Nine Heavens

Chapter 1577

Chapter 1577 Expelling the Soul

The old man said in classical Chinese, all thoughts are gone, since the dark energy kingdom is destroyed, the old man has nowhere to go, so he simply waits wholeheartedly in the five-color cave for the appearance of the new master of the universe that Empress Nuwa said. I hope that one day I will meet the boy of four spirits and pass on my cultivation to you, just to avenge my country and family.

It was an extremely long wait. Just a few years ago, the old man finally waited for someone to come in, but it was not you four spirit boys, but the Zhan Kongzi and his wife who were deceived by Emperor Aoyu Luodi, that is, the three of them.

At that time, they were inside the flying disk of God's Darkness, and when they saw me appear, they communicated with each other and knew each other's identities. And they told me that my descendants once again flew back to the Light and Dark Realm with the surviving clansmen and re-established the Heavenly Witch Kingdom.

I don't know how happy the old man was when he heard the news, so he immediately planned to lead Zhan Kongzi and his wife out of the Wuse Shenyu Cave, and then lead the descendants and the seed couple to help the Lansheng clan deal with Emperor Aoyuluo.

However, Emperor Aoyuluo didn't let the Zhan Kongzi couple die, and we didn't have time to go out, so he adopted the technique of desperate sealing, completely sealed the Five-color Shenyu Cave, and let the five-color Shenyu Cave be in the dark spirit time and space. disappeared from sight.

Naturally, it’s fine for the old man to be imprisoned forever, but Zhan Kongzi and his two wives have been away from the world of dark spirits for countless years. Most of their bodies are full of positive auras, and it is difficult to resist the powerful five-color god jade cave dark spirit supernatural power, and they cannot fly out of the dark spirit at all. plate.

And the flying disc of God and Darkness, because it is melted and melted by the huge dark spirit power of the Five-color God Jade Cave, is also constantly melting and thinning. under the hood.

As a result, the Zhan Kongzi couple had no choice but to die.

Zhankongzi was righteous in his first life, and he fought against the unjust war of the dark spirit time and space Aoyu Luodi, and this time he came back for the light of the light and dark world. How could this old man just watch their husband and wife die.

Therefore, anxiously found a short-term solution, which is to keep sealing the couple in some five-color divine jade spirit springs, relying on the spiritual energy of the creatures in the spirit springs to resist the invasion of surrounding spiritual energy.

But to do this, Zhan Kongzi and his wife must close their soul gates, enter the state of turtle's breath, and their soul thoughts are too empty, otherwise the spiritual energy outside the spiritual spring can be escaped, but the spiritual energy inside the spiritual spring cannot be avoided.

Moreover, the old man needs to keep changing the location of the couple's spiritual spring, so that the spiritual spring cannot sense that something foreign has entered the spring. Only in this way can their lives be saved.

This way, the old man has persisted for several years. Later, I found that there was no way, so I changed my strategy and gradually began to teach them my dark spirit power, hoping that they would gradually become stronger and able to move freely.

However, no matter how good an idea is, it takes time to complete. Not long after I did this, the three spirit masters of you controlled the shuttle to appear. I know that you are here to look for Zhan Kongzi and his wife, but they are at a critical moment when I teach the exercises, and they cannot stand any interruptions, and I cannot distract myself from explaining these things to you.

So as soon as I found you, I immediately took Zhan Kongzi and his wife to hide everywhere, the purpose is to let them go through the most dangerous period. However, you guys are so powerful, no matter how the old man hides, you soon found out, and decided that the old man was not good for Zhan Kongzi and his wife, and kept attacking me.

The old man was really helpless, so he had no choice but to vent his spirit and relieve his soul, and pass all my dark energy magic skills directly to Zhan Kongzi and his wife, so that they can be free, and the light and dark magic skills will suddenly become infinitely stronger, becoming a dark spirit that is rare in time and space. The opponent's Star Dou Ling high-ranking warrior.

As for the old man, knowing that your descendants have re-established the Heavenly Witch Divine Kingdom, that the dark spirit world has you coming, and that there is hope for peace to be restored, it is considered a wish, and there will be no regrets in life or death.

Hehe, little girl, your whip is really powerful, the old man is still sore all over. However, the old man is really happy, finally waiting for you to come, the dark spirit world is saved, ahem."

The tall giant fell to the ground, panting heavily, and kept saying what he wanted to say, and then coughed with a relieved smile.

"Senior, the poetic style is ignorant, I'm sorry!"

After hearing what the tall giant said, Cheng Shifeng's eyes were full of tears, and he yelled apologetically, then knelt down respectfully, shaking his head and staring at the tall giant's body that gradually lost its color.

"Son, I didn't mean to blame you. On the contrary, I realized that your divine power is powerful, so that I have full confidence in you. If you are destined to meet Nuwa in the future, don't forget to tell her that a person named Tianwu He has never forgotten her teachings. He has been looking for Shanyuan Tiandao, and finally found the spirit master of Shanyuan Tiandao."

A tall giant with a broad face, showing Cheng Shifeng's unforgettable smile of comfort, and his five-colored eyes as deep as the sea.

Then, five-color flames suddenly ignited outside the tall giant, and the three spirit masters were stunned, and the tall giant turned into a pair of white bones. The white bones are refined by the five-color gods in the five-color god jade cave, and the automatic jade is entangled with five colors at the same time.

"Hehe, children, please help the old man sit up. Even though he is dead, the old man doesn't want to die too ugly."

The last last wish of the tall giant echoed in the five-color cave.

Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng, and Song Zhen, who woke up speechless and crying, silently picked up the white jade bones of the tall giant, pieced them together into a sitting posture, and then turned his eyes towards the direction of the homeland of the light and dark world .

On the 100,000 huge five-color divine jade boat, the three spirit masters, Song Zhen and his wife, Xiao Che, Xiao Gu, and Lansheng Time and Space Celestial Master Zhan Zhaogong, Daji and other forty-eight full-rank star generals escorted Gao Da The giant was slowly galloping towards the Heavenly Witch Divine Kingdom in the Light and Dark Realm.

At this moment, on the top of a cang peak in the five-color universe in the colorful time and space, there is a beautiful woman in a blue dress, with long white hair and a shawl, blue eyes, and sparkling.

She sat on a protruding rock from the ground, and even though a man with disheveled hair standing opposite him insulted her, not only was there no trace of anger on her face, but it was gentle and tender, as if she was very happy.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Why, Emperor Aoyuluo has a new love again. I don't want you anymore. Don't think that you saved me, and I will forgive you for betraying me back then!"

The standing man is the air controller, and the beautiful woman sitting more than ten meters away is the water spirit Lan Ji. After Lan Ji rescued the air controller to the Feixuanfeng Forest, a remote junction between Aoyou Time and Space and Lansheng's Time and Space, she recovered her real body. Because she knew that she could only lie to the air controller for a while, and then her water spirit breath would immediately make the other party recognize her.

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