Nine Heavens

Chapter 1515 Cultivation Poison Spirit

Chapter 1515 Cultivation Spiritual Poison

Before Liu Qianlang got up, he said in a loud voice: "Your junior knows that you seniors have suffered countless sufferings and wronged you, and you died before you avenged your life, so the hatred is even deeper! But the sky has eyes, and this junior has to meet you seniors. We are both kind Fellow Daoist Shouxian of Yuan Dao hates the seventy-seventy-nine levels of hell in the same way.

The hatred of the seniors is also the hatred of the younger generation. If you still can’t express your feelings and don’t worry about the younger generation, then add your hatred and obsession to the younger generation. When you see the younger generation destroy the seventy-seventy-nine layers of hell, you will disappear. , How about letting go? "


As soon as Liu Qianlang's words fell, the calm black knot of hatred suddenly trembled again, and then suddenly turned into countless dark spots of light, whizzing and flying towards Liu Qianlang's body.

Countless pitch-black light spots whizzed and circled around Liu Qianlang non-stop, bringing up howling hurricanes, and finally submerged into Liu Qianlang's body one after another.

"Thank you for the fulfillment of countless seniors from all generations. The junior first sent Wan Jian Kongfei and the seniors back to the five worlds, and then the junior immediately began to fulfill the promise."

At this time, Liu Qianlang jumped up, looked around at the scene where countless black spots of light were hiding in his body, and said impassionedly.

"Zhengling boy, you must be careful. Countless hatred will add to your body. When you fight in the seventy-nine levels of hell, you will be warlike and desperate. You must protect your spirit body to avoid excessive fighting and wear and tear. Psychic power and soul power will sow misfortune for the future immortal journey! Wan Jian Kongfei has heard of the theory of cultivating spiritual poison.

If a monk is accidentally poisoned by the spiritual poison of cultivation, once the spiritual power runs out of control, he will fall into evil ways. Zhengling boy must guard the soul door, and don't let these knots of hatred and obsessions control the main soul! "

Seeing countless knots of hatred and obsessions entering Liu Qianlang's body, Wan Jiankongfei and all the fellow sufferers showed concern for Liu Qianlang, and at the same time were deeply grateful for his dedication. Wan Jiankongfei kindly reminded.

Liu Qianlang's face was calm and resolute, and he nodded and said: "Thank you for your kindness, senior. This junior knows that it is a bit risky to do so, but it is not the case. Not only can the countless dead seniors of various generations not let go, even the junior feels ashamed of them. They and the people present The seniors in different generations are different. The seniors still have the chance to be reborn, but they only have hatred and obsession.

This thought cannot be untied, and the knot of hatred will never give up, so the younger generation can only carry the hatred and obsession of countless seniors from all generations to fight the seventy-nine hells, let them see the seventy-nine hells finally On the day it is destroyed, the hatred will disappear.

The younger generation knows that at that time, I may have turned into a madman because of my nature of killing, but the younger generation must be mentally prepared in advance, and there will be no nightmares where seventy-nine levels of hell will be destroyed and new demons will be added to the world. "

Liu Qianlang's acceptance of the soul-hating obsessions of countless death and tongue-drawing hell seniors is definitely not a momentary impulse, but seeing that these obsessions are not like this, he is absolutely unwilling to self-destruct, so he did it after deliberation. As for the consequences, Liu Qianlang had already planned in his heart.

"Since that's the case, I won't say any more, I hope that boy Zhengling take care! I don't know if there is a place for me to help boy Zhengling among the five people?"

Wan Jiankongfei and hundreds of seniors from all generations looked more helpless on each other's faces, but there was no other way. After a moment of silence, Wan Jiankongfei asked.

"As long as the seniors of all generations forget their hatred and be at ease in the world, the juniors will have no worries. This is also the greatest help to the juniors! Can you seniors think about what kind of rebirth method to choose?"

Liu Qianlang smiled calmly and asked.

"Here, take me to discuss it for a while, okay?"

Just now hundreds of seniors from various generations were all focused on the knot of hatred, and for a moment they forgot about the resurrection. At this moment, Liu Qianlang suddenly asked, and while excited, they felt that they didn't know what to do, so Wan Jian flew to the sky. Looking at the hesitant faces of everyone, he said.

"Seniors of all generations, please."

Liu Qianlang nodded, and while watching hundreds of seniors from all generations discussing in low voices, he looked in the direction of the entrance of the Jueyang Hell in the distance, and released his consciousness to sense the changes there.

About the time of the teacup, Wan Jiankongfei and other seniors from all generations turned to look at Liu Qianlang again, Wan Jiankong said on behalf of everyone: "There are two ways of rebirth, originally for us monks, the latter It is directly the spirit body, which can be said to be the good fortune that countless people who have embarked on the path of self-cultivation will not be able to achieve in their entire lives.

And the former is reborn in Niangshan Milk Sea, and will definitely go through a series of human growth processes such as mortal babies, infancy, teenagers, and youths. It stands to reason that the better choice for us monks should be the latter. However, after we have experienced everything, we found that the human relations in the world are warm, and the spring breeze and rain make us nostalgic and yearn for a serious life.

We all have a common regret, that is, we neglected, lost, and even neglected all our family members in order to pursue the immortal way. This kind of regret, after we embark on the immortal journey, especially when the soul is imprisoned here after death, we feel even more precious in the world!

So we all very much hope to be filial to our former parents once again, to care for our brothers and sisters once again, and to create warmth for our wives and children again. We feel that these are more important than Xiancheng. Xiancheng can not give up all kinds of feelings. It's just that we waited for such a worthless choice, and hoped that Zhengling Boy wouldn't laugh at him. "

After Wan Jiankongfei finished speaking, his face was a little red, and he lowered his head, afraid that Liu Qianlang would make fun of him.

"Even if the immortal is at ease, ruthless and ungrateful, cold and empty, abandoning his family, enjoying himself alone, and the family can't share the fairy world, how can he love the universe so much? It doesn't matter if such a fairy doesn't do it! Realizing this, the younger generation is very happy.

It is not a powerful person who attains the Tao alone. Seniors of all ages, please remember that after walking on the road of immortality again, you must promote your whole family. Even if the talents of immortals are different, you must try your best to bring human relations and affection to the immortal journey. This is the case for all the common people in the five worlds. Everyone is constantly enlightening and striving for progress. One is that the precious warmth in the world is constantly upgrading, and the other is that the entire world is constantly evolving and becoming stronger and stronger.

The reason why we practice cultivation is to say that the original intention is to brighten the lintel, revitalize the family, and protect the family's mountain gate, but walking around, losing family members, losing friends, and becoming the only way. Therefore, the celestial power in the sky and the sky is not strong, and the common people in the world are fragile, so that the unruly people have the opportunity to manipulate them.

Believe in the future world, after the seniors grow up in the five worlds, what they will see is the eternal love and warmth in the world, like the tides of the sea, and the people of the world who are constantly advancing and making progress together! "

Liu Qianlang's eyes flashed, and she said happily.

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