Nine Heavens

Chapter 1541 Fighting the Fire Scythe

Chapter 1541 Battle of Fire Scythe

"You are the so-called Dragon Soul Moli, the once-rumoured righteous boy!?"

Just as the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang made his move, the fire-burning golden sickle in the hands of the prison emperor of the ear-cutting hell had already shot out a fire-burning golden light, and the center of the golden light glowed with an evil and thick black color, forming an evil fire The curtain stood in front of the Dragon Soul Demon Li Liu Qianlang.

The dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang and the fire-burning golden scythe fire curtain shot by the ear-cutting hell prison emperor quickly collided, let out a howl, and then annihilated each other. The dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang was taken aback for a moment, and then heard the words of the prison emperor of the ear-cutting hell.

"Zhengling boy? Who is Zhengling boy?"

Dragon Soul Mo Li Liu Qianlang roared and questioned because his shot was blocked.

"Oh! The world of spirits is really not suitable for the existence of human races. Even you who created human races have become so hypocritical. Are you so pretending to be surprised that you are a boy of righteous spirits? It's really disgusting!"

The Prison Emperor of the Ear-cutting Hell didn't know that Liu Qianlang's thoughts had been lost, and he thought that he had deliberately turned into a hideous ghost like himself, so he sneered and made sarcasm.


The Dragon Soul Demon Li Liu Qianlang has no other concept in his mind except fighting. He just asked himself a question, and then made a second attack. This time, he activated the terrifying nine chaotic divine powers in his body. Countless blood-red glows turned into hundreds of millions of sharp light-bladed blood bats, and rushed towards the target with piercing whistles and chirping sounds.

"Hmph! The red copper fire scythe cuts the ears and scorches the sky!"

Seeing the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang attacking again, the prison emperor of the ear-cutting hell still pretended to be calm, sitting on the throne of the prison emperor tens of thousands of feet high, snorted coldly, and then ordered hundreds of thousands of ear-cutting punishments The officials hacked the red copper fire sickle one after another.

Immediately, hundreds of thousands of red copper fire scythes split the sky with blazing flames, electric arcs, lightning, and rushed towards the dragon demon Liliu Qianlang like the wind and lightning.

The entire ear-cutting hell is filled with blazing flames, phantoms of sword lights, and weird and evil clouds are everywhere.

The two sides fought for the second time, and the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang clearly had the upper hand. After hundreds of millions of blood-red light-bladed blood bats rushed into the opponent's block, the red copper fire scythes all over the sky slashed out fiery balls of fire, electric arcs, and lightning. Although it is also extremely terrifying, most of them are slashed by the blood-red light blade, swallowed by blood bats, and constantly weakened and annihilated.

The Prison Emperor of the Ear-Cutting Hell saw that none of his home skills were working, and laughed wildly. He had to take out his last trump card, sitting tens of thousands of feet in the sky and shouting at Li Liu Qianlang, the dragon soul demon: "Don't stop! Let's attack again, you can see. These hundreds of thousands of prisoners in the ear-cutting hell are all five of your righteous friends in the world, so we will not be polite.

Those who are sensible, hurry up and get this prison emperor out of the ear-cutting hell, this prison emperor can also consider keeping the souls of these criminals. If you just don't know what's good and what's wrong, and wantonly destroy the order of my ear-cutting hell, your fellow human beings will lose their lives, and you killed them!

Judges, show him some color, our red copper scythe can not only cut ears, but also kill souls! "

"Crack! Crack!"

With the order of the prison emperor of the ear-cutting hell, Li Liu Qianlang, the dragon soul demon, immediately saw tens of thousands of prisoners' heads, which had already been horrified, being chopped off with a red copper fire scythe by some ear-cutting officers .

Following the tortuous current, the heads of some criminals drifted to the body of the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang.


The mouths above these heads were still wailing miserably, upon hearing this wailing sound, Li Liu Qianlang, the Dragon Soul Demon, felt a splitting headache. At the same time, I feel that there are everywhere in the space of the Ear-cutting Hell, like a buzzing bee swarm and the low-pitched bees. This kind of sound diffuses from all directions in the Ear-cutting Hell. The sound is getting closer and louder, and finally it is completely enveloped in the Dragon Soul Demon Li Liu leads the waves around.

Those who made these voices were the countless obsessed and hated souls who had been tortured to death in the Ear-cutting Hell. They sensed the appearance of the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang, and rushed towards them one after another, and then wantonly penetrated into the body of the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang .

The dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang has no choice, and has become accustomed to the intrusion of these obsessed and hated souls. More bloodthirsty and manic.

Without the threat of the ear-cutting hell hell emperor, he has already roared and flew among the hundreds of thousands of ear-cutting officers and prisoners. Where are the criminals divided into criminals? If you see it, you will kill it.

A pair of blood claws, bleak and fierce, filled with cold light, and the instinctive wanderer Wuji's body skills, transformed into thousands of forms, after the whirlwind of figures, the entire space of the ear-cutting hell was already full of corpses and corpses.

Next, Li Liu Qianlang, the dragon soul demon, fought with the ear-cutting hell prison emperor who had been at a loss in his heart.

"You are not a righteous boy, you are simply a demon! You even killed your own comrades!?"

During the battle, the prison emperor of the ear-cutting hell has never figured it out. The righteous boy Liu Qianlang is rumored to be a character who defends the righteous way in the world. Such an opponent is terrible, because the opponent no longer has any loopholes to be attacked.

There is no longer a fluke mentality, and the prison emperor of the ear-cutting hell is naturally no longer fantasizing, urging the dark spirit power contained in his body to the extreme, and controlling the flame golden sickle to fly like a god.

The dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang spared no effort to chase and kill him with all his strength. The dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang is magical and weird, and his supernatural powers are so extraordinary that the prison emperor of the ear-cutting hell is forced to flee everywhere.

However, with the help of the Flaming Golden Scythe, the Prison Emperor of the Ear-cutting Hell has the advantage of the divine weapon, and can always escape the control of the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang strangely.

But the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang couldn't be activated because of the positive soul gate. Except for some simple instinctive skills, his wisdom has dropped to the level of a child. prison emperor.


After chasing and killing the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang for a while, seeing that the prison emperor of the ear-cutting hell could not be killed, he couldn't help but become more manic, kept chasing and killing, and screamed continuously.

"Bah! It turned out to be an idiot monster!"

While being hunted down, the Prison Emperor of the Ear-cutting Hell finally saw the situation of the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang clearly. He suddenly felt a secret joy in his heart, his five-colored eyes flickered, and he had an idea in his mind to deal with the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang, and then His body froze, and he disappeared into the ear-cutting hell.


After the Prison Emperor of the Ear-Cutting Hell disappeared, the roar of the Dragon Soul Demon stopped abruptly, and stopped attacking with its hands. It sniffed silently, and its red blood pupils swept everywhere, looking for the target, and let out a surprised sound from its mouth.

"Go and kill him, go and kill him! He fled into the Seven-Blade Soul Forest of the Northwest Severed Limb Prison, which is the entrance to the Severed Limb Hell!"

When the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang was looking around, the voice of Nine-Eyed Youlong came from time and space in his mind.


Dragon Soul Demon Li Liu Qianlang heard the words, raised his head and screamed, and immediately flew with red hair, standing upright, but shot towards the northwest direction of the space as fast as lightning.

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