministry of the Eastern Goddess Island all said goodbye calmly, because they were full of nostalgia for this beloved disciple.

But since we are separated, no amount of words can change the word "don't". At this point, Liu Qianlang stopped talking, and stared at the weeping Yaya and the former disciples who were kneeling all over Cangshan Mountain.

"Elder Sister! Woohoo——"

Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Die'er, Xiaolan, and Lian'er were also crying in a mess, complaining that the elder sister was cruel to stay behind, and at the same time reluctantly hugging their mothers and crying loudly.

The shuttle moved slightly, and immediately couldn't help calling out in unison. This call is heartbreaking, Liu Qianlang is sad, Yun Qianmeng, Miaoyan, Pa'er, Shui'er, Huoyan, Poisonous Witch Liaoyan, Palace Master Qinghua, Princess Jinling and Palace Master Qianque.

It was already a tearful hug and parting before, but now I couldn't help but float out of the shuttle with the Tianling Seven Sisters again, hugging and crying bitterly again for a long time.

As a boy, Jiuying's emotions were not so strong, but he frowned and had tears in his eyes. He discussed with each other silently, and gave the most precious ghost boat that his father had given him to the elder sister who had been shouting since childhood.

In the sky above Cangshan Mountain, Liu Qianlang with white hair fluttering, sky brocade silk gown, silver clothes hunting, the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword in his hand red flashing Liuxia, staring for a long time at the place where his life almost fell and rose again and the unforgettable figures below, Then I looked back at my relatives and friends in the shuttle, and finally thought, and secretly said: "My good disciple, I am leaving for the teacher! If you miss the teacher and the little master, you will blow away the sky snail, for the teacher and everyone. will hear."

Then the Shuttle of Traveling finally turned the bow of the ship slowly, and the light of the rainbow shone in the sky, and the splendor of the Spirit Crystal and Spirit Diamond slowly disappeared into the flowing clouds in the sky.

In the rear, three days later, when all the members of the No. 1 Human World Langyuan Sect on Cangshan Mountain returned to the Cangshan Palace, Yaya still did not leave, and neither did Liu Yun, who accompanied her.

However, Yaya's face was no longer sad, and it was still an early morning when the sun was rising, and Yaya blew the celestial conch presented by her teacher.


Mi Tianluo's voice is deep and sweet, with ups and downs, as if telling all the twists and turns that happened in the five worlds.

"It's so beautiful that Yaya blows away the Mitian snail, how about calling me Yaya Tianluo Fairy from now on?"

Although Liu Yun was equally attached to the departure of her mother Miaoyan and her father, but fortunately, Yaya stayed for her affectionately, and her lingering mood was full of luck. Seeing Yaya dancing in the morning breeze in her blue neon dress, holding the snail in her slender hands, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, she couldn't help but let go of her emotions, and said comfortingly with understanding.

"Sky Conch Fairy? Well, this dao name is really good. From now on, I will be called Tian Luo Fairy. Brother Yun, I sensed the last words that the master said in his heart when he left. He said, if we miss them, I will blow the sky snail , he will hear."

Hearing Liu Yun's proposal, Yaya said happily.

"Yes, I sensed it too, I also sensed it, Mother's blessing for us. Hehe, Tianluo, let's go back, otherwise Father and Mother should be worried about us."

Liu Yun smiled.

"Okay, I am the leader of the fairy world on earth, you support me."

"Hehe, the head of the Xuanling Sect in Longyun Mountain obeyed."

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