Nine Heavens

Chapter 1579 Red Luan and Golden Phoenix

Chapter 1579: Red Luan and Golden Phoenix

"It seems that your air control is not so ruthless. If you still want Sister Lan Ji to live, this girl has a way, but, this girl never does things that lose money. We can make a deal and take you Give me the five-color divine jade in your hand, and I'll restore Sister Lan Ji's soul right away."

At the top of Cangfeng Peak, Air Control and Lan Ji embraced each other, one was crying and sad, the other was dying sweetly, it was the time of parting from life and death, not far from them, a woman in a light green dress suddenly said.

"It turns out that you are the phoenix guardian spirit core of the seven-color divine jade cave, the phoenix-headed green rainbow phoenix guard of the seven-color divine jade. I heard that you are the spiritual heart god from the dragon and phoenix realm of the Mingling world, with extraordinary mana. There must be a way.

good! I'll give you the seven-color divine jade, and I'll give you whatever we have. As long as you can restore Ji'er's life, the humble life of air control is also yours, and it's at your disposal at any time. "

When the air controller heard the words, his eyes suddenly showed ecstasy, he hugged Lan Ji and bowed his head, then knelt down, offered the five-color jade in Lan Ji's hands with both hands, and said sincerely.

"Well, since your air control is so sincere, for my own sake and for the sake of Sister Lan Ji, I will help you once. I have two phoenix soul pills here. If you take them, they will become one phoenix and one phoenix.

Then find a place where there is no interference from anyone, take care of each other's lives, and exchange soul power with each other. After 99,999 days, sister Lan Ji's soul will naturally recover.

However, it will take ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine days before you can regain your human body. During this period, if I need you, you red luan and golden phoenix, you should watch and obey my orders at any time.

Please remember, you must not interfere with any outsiders. I can protect you with a seal, and you can know your status outside the seal on a regular basis. No matter how good Sister Lan Ji feels, if there is not enough time, she must not come out, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

The Luan Phoenix Soul Pellet is unique in all universes and worlds. This is one of the most treasures inherited by our Feng Clan. If you exchange the five-color divine jade for you today, you will not lose. Take it, by the way, Sister Lan Ji, give me your rebellious heart pill, you are useless, but I still have use. "

Lvhong Fengshou raised his sleeves, turned his wrists, and immediately appeared a very delicate white, crystal clear small jade bottle on the white and soft palm, inside one was red and the other was gold, and two round pills the size of red beans immediately shone And the light ripples outside the circle are very beautiful and attractive.

The air controller and the water spirit demon Lan Ji looked at the Luanfeng Soul Pill, and they were immediately refreshed. They were all overjoyed. Son, it was your dedication that moved Cang Zhou, and specially sent Luhong Fengshou to save us!"

"Well, sister's kindness, we can't repay it. The five-color jade, no matter how magical it is, is something outside of the body. Although it can control people, it is a ruthless thing after all. None of these can repay your kindness to us.

The air-controlling brother is right, the younger sister knows that her elder sister is from the Mingling world, she endured humiliation for countless years, and hid in the seven-color god jade cave, she must be not an ordinary person. If you need our help, don't hesitate! "

Lan Ji, the water spirit, and Air Control are not ordinary dark spirit humans, they are very intelligent, and they have a faint feeling in their hearts that the person in front of them is not ordinary, and they underestimated each other before. So Lan Ji said.

"My sister is really smart. I don't care about other things, but as long as I know a little bit, my sister won't harm you. Take it quickly, the medicine spirit will lose its fragrance for a long time, and it won't be good."

Lvhong Fengshou smiled and nodded, reminding the two of them again.

"This? Fengshou please advise, how should we take this Red-Golden Luan Phoenix Soul Pill, should I take the red one or the golden one?"

The air controller asked in embarrassment.

"Of course you took the golden one. There is one male and one female in this Luanfeng Soul Pill. The golden one is the male, and the red one is the female. The red Luan is always guarded by the golden phoenix. The spiritual life of heaven and earth is born, and life continues. The female is the most precious and respected, so the female pill is Red. The majestic is tall and strong, and its duty is to protect the delicate and weak females, so it is the color of strong gold."

The air controller asked this question, after listening to the other party's answer, he murmured in his heart, unexpectedly, the two pills were said to be superior to men and women, but of course he didn't say anything, he chose the red Luanfeng Soul Pill and gently put it in Lanji mouth, and then ate the golden Luanfeng Soul Pill by himself.

"Thank you Lu Hongfeng for saving lives, but now the five-color universe is no longer a dark world, can you tell us where to hide?"

The air control will ask again.

As soon as the words fell, the air control figure suddenly flew in the sky involuntarily, turning into a golden phoenix with golden light flowing, fluttering its wings in the colorful clouds and haze in the sky, like a golden sun shining in the sky, so beautiful.

Immediately, Lan Ji, the water spirit, yelled excitedly: "Brother Air Control, wait for me—"

Then there was a burst of red clouds flying all over her body, and she turned into a beautiful red luan in an instant, nodding to the green rainbow phoenix frequently, and then flew into the sky. The red luan and the golden phoenix flew to one place, entangled with each other, with infinite intimacy, flying side by side, lightly sinking into the depths of the colorful clouds in the Feixuanfeng forest.

"Hehe, this Flying Whirl Peak Forest is not bad, you can enjoy yourself here for ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine days! When the time is up, the seal will be opened automatically! Take care, in the future, if the time is not up, I will not come in !"

The green rainbow phoenix guard took the Niwoxin Dan from Lan Ji, and then turned into a phoenix-shaped green rainbow, which was drawn into the sky. Immediately, the air control and the flying peak forest where Lan Ji was located were lost in a green mist.

"Will! Will!"

Soon after, in the Feixuan Peak Forest, there were often clear and bright phoenix songs, and the golden light and red clouds were often seen flying, which became a rare spectacle in the Feixuan Peak Forest. Some people once called it "Shenhong Rhyme".

At the frontier of Lansheng's time and space, Emperor Aoyou Luo surrounded the army's Tianying camp.

Emperor Aoyouluo has been staring at the situation of the five-color jade cave in his own time and space. On the one hand, he longs for the five-color jade and seven-color jade, and on the other hand, he is worried about the safety of the beauties.

After waiting for several days in succession, I was anxious and impatient, when I suddenly saw a huge cloud of five-color divine light bursting out from the location of the Five-color Shenyu Cave.

Then the five-color divine light and strange clouds filled the sky, and after a long time, the time and space of Aoyou became infinitely bright, and colorful clouds were scattered in the sky. The five-color Shenyu Cave no longer exists.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Aoyouluo's heart was shocked, and he said to himself: "Five-color divine jade, seven-color divine jade, Ji'er!"

Then, he immediately called his subordinates and went to check to see what happened in the Five-Color Shenyu Cave in Aoyou Time and Space. What kind of magical power is able to destroy the death seal set by oneself!

"There's no need to inquire. The Five-Color Jade Cave is destroyed, and your Lan Ji, the Five-Color Jade, and the Seven-Color Jade are all buried in the spirit explosion."

Emperor Aoyou Luo just sent out several star generals to fly away under the control of the dark flying disc, and the ghost-like woman dressed in a light green dress appeared again behind him.

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