Nine Heavens

Chapter 1528 Soul Formation Eruption

Chapter 1528 Soul Formation Eruption

After that, once I lost my mind, I didn't dare to imagine what kind of things I did. Liu Qianlang didn't dare to underestimate this problem, and thought for a moment: "It's nothing, Xiaojian doesn't want to be in this righteous world." Playing for a few days, I just plan to think about something here, you can play as you like, I will naturally call you back after I meditate clearly.

However, you can only play in this area, and you have to help me with one thing, which is to find the entrance to the third level of the Ear-cutting Hell of Absolute Sun Hell.

We destroyed the Tongue Pulling Hell and Dazzling Hell in one fell swoop. The other hells must have been prepared long ago. The entrance to the Ear Cutting Hell must be hidden deep, and you need to find it with your heart. "

"Hee hee! No problem, that little sword can go."

Xiaojian thought that the master was just talking casually to let him play, but he didn't expect to really decide to do so. He couldn't help but danced with joy, and controlled the spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword to fly away.

Then, Liu Qianlang immediately sat cross-legged in the crossing shuttle, closed his eyes and focused his attention, and summoned tens of thousands of cultivating Linggang directional dragons from outside his body, forming a dharma-protecting force, entering the realm of magical dragon-protecting dharma cultivation.

Liu Qianlang turned into a spiritual body and flew into his mind. After soaring in his mind, he saw a soul island area in the vast and turbulent waves of his mind, one of which was his soul gate island.

The wild waves of the sea washed the shore of the island, and the rocks around the shore of the island were full of five human monks whose strengths were already at the peak of the fairyland. There are both men and women, with different costumes, standing upright, or floating, all staring at the Soul Mountain and Soul Gate in the center of Soul Island without exception.

Liu Qianlang urged the method of restraining breath, completely concealed his spiritual whereabouts, turned into a light and invisible phantom, quickly approached his Wraith Soul Island, and appeared on the Soul Mountain of Soul Island not long after.

Facing the five mortal monks on countless islands, shores and reefs, Liu Qianlang swept his eyes away, and found that these five mortal monks were all controlling various magic weapons and spiritual treasures. force shine. Judging from its purpose, it is obviously attacking his Wraith Soul Gate.

These Earth Immortal cultivators at the pinnacle state had condensed faces and covered their bodies with cold smoke. The reason why they hadn't moved was that they seemed to be observing what happened to their Wraith Soul Sect.

Since the other party hadn't moved for the time being, Liu Qianlang couldn't take any countermeasures, so he turned around and glanced at his Wraith Soul Gate. Wraith Soul Gate is as deep as a huge cave, and the wraiths inside are like smoke and fog, vast and mysterious. Liu Qianlang stared at it for a while, and found that his Nether Gate seal was only a little weak, but not damaged, and he couldn't help feeling relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he secretly performed supernatural powers to re-strengthen the seal of Wraith's soul gate, so as to prevent Wraith's thoughts from leaking again, causing his own alienation, and the scene that Xiaojian saw appeared.

Liu Qianlang was weak and invisible. After strengthening the seal of Wraith Soul Gate, he turned around and continued to look at the five human monks around Soul Island, and found that they suddenly became restless.

"Five worlds, Zixiao, didn't you mean that you calculated that the ghost soul gate of the Zhengling boy could erupt immediately, and then we merged in, and immediately could control the fairy body of the Zhengling boy, and brutally slaughter other Qi Qi The nineteenth floor of hell, have you avenged me and others?

Why, just now it was still bubbling and misty, why is it suddenly clear and stable above the soul door? "

"Haha, why worry about the four worlds, Fangzhu Xianzun, as the so-called darkness before dawn, the more it is like this, it means that a hundred thousand majestic eruptions are brewing in the soul gate. Be more patient, Wanshi Zixiao's divination deduction is still going to happen." I’ve never missed it, and I’m sure it won’t happen this time.”

The person known as Zixiao in the five worlds is a middle-aged tall man with a purple face and red beard, black bright eyes, and a pair of flying bird-shaped spiritual artifacts made by Er Jingbao on his head. Beard laughed and said.

"Cut! Bragging, so powerful, how could you be tricked into tongue-pulling hell!?"

A taunt came from an unknown position in the crowd.

"I hope so, Zhengling boy is really polite, he is too kind, why didn't he kill the dazzling hell prison emperor with a single sword, and put some evil punishment bottle.

According to his nature, he might meet a few femme fatale prison emperors in some hell, be deceived, and even die himself, so how can he help us avenge him? "

Tens of thousands of feet away from Zixiao in the five worlds, Fang Zhu Xianzun in the emerald green fairy robe of the four worlds is an old man, and said with a sigh.

"In my opinion, isn't it a little too much for the two immortals to call on everyone to destroy Zhengling Boy's Wraith Soul Gate and release Ghost Immortal Wraith? Doing so will make Zhengling Boy's body mutate and turn into a demon Yes. Indeed, controlled by us, he can destroy seventy-nine layers of hell for us and avenge his revenge.

But then what. Let him exist in the future, is it possible to let him become another demon slaughtering five people? I guess this is not what everyone wants to see.

We are already unlucky, even if we take revenge, the hatred and obsession will be dissipated, and we will never be human again. However, people in the five worlds still have to live, and by doing this, aren't we leaving disasters for the five worlds! ? "

The words of Fang Zhu Xianzun in the four worlds came to an end, and a young man in a white fairy robe above Soul Island interjected.

"Well, what Jun Tianlang said is true, but we won't let him happen. Once Zhengling boy has avenged us, we will work together to restore Zhengling boy's Wraith Soul Gate , In this way, he will only become a group of demons in the hell world, and after destroying seventy-seven forty-nine layers of hell, he will naturally recover his original spirit body. Naturally, there will be no five human legacy."

The world of five people, Zi Xiao, looked around, looked up at Jun Tianlang, who was handsome and handsome above Soul Island, nodded and said.

"In that case, the younger generation should feel at ease. I was reckless and talked too much just now. I don't know that the two immortals have already thought carefully and looked at Haihan."

At first glance, Jun Tianlang looked like a refined person. Hearing this, he saluted the five worlds Wanshi Zixiao and the four worlds Fangzhu Xianzun successively, and said apologetically.

"Hey? Who doesn't know that Jun Tianlang of the three worlds is powerful and famous in the world, the earth and the fairy world, what he said just now is compassionate to the common people in the world, respects our hero and model Zhengling boy, his words are generous and just, there is no fault, no need to apologize.

Frankly speaking, it’s not good for us to do this. When we were still in the knot of hatred, we did a wrong thing. , everything is too late.

Even if we want to go out, it is impossible. The only thing we can do is to find a way to let Zhengling Boy destroy the seventy-seventy-nine levels of hell as soon as possible, and then we will disappear in thin air. In this way, our vengeance will be avenged, and Zhengling Boy can be at ease from now on.

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