Nine Heavens

Chapter 1512 Palace Prison Officer

Chapter 1512 Palace Prison Officer

Then the prison emperor condemned them one by one and began to torture them by pulling out their tongues. Treat them as viciously as possible. It is best to let them half-dead in our replay prison. Speaking of which, we have always tortured the soul, and this is the first time we have tortured the body, so it must be more exciting.

They are all supernatural beings among humans, and their flesh and soul must be incomparably delicious. Emperor Oyoruo said, as long as we catch them, we can enjoy the delicious food as we please, and it doesn't matter if we kill them all at once. "



When the mirror demon said this, the eyes of hundreds of criminal officials below him flashed green or bloody greedy eyes, their mouths were full of tears, and they made bursts of noise.

"Okay, let's go back and prepare immediately, and act separately. Except for the prisons, all of them will gather at the entrance of this prison in a moment. The emperor of this prison will go first!"

Replaying the prison emperor's order, the hundreds of criminal officials below all turned into pitch black smoke and disappeared into the ground. Then replay the mirror demon with a clear aura flowing backwards all over his body, and his figure quickly flew towards the entrance of the Absolute Sun Hell that Liu Qianlang controlled the crossing shuttle to enter.

"How is it, is there any new movement outside?"

Replaying the situation, the Prison Emperor was tens of thousands of miles away from Liu Qianlang and asked the criminal officer sent to investigate the entrance of Jueyang Hell.

"Go back to Prison Emperor, the entrance has been sealed from the outside, and the people outside have disappeared, as if they have no intention of coming in."

The investigating officer replied.

"Bah! Shut up your big mouth. This prison emperor always teaches you to be smarter in doing things. Don't always have a big mouth and only care about the little blood of the prisoner who is greedy for sweets. Isn't it good for you? If we catch those people above this time, a piece of their flesh is worth tens of billions of years of blood.

Give this Prison Emperor a little more energy, the people above are not ordinary villains, they are all inestimable in strength, we must always be vigilant, once they break in, do not give them any chance to breathe, and subdue them immediately . "

Playing back the prison emperor, he yelled curses, which frightened several investigating officers to agree tremblingly.

Liu Qianlang heard it from a distance, and felt amused. I thought, anyway, if I have been completely sealed off by myself, none of them can get out, and the five people outside are safe and secure. Since he didn't know that he came in, he just played with you, so Liu Qianlang pondered for a moment, and flew towards the direction of the disappearing breath of those palace prisons.

Not long after, Liu Qianlang appeared in a cave-like underworld prison with a very dark space.

"Let us go out, we have been wronged, we have never done anything bad in our life, please forgive me, Lord Gongbao!"

In the underworld prison, there are black forked entrances everywhere, and each entrance is a fine and hollow prison fence hewn from a solid and strange black boulder. Sinners can look out, but they can never come out by themselves.

At this moment, each of them was blushing, their tongues were sticking out very long because they were tortured to pull out their tongues, and they watched more than a dozen prison officials wailing outside.

"Boss, it's not okay for us to lock them up like this without execution. If the Prison Emperor finds out that we are slacking off, it will be a disaster!"

More than a dozen palace prison officials first stood in the empty space in the center of the prison and stared coldly at the thousands of dark holes around them, and then sat down on the side of the prison wall in resentment. Swearing.

After a while of grumbling, a palace prison officer said the above words.

"What kind of bird punishment is there? Haven't you heard that the Prison Emperor took those prison officials to catch big fish? Look at their complacent behavior, it's really embarrassing, I can't wait to pull out their tongues !"


The palace prison officer known as the head was very angry. He threw all the tongs in his hand and smashed them on the prison wall, causing a burst of echo.

"Hey! Boss, don't be angry. Now the Prison Emperor only cares about the Four Spirit Boys. He doesn't care about these sinners. Why don't we?"

Another palace prison officer gave a flattering smile and stepped forward to remind the boss.

"Huh? No way, if the prison emperor investigates the sinners carefully and the number is wrong, then it's okay!?"

Hearing the words, the prison prison officer couldn't help drooling, but he straightened his face and immediately refuted.

"Well, my subordinates naturally know this, but you have forgotten that since the seventy-nine levels of hell have surrendered to the dark spirit world, the emperors of the seventy-nine levels of hell have all received countless souls of the emperor. The gift of the soul has been enjoyed for hundreds of millions of years, and the number of these sinners has long been ignored.

The subordinates once tested the Prison Emperor, and he really didn't know how many sinners there are in our heavy hell. Don't be afraid of being punished by the head, the subordinate is really greedy, and has already secretly eaten a sinner, but the prison emperor and you don't know it. "

"What! How dare you tell the truth?"

The chief prison officer was furious at first, and then suddenly a mess of excitement appeared on his face, and he asked excitedly.

"It's absolutely true, my subordinates dare to take the head as a guarantee!"

The flattering palace prison officer said firmly.

"Okay! We can't get anything good. Let's have a big meal today. Eat some sinners to be more balanced. Flatter the palace prison. Go and close the prison door. If you are greedy, go to the palace prison and bring a sinner first. Pick the fattest and tenderest!"

"Hey! Follow orders!"

As soon as the prison officer gave an order, a dozen of the officers were so happy that they rushed into the wall, one flew to close the prison door, and the other flew to mention the criminal.

"Thank you, the criminal officer, are you going to let me out?"

"Bah! It's a good idea, who can survive to the end after entering seventy-nine hells, reincarnated as a human being, hurry up, I'm going to take you for dinner today!"

"Bang! Bang!"

Hundreds of feet away, a palace prison door was opened with a bang, and then there was a shout from inside, and then a strong earth immortal monk was locked by countless chains, with heavy hinges under his feet, and was kicked by the palace prison officer step by step. More than a dozen palace prison officials came.

When Liu Qianlang saw it, he stretched out his middle index finger and pointed at the strong monk, and suddenly a divine light shot into his body. Then Liu Qianlang smiled silently in the shuttle, and continued to watch.

"Hey, boss, how about this one? It's fat and tender. To be honest, I've been thinking about him for a long time. It's really because he is too fat and eye-catching, so I have never dared to do it. Today is dedicated to the boss. Just light it up."

Flattering the palace jail with a hippie smile and said flatteringly to the chief prison officer.

"Well, that's right. Why was his tongue pulled out so inappropriately? Could it be that you, kid, have been thinking about it for a long time and are reluctant to hurt his body?"

The palace prison officer looked up and down at the fat and healthy young monk in front of him, nodded in satisfaction and said.

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