Nine Heavens

Chapter 1544 Purple Diamond Devil's Guillotine

Chapter 1544 Purple Diamond Demon Guillotine

At this time, the color of the huge and strange sword continued to grow stronger, turning into a thick purple color, and turning into a thick purple magic sword.

This sword is the soul-returning demon sword created by the fusion of the small sword and the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine primordial demon sword souls.

The Returning Soul Demon Sword shuttled non-stop in the vast waves of Hengling Burial Sea, and quickly shot towards the Severed Limb Guillotine Forest of Severed Limb Hell.

Where Guihun Demon Sword passed through the ear-cutting hell area, the remains of the ear-cutting judges who had been punished by the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang all flew up into the sky and turned into a whirlpool of corpses, whistling and rolling towards the sky.

The Hell of Severed Limbs, the Forest of Souls with Seven Blades, and the Execution Platform of Lin Xin Jue Yang.


The dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang is surrounded by seven-bladed soul-guillotine ropes, unable to be free. His hands and feet let the seven-bladed guillotine put them on the seven-handed soul-guillotine, bit by bit fingers, toes.

The dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang howled miserably because of the severe pain.

The mourning sound was shaking, and the time and space of the seventy-seven forty-nine layers of hell continued to loop.

"Haha, the Seven-bladed Guillotine Emperor is really powerful. Emperor Aoyouluo probably never imagined that one day the boy Zhengling will be punished by the seven-handed guillotine of the Seven-bladed Guillotine Emperor! Come on, my revenge will be avenged, and I toast you." !"

Seeing the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang with disheveled red hair and miserable misery on his ferocious face, the Prison Emperor of the Ear-Cutting Hell was refreshed, got up and personally poured fine wine for the Seven-bladed Guillotine Soul Emperor, and praised him sincerely.

"This is Emperor Aoyuluo Tianhui's wisdom. We expected that he would break through the seventy-nine layers of hell beyond his means. Only then did we have a chance to deal with him. If it is said to be powerful, Emperor Aoyuluo must be a dark spirit First!"

Hearing the words, the Seven-bladed Guillotine Soul Emperor was elated, but his mouth was very modest, and he pretended to salute in the direction of the dark spirit time and space.

"Report! A dazzling purple and auspicious color appeared in the northern sky of the Severe Limb Hell, and a mysterious purple diamond devil's knife sprouted in a cloud of purple clouds. I will wait and see and see it, and come to report immediately. How to deal with it, please Seven-bladed Guillotine Soul Emperor!" Issue the decree!"

Just when the two prison emperors were happy, a criminal officer who was in charge of investigation suddenly shouted excitedly above the forest of seven-bladed ghosts.

"Huh? Purple Diamond Devil's Guillotine!?"

The Seven-Blade Guillotine Emperor and the Seven-Blade Guillotine Demon, who was carrying out executions for the Dragon Soul Demon Li Liu Qianlang on the execution ground, were all overjoyed when they heard the news. The sky looked.

The purple diamond devil's guillotine is not groundless, there really is such a thing in the ancient severed limb hell.

According to legend, the Purple Diamond Devil's Guillotine was the treasure of the Severe Limb Hell at the beginning of its establishment, but later disappeared with the disappearance of the person who established the Absolute Sun Purgatory. This is the history of the seven-handed guillotine being refined by the seven-bladed guillotine.

The loss of the treasure of the prison does not mean that the prison emperor and the criminal officials of the severed limbs are not curious about its mysterious appearance, do not want to search for it, and even take it for themselves. It can be said that all the criminal officers present, including the Seven-bladed Guillotine Emperor, dreamed of getting this thing.

You think, when such a thing suddenly appears, can these ghosts not be excited, forgetting the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang for a while, and constantly flying up to the sky above the Seven-bladed Guillotine Forest, staring at the treasure.

"Ha ha."

"Congratulations to the Seven-Blade Soul Emperor with Severed Limbs, the auspicious sky, and the rare treasures from heaven. They are not only the blessings of the hell of Severed Limbs, but also a sign of the unworldly inheritance of the Seven-Blade Soul Emperor with Severed Limbs. The auspicious guide of all universes and time and space!

Emperor Aoyouluo once said that once the five-party universe is unified, if there is a Mingling Zhou Emperor in the Mingling World, it seems that it must be the Seven-Blade Soul Emperor with Amputated Limbs! "

Looking at the purple clouds in the northwest sky of the Severed Limb Hell, the infinitely gorgeous and cold purple diamond devil is quietly wrapped in the surrounding purple clouds, slowly rotating, and the radiant light is shining. The Prison Emperor envious of the Ear-cutting Hell Burning Fire Golden Scythe, looked sideways at the Seven-Blade Guillotine Soul Emperor with severed limbs, and complimented him again.

"Hehe, the auspicious omens mentioned by the Prison Emperor Burning Fire and Golden Scythe are true. As for the matter of Ming Ling Zhou Emperor, this Prison Emperor dare not think about it. Back then, the seventy-nine forty-nine of us Emperor Oyo Luo selected the Star Fighting Spirit Warrior , it's not that you don't know, there are a few that he wants to see.

To put it more bluntly, if we are asked to come to these seventy-nine levels of hell to be prison emperors, isn't it actually sent into exile? But then again, there are two sides to everything. This place was originally a place to punish us. Unexpectedly, after the feng shui took turns, this place became the base for Emperor Aoyuluo to invade the Mingling World.

We are reborn again, and Emperor Aoyuluo has no choice but to regard us as his important ministers for his great cause. Now, this Prison Emperor doesn’t have such big ambitions. He only thinks that one day the darkness of the seventy-nine levels of hell will turn into light. Let’s go deep into the five human worlds here and become the slave emperor of the five human worlds. .

Parallel behind us are the Cramping Pulse Hell, the Heart Cone Hell, and the Brain Eating Hell, and there are six vertical and forty-two prison emperors in the deep layer below. They are one of them, and they are all stronger than us. It is also their job to be Emperor Ming Ling Zhou, so it is our turn to have a chance.

Don't think about those illusory things, let's just look at the eyes. Walk! Haha, follow me to accept the purple diamond devil's guillotine, first have fun with me, and then help you rebuild the ear-cutting hell locally! Just be patient and continue to be our Hell Lord. "

The Seven-Blade Guillotine with Broken Limbs was actually ambitious in his heart, but his words were relaxed. He was obviously a ferocious monster, but he described himself as a saint.

Hearing this, the Prison Emperor of the Ear-cutting Hell Burning Fire and Golden Scythe scolded the other party for hypocrisy in his heart. How could the other party be kind enough to help me? I asked for help three times before, but the other party never gave any support. Now I want to help myself rebuild the hell, just to buy myself off, saying that I don't want to patrol Ming Ling Zhou Emperor, but I don't know why I want it in my heart!

He cursed secretly in his heart, but the Prison Emperor smiled and said, "Well! The Seven-bladed Guillotine Soul Emperor with severed limbs is so contented and happy, it must be a blessing! This prison emperor thanked the severed limbs first. Seven-blade Guillotine Emperor's kindness in rebuilding, from now on, this prison emperor will only look forward to the Seven-blade Guillotine Emperor with his limbs cut off, and there will be no other words.

Although the Soul Emperor with the Seven-Blade Guillotine with Broken Limbs has no intention of fighting for the sky, but the sky knows the master, and at this time the unworldly god, the Purple Diamond Demon Guillotine, has appeared, and it has been determined in the dark that the Seven-Blade Guillotine Soul Emperor with broken limbs is the future of the Mingling World Lord. The emperor of this prison swears that, for the sake of the seven-blade guillotine soul emperor who has severed limbs, one day he will sit on the throne of Mingling Zhou emperor, devote himself to death, and die! "

"Oh? Hahaha"

Hearing the words, the seven-bladed guillotine soul emperor with severed limbs glanced at the Prison Emperor of the Ear-cutting Hell's burning golden sickle, shaking the burning golden sickle in his hand, with a sincere expression on his face, paused, and then raised his head and laughed.

"Look at the Dragon Soul Demon Li Liu Qianlang below, let's come back and continue to watch the torture! Seven-bladed Guillotine, you also follow this emperor and the Burning Fire Golden Scythe Prison Emperor to hunt the Purple Diamond Demon Guillotine."

The Seven-Blade Guillotine Emperor lowered his head and glanced at the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang, who had passed out from the pain, and called the Seven-Blade Guillotine to execute the seven evil ghosts and nine hideous monsters. The gorgeous Zixia Tianyu flew away.

Not long after, their figures gradually drifted away, slowly forming black dots in the sky.

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