Nine Heavens

Chapter 1549 Gray and White Light and Shadow

Chapter 1549 Gray and White Light and Shadow

"What's the deal with this kind of thing, guillotine! Chop his hands first, bit by bit, just like they tortured the souls of five human beings, so that this seven-blade soul emperor with severed limbs can also know what it's like to be guillotined." !"

The two Hailings became more and more angry as they talked, cursing and kicking non-stop.



The seven-bladed Guillotine Soul Emperor with severed limbs was disheveled, and his already ferocious dog face was even more distorted at this moment, because his fingers were constantly being cut, his whole body was twitching, and he kept wailing.

Hearing the wailing sound, in the golden sedan chair on the top of the sun, the dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang heard it in his ears, his whole body was refreshed, and the magic thoughts and spiritual consciousness in his head were also excited.

"'ll kill me! Hahaha..."

The dragon soul demon slammed the willows and pulled the waves, laughing wildly to relieve hatred, echoing in the boundless space of the severed limb hell.

"Master, this ear-cutting hell prison emperor has also been captured, how to deal with it?"

Dragon Soul Demon Li Liu Qianlang laughed loudly when he heard the little demon's report, the laughter stopped abruptly, and a sentence popped out from between his teeth coldly, "Guild! All those who belong to the seventy-seventy-nine levels of hell Ghosts, don't let go!"

"Understood, Master!"

The little magic sword shot out a dazzling purple magic rainbow, turned into a bare foot, and kicked the ear-cutting hell hell emperor with a golden sickle, like a ball, to the purple diamond magic guillotine tens of thousands of feet away. .

At this moment, the Prison Emperor of the Ear-Cutting Hell, Burning Fire Golden Scythe, had already been dealt with by the little devil until he was half-dead.

Another sea spirit came down from the sky, one of the two sea spirits held the severed limb seven-bladed guillotine emperor, and the other held the fire-burning golden sickle prison emperor.



When the Prison Emperor was cut off, his half-dead body suddenly straightened up. Because of the pain, his mind immediately cleared up, and he began to howl like a pig.

The two prison emperors became a duet, and the screams of you and me resonated in the time and space of the severed limb hell, shrill and evil.

"Hehe, hehe..."

The earth, the sky, and the inexplicable space seem to have countless resentful souls who have finally let go of their anger. Hearing this scream, he finally smiled with relief.

"Huh, uh uh uh—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

In the Zixia drifting everywhere in the limb hell space, there were bursts of laughter from the far northwest, and the sound was weird and winding, sometimes loud and sometimes soft. If you don't listen, there are still, but if you listen closely, there seems to be nothing.

"a ha ha ha."

"Did you hear that, this is the tens of thousands of ghosts in the cramps and pulse hell, laughing at you, they found you, even if you kill us, you can't escape! Just like us, you are also a death! "

Hearing this sound, the Seven-Blade Soul Emperor with a severed limb suddenly laughed hoarsely and said.

"Huh? Still so energetic, keep going! Two stupid prison emperors, we haven't figured it out yet, we took the initiative to destroy the seventy-nine levels of hell, how can we escape!? So what if you know the cramps and pulses of hell, you are sure!" Didn't Limb Hell also know that we came to attack, but they were defeated by us in the end!

The same goes for the Cramp and Pulse Pulling Hell. When we catch the Cramp and Pulling the Pulse Hell, the Hell Emperor will also skin the cramps for him. Save your ghost life and let you watch it with your own eyes! "

Seeing the sudden gloating of the seven-blade guillotine emperor with the severed limb, Xiaomo sneered and ordered.


"Huh, uh uh, kid, do you think that our Cramp and Pulse Hell is the same as the idiots in this severed limb hell? If you want to destroy the Cramp and Tension Hell, then come. I really hope you have this ability, otherwise. Uh uh uh."

The little devil's voice hadn't stopped yet, when he suddenly felt a faint grayish-white light flash outside the blade of Guihun Divine Sword, leaving behind a string of evil smiles, and then disappeared.

"Boom! Boom!"

The little devil sensed the opponent's existence, and he slashed at the gray light and shadow, his evil laughter turned into a sneer, and then he couldn't hear it.

"Don't waste your efforts, Jueyang Hell, starting from the fifth level, the strength of all criminal officials and prison emperors is no longer the strength of ordinary star fighting spirits in the dark spirit world. They all have five-color jade gods, and their bodies can be used at will. Transformation, the dragon sees the head but does not see the end, mysterious and unpredictable.

You can't see what they look like at all, let alone where their hell palace is, how to kill them, and want to destroy the cramps hell, what a joke! "

At this moment, the Prison Emperor of the Ear-Cutting Hell, Burning Fire and Golden Scythe, has completely lost his temper, and the wails are getting smaller and smaller, almost to the point of death. However, the seven-blade guillotine emperor with severed limbs still yelled and cursed in disbelief.

"Hmph! The evil ghosts in Hell, who only have the five-color jade ability, are so arrogant. Wouldn't it be even more unbelievable if Ben Moli possessed the seven-color jade ability!

Although you are not a high-level star warrior in the dark spirit world, you must have heard of the seven-color jade. "

At this time, Li Liu Qianlang, the dragon soul demon, said with a sneer in the golden sedan chair high in the sky.

"Don't dream, how is that possible. The seven-color divine jade is the spiritual source of time and space life in the seven-color universe in our dark spirit world. It is said that it has always been in the seven-color divine jade cave, the spiritual source of life in the seven-color universe. How could it be in your hands!"

The seven-bladed guillotine with severed limbs, the soul emperor's feet and hands were bloody with five colors, and when he was being guillotined non-stop, he still roared and retorted.


"Then look at what this is. If I'm right, this is the treasure of the universe of the dark spirit world, the treasure of the seven-color universe, the seven-color divine jade that is the source of the soul of the human race!"

The dragon soul demon Li Liu Qianlang suddenly floated out of the Dingyang golden sedan chair, white hair fluttering, silver clothes hunting, a round cloak on the shoulders, golden light flashed, and the human race was restored to the previous state of being handsome and fortitude, holding the emerald color in the left hand. Lingshan, with a colorful ball shining in the palm of his right hand, looked at Xiaomo and smiled.

"Master, you?"

Xiao Mo saw that his master suddenly regained his fairy face, and he let out a groan, thinking that he had misread it, and after confirming that it was not a dream, he asked in shock.

"Hehe, Xiaojian. My immortal soul has recovered. I'll tell you the cause and effect later. You don't have to work so hard. In order not to hurt my demon body, I demonized myself to hide my spirit body."

Liu Qianlang smiled, nodded slightly, his eyes were clear, full of gratitude to Xiaojian.

"Hee hee! Good!"

Suddenly, the body of the Little Demon Sword surged with dazzling purple clouds, and then the color of red and flowing clouds surged out from the inside out. After a burst of Qingyue sword whistling, the Little Demon turned back into a little sword.

The bright red brilliance of the spiritual sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword was flowing, and the small sword suddenly jumped out of the sword body and floated on it, watching the master with infinite joy return to his handsome and cold appearance.

Then, the two looked at the seven-bladed Guillotine Soul Emperor with severed limbs tens of thousands of feet down.

"Okay! It seems that the choice of Aoyou Luo Di Aoyou was right. It was the Nuwa Empress who stole the colorful ball and the nine-color golden lotus, that is, the seven-color jade and the nine-color jade, causing the dark spirit Cosmic explosions continue to occur in the world's three major universes, time and space, and the three major human races' spiritual sources no longer have the birth of people from the primordial saint clan with great wisdom and great benefits.

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