Nine Heavens

Chapter 1517 Playback Mirror Spirit

Chapter 1517 Playback Mirror Spirit



Liu Qianlang laughed again, and suddenly appeared behind the Hell God of Tongue Pulling Hell, raised his foot and kicked fiercely, the hard buttocks of Hell God of Tongue Pulling Hell made a sound like steel, and then was kicked out more than a hundred feet, He fell on his back and hit the ground with a dull sound.


This scene happened to be seen by hundreds of hell criminals flying over. Looking down from the sky, they couldn't help but sneer.

"This boy is right here. You are blind, or you don't have eyes, so you can't see. Was the kick just now comfortable? Do you want to do it again?"

Liu Qianlang had a playful expression on his face, white hair fluttering around, holding the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spiritual Sword in both hands, retracting the shuttle, his whole body was as white as the sea, and his arms were dazzled with red clouds. said the hell prison emperor who pulled out his tongue.

"Damn! How dare you kick this Prison Emperor. You idiots are still making fun of this Prison Emperor before I take it down. It's the opposite, it's the opposite!"

Tongue Pulling Hell jumped up in an instant, watching hundreds of criminal officials yelling at the sky.


Hundreds of criminal officials got the order, and when they saw Liu Qianlang alone, their confidence suddenly increased, thinking that they could be caught casually, and when they responded in unison, they waved their tongue pliers like a goshawk catching a mouse. Pounce down.


However, before the figures of the hundreds of criminal officers swooped close to Liu Qianlang, the Hell Emperor suddenly heard a clear sword whistle, and saw the huge bright red Liuxia sword in Liu Qianlang's arms, Before the sword moved, a red glow shot thousands of miles into the sky. Hundreds of criminal officials didn't even have time to scream, so they cried out.

Then, Liu Qianlang smiled and walked slowly towards the prison emperor of the Tongue Pulling Hell, saying, "It's your turn!"

As soon as the words fell, there was another flash of bright red, flowing clouds and sword rainbows, and the prison emperor who pulled out his tongue was immediately shrouded in countless blades of the spiritual sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword.

"Seniors from all generations, look at the seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell, the first level of Absolute Yang Hell, the first level of Tongue Pulling Hell, and the prison emperor is here. This junior uses the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, the spirit sword, and the spiritual sword with hundreds of millions of blades to split it for nine consecutive days. Hack and torture, to avenge you were tortured back then, and then kill him!"

As for the tongue-pulling Hell Emperor, Liu Qianlang didn't want him to die easily, and wanted him to experience the pain of being tongue-pulled out, and it was for his own promise, so he said so.


"Zhengling boy, please spare me! Let me go, I will give you whatever you want, in this tongue-pull hell, there are countless magical treasures looted from the world in my Prison Emperor Palace, and some are from dark spirits. The world. As long as you let me go, these are all yours!"

Tongue-drawing Hell Prison Emperor was slashed by the hundreds of millions of blades of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spirit, the pain was piercing, and he couldn't help crying, thinking that Liu Qianlang was as greedy as himself, and tried to exchange his treasures for Liu Qian Waves release themselves.

However, Liu Qianlang snorted coldly, ignored it at all, and immediately manipulated the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spiritual Sword, holding the emerald green Lingshan in his hand, whizzing and galloping to the tens of thousands of miles in the center of the tongue-drawing hell, sitting cross-legged, urging his strength After issuing the tactic, in an instant, the Taoist Lingshan Zhengling Shenhua took Liu Qianlang as the center and flew away in all directions.

"Sobbing and whimpering—"

"Pfft - bang -"

The emerald green splendor of the Lingshan Mountain turned into gorgeous flying clouds, and the sky was covered with auspicious clouds, quickly enveloping all the strange and colorful hell auras in the space. Whenever the emerald green mountain flower comes into contact with the aura of hell, the aura of hell will shrink rapidly, and there will be an inexplicable crying sound inside, fleeing desperately, but it will burst and shatter soon.

In such a situation, in the first few days, all kinds of strange cries and bursts of spiritual light came and went in the space around Liu Qianlang, which was very violent. The howling sound of the Tongue Hell Prison Emperor also continued to grow louder, and the entire Tongue Hell was plunged into a terrifying and strange sound.

"Boy Zhengling, don't think that if you control this prison emperor, you will win. Tongue Pulling Hell is only the first level of the seventy-nine hells. You will regret it if you kill me! You heard the playback in your ears Is it the voice of the ghosts? Although their spirit bodies were drowned and slaughtered by your Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Lingxia, their spiritual power is still indestructible.

With your slaughter, all the spiritual power of the mirror ghost will condense into an extremely terrifying spirit, which will go deep into other hells to wait for you, ready to kill you at all times. They are extremely weird and haunted, you can't perceive where they are, when they appear, and you will die sooner or later.

If you let this Prison Emperor go, this Prison Emperor can help you control these aura ghosts in the playback mirror. If this Prison Emperor is not dead, you will escape this calamity! Ah - it hurts me! How about it, Boy Zhengling, this is the last time this prison emperor begs you, otherwise I will die and you will die! "

"Really, idiot! Do you want to know what Liu Qianlang hates the most?"

With one palm Liu Qianlang held the Lingshan with rich emerald green clouds and flying gorgeous green clouds, and with the other palm, he continuously poured gurgling divine power into the Lingshan Mountain, making the emerald green clouds around him, which was already a sea of ​​gorgeous green clouds, rush towards all directions even more violently go. Hearing the words of the hell prison emperor who pulled out his tongue, he burst out laughing.

"What do you hate most?"

Tens of thousands of miles below, the sharp and piercing voice of doubt came from the prison emperor who pulled his tongue out.

"Grandpa Liu in the world hates others to threaten me the most. Originally, I planned to save your ghost life to lead me into the second glaring hell. Hearing your threats, your grandpa Liu changed his mind and tortured you again." For three days, to relieve the scars on the minds of countless five seniors from different worlds who were tortured by you before, and then immediately kill you!"

Liu Qianlang said in a cold voice, and at the same time, the spiritual sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword shot out successively from the steel-cold sword blade that was full of bright red clouds and flew downward.

Not long after, I heard an even more miserable wail from the prison emperor who pulled out his tongue, and at the same time cursed Liu Qianlang.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang released his spiritual sense to pay attention to the situation of the space with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and found that what the prison emperor said was true. Wuhen's spiritual power went strangely towards the northwest direction of the space together.

These insignificant spiritual powers are so stubborn that even the righteous spirit Cuixia holding the spirit mountain in her hand cannot annihilate them.

However, after Liu Qianlang sensed the direction where they were escaping, not only did he not feel embarrassed, but also showed a mocking smile on his resolute face, he withdrew his consciousness and let them fly away at will. Then, wholeheartedly control the hand holding the spirit mountain, and straighten the entire space of Tongue Pulling Hell from top to bottom without stopping.

Three days later, Liu Qianlang led the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword where the Emperor of the Tongue Hell resides, and appeared in the polar region northwest of Tongue Hell. Through the entrance of the cave, there are two huge black doors that open and close.

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