Nine Heavens

Chapter 1569 Lansheng Time and Space

Chapter 1569 Lansheng Time and Space

In fact, this golden palace should have belonged to the little Jinchan in charge of protection. This should be the arrangement of the God of Wisdom on his deathbed. Otherwise, why would Jinchan leave the building behind.

Fate and providence, the wish of the God of Wisdom, Liu Qianlang will teach you the new method of controlling the Golden Palace. From then on, until King Gu Cheyou is resurrected, you can rest assured and stay here with Cai Sishu. "

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, spoke calmly, and then snapped his fingers and shot a brilliant blue light into Xiao Jinchan's eyes.

"Thank you Zhengling boy for your fulfillment. In fact, you and Brother Xiaojian are both good people. I will guard the Golden Palace first. But I cannot accept being its new owner.

Because the little Jinchan knows that the golden palace contains not only the scroll of wisdom, but also all the wealth of the chaotic universe, true feelings, kind thoughts, harmony, golden light, silver light, etc., what little Jinchan is destined to protect is only the wisdom scriptures in it. room only. "

Xiao Jinchan didn't expect Liu Qianlang to be so magnanimous, such a miraculous existence would be willing to let others, so she hurried to thank her teacher and said.

"Hehe, everything is wisdom, little Jinchan doesn't need to refuse, if the spirit master's guess is right, all the spirit gods you mentioned will gradually get acquainted with you.

The spirit master believes that you are the extradition person of all spirit gods, so I feel relieved to hand over the golden palace to you. I hope that when we meet again, you and all the spirits and gods will gather together, King Gu Cheyou will be resurrected, and the tree of wisdom and wisdom will transform into an immortal body! "

"Does Zhengling boy mean that I will also have the same body as you? That would be great!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang and Xiao Jinchan's words, Cai Sishu suddenly let go of the colorful mask outside his body, and shouted happily.

"Hehe, of course, since you can condense into the seed of the Caisi tree, which sprouts in the world, with your spiritual power, you will transform into a human form in a short time, and then take good care of your apprentice! "

Liu Qianlang smiled and looked at Caisishu.

"Hey! Some people are really stupid. They hand over good things to others, and they still don't forget to say 'thank you!' Get up the sedan chair! Xiaojian doesn't want to spend time with these mothers-in-law. Continue to attack the northwest, it turns out The entrance to Cone Heart Hell is in a strange desert in the northwest, which I have already found out just now while speeding through the sky."

Xiaojian shook his head, glanced at Caisishu, Xiaojinchan and his master, put these words aside, amidst the shouts of Hundred Thousand Hailings, the Dingyang golden sedan chair went away through the clouds and fog.

Behind, Liu Qianlang, Cai Sishu, and Xiao Jinchan said something again, and then they also laughed loudly and went after Xiaojian.

Speaking of the dark spirit world at this moment, the time and space dominated by Lan Sheng of the seven-color universe.

The entire seven-color universe should have been dark, silent and peaceful. The earth is dark, and the infinitely distant stars in the sky are faintly flickering. There has never been a change of day and night like the sun and the moon in the Mingling world. Only the Lansheng Palace of the Seven-Color Universe is colorful, like divine flowers blooming in the eternal dark sky.

However, at this time, the seven-color universe has changed from the dark state it was a few months ago. Except for the seven-color god Yulan Sheng's palace, the seven-color god jade palace, the colorful waves of light, and the countless seven-color god jade time-space Lansheng clan's star fighting spirit army around it He was fully armed and armored, facing another army of countless heavily armed Star Dou Spirits that was also surrounded.

The Star Dou Spirit armies on both sides, the former's eyes are shining with seven colors, and the latter's eyes are colorful. They have been facing each other for a long time.

In the Seven Colors Shenyu Palace, on the top of the palace tower, Emperor Lansheng and his officials are all present.

"With the help of the Heavenly General, what will Emperor Aoyuluo do?"

The Emperor Lansheng sat on the throne commanding the battle at Dinggong Xiaotai, his eyes were full of anxiety, and the rainbow of seven colors stared at a strong figure with a cold face who had just strode in. General Xing Dou Ling asked.


There was a loud noise, and the general Xing Dou Ling knelt down on one knee, clasped his wrists and reported: "Zhou Nanguang, General Xing Dou Ling, reported to the Emperor. For some reason, Emperor Aoyu Luo suddenly retreated 300 million miles after attacking once a few months ago. Set up camp, so far I just wait and see, no more action!"

In the dark spirit world, because the divine and dark flying disc is the main flying tool, the unit of distance positioning distance that the divine and dark flying disc flies at full speed in the dark spirit world is equivalent to 10,000 hours of chaotic time and space is called light.

In 300 million light, if calculated according to the time of the dark spirit time and space, it takes about three or three hours to fly to the destination. In other words, if Emperor Aoyuluo wanted to attack again, he could do it very soon.

"Oh! What is he trying to do?"

Upon hearing the words, the Emperor Lansheng sighed, and waved his hand to signal Zhou Nanguang to sit on the military commander's seat on the right side of His Highness. Then he looked blankly at His Royal Highness and his ministers.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. Evil never prevails over righteousness. Emperor Aoyuluo may not dare to die with us for such a long time! We are not as powerful as him in the seven-color universe time-space star fighting spirit, but we abide by good destiny and righteousness , Never have the evil intention of embezzling and destroying other Zhou clans.

Standing upright and not afraid of the shadows, this battle is a battle of the sky, and it is also a fight to safeguard justice. There is no worry before and no worries about the future. The ministers and fellow citizens of the universe, from the elderly to women and children, have no one who is not generous to fight of. Zhengde ambition, we have nothing to fear.

But Emperor Aoyuluo is different. He is a teacher of unrighteousness, abandons the righteous heart of this universe, and tries to annex the Three Universes of Darkness, the Three Realms of Chaos and the Three Spaces of Mingling, and become the tyrant of the Nine Universes! His heart is not right, he must be timid, and has infinite worries, so he is like this. "

Standing up from the civil servant seat on the left side of the group of His Royal Highnesses, a man was wearing an orange light official robe, with handsome eyebrows and bright eyes. He looked middle-aged, holding a court wat, and said sonorously.

"There is indeed some truth in what the Prime Minister of the Northeast said, but the truth is that, apart from other things, Emperor Oyoruo seems to be waiting or fearing something. Otherwise, with his vicious style, how could he suddenly stop attacking after winning the first battle? "

After the Northeast Chinese Prime Minister spoke, the Northwest Chinese Prime Minister, one of the seven pillars of the Northwest General of the Four Universes and the Three Wens, stood up to express his views.

"According to the words of the Chinese Prime Minister in Northwest China, it seems that something strange has been discovered?"

Hearing this, Emperor Lansheng's eyes were filled with hope, and he frowned and asked.

"I have been observing the truth for many days, and I did discover some things recently. Please look at the direction of time and space of the Aoyou Universe in the south of Dinggong Xiaotai, Your Majesty."

Northwest Chinese Prime Minister waved his sleeves and threw a cloud of purple clouds in front of Realization, then pointed at the center of the purple cloud. The center of the purple cloud rolled outwards, and a circular hole like a mirror appeared.

Through the entrance of the cave, you can clearly see the situation of the Aoyou time and space and the light and dark world. When the Northwest Chinese Prime Minister waved his sleeves, he reminded Emperor Lansheng.


Emperor Lansheng and the officials saw some strange phenomena in the purple cloud group, they couldn't help each other, frowned blankly, and then sighed suspiciously.

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