Nine Heavens

Chapter 1502 Chase Xiaoliu

Chapter 1502 Chasing Xiaoliu

"Master, don't worry! With my Nine Swords and my wife, and so many elder sisters-in-law, brothers and sisters of dragons, brothers of dragons and phoenixes, fellow disciples of dragon balls and phoenixes, and the miraculous sword princess Jianxian, some of them will be safe."

Now Jiujian has been completely created by Liu Qianlang using the soul-racing technique, and has become a lively, humorous, cheerful and handsome young man. He is in pairs with Fairy Zixia all day long, so happy.

At this moment, when Lang Sheng said goodbye to his master, he was still holding Fairy Zixia's slender hand.

Fairy Zixia is often red-faced and shy in front of everyone, but her heart is infinitely sweet.

"Hehe. Brother Jiujian is so shameless! Sister Zixia Fairy, ignore Brother Jiujian, he is so reckless, let's play with us. Huh? Where did Xiaoliu go?"

After Liu Qianlang entered the Moyu Skull, Lian'er came out from behind Jiu Jian, made a funny face and mocked Jiu Jian for a while, then dragged Fairy Zixia away.

"Oh! When did my seniority decrease, this little girl started calling me brother, but it's nothing, as long as Zixia likes me."

Jiu Jian muttered, not caring about the teasing of the people around him, watching Fairy Zixia with fluttering purple dress into the Seven Tianling Sisters with eyes full of affection.

After Liu Qianlang entered his black jade skull, he first stayed in the bright and dark sky for a while, and sensed that his father Liuhe Dong, his mother Fengyue'er, and Cheng Shu and Aunt Cheng were enjoying the scenery and laughing in the White Star Palace, and felt very comforted.

For Liu Qianlang, although adhering to the grand plan of the Nuwa Empress and pursuing the avenue of good fortune in space and time in the universe, deep down in her heart, she is only affection first, and she is reluctant to give up! Since stepping into the fairyland, I have been very comforted by the separated and reunited parents, brothers and sisters, as well as the nine beauties and beloved wives who have lived and died together.

Because Liu Qianlang was eager to explore the matter of "Hell", he didn't have more time to go to the White Star Palace tomorrow to greet the four old people, but he still respectfully knelt in the bright and dark sky, and smiled to send the hearts of the four old people Language blessing. Then, it suddenly shot into the entrance of the dark sky.

Inside the Moyu Skeleton, the dark sky world is still vast and endless, and it is pitch black everywhere. Liu Qianlang's white hair was fluttering around, and she was hunting in silver clothes. In an instant, she conjured up the sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate, and was galloping while looking into the distance with the rainbow in her eyes.

Looking from a distance, above the dark sky, time and space, a huge sword with bright red and colorful rainbows is supporting a tall and straight white-haired fairy in pure white light, flowing silently. The light path drawn is ups and downs, magical and beautiful.

Suddenly, a meteor-like golden light bounced at the entrance of the dark sky, chasing towards Liu Qianlang like lightning.


While Liu Qianlang was speeding, he suddenly heard a slight sound tens of thousands of miles behind him.

"Xiaoliu, since you're here, let's go to the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword. It's much better for us to talk to each other than you to follow far away on the golden light of the galaxy."

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, without looking back, and said with a smile.


The little golden monkey who was tens of thousands of miles away heard the words, but he didn't expect Liu Qianlang to find him so quickly. He tilted his head for a moment, then another golden light flashed, and the next second he appeared at Liu Qianlang's feet.

"Xiaoliu, Uncle Liu has always wanted to ask you, didn't you say that after visiting Lian'er, you would go back to the city of stars in the distant Mingling world around the spiritual heart, and resurrect your mother and the countless sealed Starship warriors? , changed your mind again?"

Liu Qianlang looked down at the little golden monkey lovingly, stroked his short golden hair and asked.

"Yes, I originally planned this way, but when my mother in the sea saw Xiao Fei back then and now Lian'er's little master, she suddenly decided to let me follow from now on and sacrifice my life to protect Lian'er. Mother said that Lian'er is not an ordinary child, and following her is our hope for the awakening of the Star River City!"

Little Golden Monkey Xiaoliu bowed his head and pondered for a moment, but he still told the truth.

"Oh! Why is Lian'er not an ordinary child, did your mother tell you?"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang asked in surprise.

"Well, I asked mother, but mother didn't say anything. Mother said that she is still uncertain about some situations, and she will tell me when the time comes. Then mother told me to follow Uncle Liu and Lian Er. And mother On the other hand, I have entered the state of meditation and silent practice for more than five years, and I have not woken up to this day, and I don’t know when I will wake up.”

Little Golden Monkey Xiaoliu shook his head, feeling very at a loss.

"Hehe, let's not go into it for now. Uncle Liu is really happy to see Xiaoliu all the time. Tell me, why must you secretly follow Uncle Liu this time?"

Liu Qianlang asked after thinking about what Little Golden Monkey Xiaoliu said.

"Because my mother said that when you saved my mother, she felt that the message from my grandfather, the first city lord of our Galaxy City, came from Uncle Liu's black jade skull. So my mother guessed that I said goodbye to the Galaxy City countless years ago. , the grandfather who passed the throne to father may be inside Uncle Liu's black jade skull.

So I have always wanted to enter Uncle Liu's black jade skull to see what happened. If grandpa is really there, mother will save me from always being sad because grandpa has disappeared for countless years and has not returned. I want to see what my grandfather looks like.

Mother said, Grandpa is the great hero among the countless Starship Warriors in our Galaxy City, and all the Starship Warriors respect him extremely! Before the death of our Star River City, everyone was looking forward to his return! "

Little golden monkey Xiaoliu's golden eyes sparkled, and he looked far into the vast time and space of the pitch-black dark sky world and said.

"There will be such a thing?"

When Liu Qianlang heard the little golden monkey Xiaoliu's words, he stopped the spirit sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword instantly, and said to himself in shock. But no matter how you think about it, it seems unreasonable. My black jade skeleton comes from the light and dark world at the junction of the Mingling world and the dark spirit world, and the little golden monkey's grandfather Xinghe City Lord is a galaxy fighter in the area around the spiritual heart of the Mingling world. What about inside his black jade skull?

Liu Qianlang thought about it for the first four days, thinking that it must be the little golden monkey's mother's eagerness to miss his father, because of being too sensitive and making a mistake in judgment. But thinking this way in his heart, he couldn't bear to destroy the expectation in Xiao Jinhou Xiaoliu's heart, so he said again: "Hehe, then let's search together, maybe we will find your grandfather. However, it doesn't matter if we don't find it here. I will go to many places in the future, and sooner or later I will find your grandfather."


Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, was very happy to hear what Liu Qianlang said. He yelled excitedly for a while, and then urged: "Then let's go find the pitch-black mountain that Aunt Luo'er mentioned first. After reading "Hell" Accompany me to find my grandfather."

"Okay! Stand still!"

Liu Qianlang nodded, looked around, and immediately led the little golden monkey Xiaoliu towards the central space-time area of ​​the dark sky world.

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