Nine Heavens

Chapter 1521: Prophecy Bag

Chapter 1521 Prophecy Bag

"Hehe, you don't need to say, the reason why I gave it to you is to wish you a happy wedding, and to follow the meaning of the fourth brother of Tianzun. The fourth brother once gave me the Jiuzhan kit, not long ago The second kit suddenly burst, telling me that I must give this magic dragon ball to Jiujian.

The seal of the kit said that in the future, the five worlds will suffer from darkness once because of me, and the sky and the earth will suddenly become pitch black. , to regain light.

And this magical dragon eye and Ziyang of Fairy Zixia were the saviors of the world at that time. At that time, only your husband and wife could save five people in the world from the pain of darkness. Ziyang ascended to the sky and became the sun, and the magical dragon eye ascended to the sky to become the moon, and it took a hundred thousand years.

In this way, it is not you who should thank you, but me. You are not only a true love couple, but also a fairy couple who will save the world in the future. I entrust you to the head of the sect. "

Liu Qianlang explained the reason for giving Magic Dragon Eyes as a wedding gift.

What Liu Qianlang said was not false at all. The original seal of the kit was: When the Nine Swords and Zixia Immortals get married, the magic eyes of Ziyang gather together, which can solve the anger of the third brother and seal the light for 100,000 years.

This is why Liu Qianlang suddenly mentioned that when Jiujian and Fairy Zixia were about to leave, he wanted to know about their wedding date, and then he planned to return to the world and give them the magical treasure. dragon eye. They didn't want them to decide to get married right then and there, that's why Liu Qianlang presented Mo Yilong's eyes as a gift.

"Oh! If that's the case, Nine Swords and Xia'er will accept it naturally. Don't worry, the head master, if there is a day, Ziyang will be the sun, and this magical dragon's eye will be the moon. We will not let the five people suffer from darkness of!"

Hearing the words, Nine Swords exclaimed, and then said firmly.

"Okay! The newlyweds are overjoyed. Let's forget about this for now. Go back to the third world and tell Fairy Zixia's parents, brothers and sisters about your marriage. Just be happy. Hehe, go. Don't worry about me, I Take care of each other with Xiaojian, everything will be fine."

"Sect Master, take care! Little Sword, take care!"

"Brother Nine Swords, sister-in-law, take care—"

Liu Qianlang and Xiaojian stood in the crossing shuttle and watched Jiujian and Fairy Zixia stepping away on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword. The four of them looked at each other and said goodbye, they all cherished each other, and then suddenly passed away gradually. .

"Didn't the master seal the entrance to Tongue Pulling Hell? How did Brother Jiujian and Sister-in-law Jiujian get out?"

After looking away for a while, Xiaojian saw Jiujian and Fairy Zixia stepping on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword hand in hand, condensed into a red dot and disappeared tens of thousands of miles above the sky, and turned to ask his master Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, don't forget that what they are standing on is the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword. Your Brother Nine Swords is a sword spirit. Although it is a physical body, it is absolutely easy and enjoyable to use our time travel shuttle to travel through the mind of the spirit. Yes. When they left just now, your Brother Nine Swords had already done so.

They are gone, we will bless them in our hearts in the future, but we should completely destroy this tongue-pulling hell, and then enter the glaring hell below, you can hear the strange wind whistling in the cave. You smashed their gates, and countless demons came to take revenge. "

Liu Qianlang also looked away, sighed slightly, and smiled.

"Hey, I've heard it a long time ago. My little sword is not afraid of them. If I see one, I will kill one. If I see two, I will kill one pair. With my Nine Swords, the master can be at ease. Tell me, what shall we do next? "

Xiaojian is also a clever ghost. Before Liu Qianlang deliberately sealed the movement in the dazzling hell, Xiaojian could see it clearly, but he guessed the master's mind, so he never mentioned it. At the moment, he said with a smile that he didn't care.

"You Lao Xiaojian galloped around and destroyed everything in Tongue Pulling Hell, leaving nothing behind. Seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell, we won one level, destroyed one level, and finally made it cease to exist!"

Liu Qianlang frowned, his face was condensed, and he looked around at the ghost buildings that existed everywhere in the tongue-drawing hell space where he was already upright.


Xiaojian agreed, and immediately the spirit sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword in his hand roared, chopping out tens of thousands of spirit stegosaurus, flying on top of it, carrying the hurricane vortex of the whole sky, whizzing away, and then Liu Qianlang heard the distant sound in all directions. There were bursts of roaring sounds and Xiaojian's happy laughter in the space.


Liu Qianlang also waved his giant sleeves, and blasted away the dazzling entrance of the sealed hell. His white hair was flying, and he was wearing a sky brocade silk robe and silver clothes. Rolling glaring entrance to hell.

"Whoa - whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"


Suddenly, there was a strange spell-like sound from the entrance of the dazzling hell, followed by the frictional movement of huge objects. Then Liu Qianlang saw that the two huge gates of hell under his feet were automatically closed and restored.

Not only that, the huge door that was originally laid flat under the feet stood upright, and the strange sound of magic spell came from the door from far to near, from near to far, and the sound continued to reverberate. It's scalp tingling.


Feeling a burst of surprise, Liu Qianlang activated his psychic's dazzling eyes, staring carefully at the dazzling gate of hell that suddenly erected hundreds of meters away.

The glaring gate of hell is extremely black, with a width of about thousands of bars from left to right. It is pitch black and filled with strange red and blue smoke. Through the smoke, you can see countless strange patterns carved on it. I don't know what it means. In the middle of the two doors are two hideous demon images. I can't tell what kind of monsters they are, and I have never seen them before.

Liu Qianlang looked at it for a while, felt disgusted for a while, and didn't want to watch it anymore, and planned to destroy the door and enter immediately when Xiaojian returned.

Then use the spiritual sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword to slaughter all the criminal officials and the prison emperor of the dazzling hell. Just when Liu Qianlang looked away, there were bursts of whistles piercing the air in his ears.

Already in my heart, I instinctively controlled the traversing shuttle to rise from the ground and fly to a height of thousands of miles. When I bent down, I saw countless Cheng Liang's green awn cold iron ice cones shooting out of countless strange patterns that dazzled the gate of hell.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and the number is as numerous as rain.

"Boom! Boom!"

The green awns cold iron ice cones were extremely powerful, and they shot at countless ghostly mountains and strange peaks in the tongue-drawing hell space, and all the mountains and peaks they shot collapsed with a loud roar.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang looked at the dark and glaring gates of hell again, raised his vision to the level of tens of billions of breaths, and suddenly discovered that these green awns and cold iron ice cones were carved from the two glaring hell gates. from the eyes of a demon.

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