Nine Heavens

Chapter 1585 Whirling Peak Forest

Chapter 1585 Flying Peak Forest


"Everyone go back first, I found General Dajitian looked a little bit wrong, so I intentionally cast a cloud of spiritual consciousness around him when he left.

I sense now that they are tracking Lvhong Fengshou and Che'er and Gu'er, the two heavenly generals. I went to see what they intend to do? "

Cheng Yuanfang's thinking is strict, and he doesn't talk much when there are many people.

Leave these words behind, control your own rainbow light, spirit crystal, spirit diamond, and shuttle. When you speak, you have already flown out of five colors to travel through Shenzhou, chasing in the direction of Lvhong Fengshou, Xiao Che, and Xiao Gu Feili. go.

"Will something happen?"

Seeing the sudden actions of Cheng Yuanfang, the master of the Heavenly Wolf spirit who had been taciturn, everyone was a little unexpected, but there was no time to stop them.

In other words, it's useless to stop it. Cheng Yuanfang doesn't easily decide what to do. Once he decides, he will definitely do it. No one can stop him.

Liu Juan was well aware of the temper of this younger brother who grew up with a different surname but had deep feelings, so she didn't intend to stop her at all, but asked Song Zhen, who didn't seem to care about it, sideways.

"Hehe, Sister Juan, don't worry, Daji must be worried about Lvhong Fengshou's intention to take away the seven-color divine jade, and he is also worried about the safety of his daughter and brother's air control, so he will naturally follow up to find out.

Let the distant brothers go and have a look, but with his temper, he won't come back until he finds out what's going on. If he asked clearly, it would save everyone from worrying about the full-rank star general and Xiao Che, Xiao Gu would be safe. "

Zhankongzi Song Zhen had already expected that Dingcheng Yuanfang would be like this, so he calmly smiled.

"They won't do it!"

Liu Juan was still a little worried. When she first arrived in the dark spirit world, everything here was weird and magical. Liu Juan was afraid that Cheng Yuanfang would suffer.

"There is a shuttle that travels thousands of miles in an instant, and there is the protection of the Chaos Luo Xiang Wuji disk that I have already sent to covertly track and protect. Sister Juan just put her heart down. By the way, let's go back and contact the third brother as soon as possible.

I don't know what's going on with him. I have been in Wuse Shenyu Cave for so long, we lost contact. "

Zhan Kongzi smiled again, comforted Liu Juan a few words, and then mentioned Liu Qianlang, who he cared about most in his heart.

"Yeah, after we broke into the Five-color Shenyu Cave, we were affected by the five-color divine power. Even in the time-traveling shuttle, with the help of time-traveling power, we couldn't release any information. We haven't contacted Shanglang for a long time. I hope they The battle to destroy the seventy-nine layers of hell is going well!"

Liu Juan knew in her heart that her younger brother Liu Qianlang's behavior was always taking care of all difficulties by herself, and she knew without thinking that the process of conquering the seventy-nine levels of hell must be full of disasters, so since she separated from her younger brother, she has been thinking about it.

"Don't worry about Brother Qianlang. Brother Qianlang has been smart since he was a child, so he must be fine. Hehe. Look, the blue snowflake trees around the imperial palace. The fluttering snowflakes are so beautiful!"

Cheng Shifeng interrupted everyone's conversation, followed her pointers, and looked down at the beautiful scenery around the Emperor's Palace of the Tianwu God's Palace.

Five colors crossed the Shenzhou and began to land steadily.

In another location, in the Feixuanfenglin area where the five-color universe used to be, there is no sky-field flying peak, but a vast green and misty scene.

If you float thousands of miles away and look at it from a distance, you may occasionally see golden light and red light intertwined and twinkling in it, like double rainbows drifting and appearing.

At this moment, the southern sky of the five-color universe time and space suddenly flew to three beautiful women.

The leading woman was wearing a light green dress with sparkling stars and shimmering lights on it. Her face was extremely beautiful and dignified, with a calm expression. Nine blue cloud flowers surrounded her body, supporting her graceful figure.

Behind her, there are two heroic girls wearing red sun and golden light armor, full of stars and generals. Under the feet of the two young girls, there are two magical leaves, one gold and one silver, the golden light is like a rainbow, The silver light is like a river.

"Sister Luhong, we've been flying for so long, where is dad? He and Aunt Lan Ji have taken the Luanfeng Soul Pill. Can Aunt Lan Ji really recover her soul, and then they can regain their human form?"

The two young girls were flying, their eyes full of anxiety, they kept looking forward, and one of them looked slightly younger and asked.

"You two little sisters, I have already shown you my image soul mirror and heart mirror, don't you see clearly enough in front of the two mirrors in my soul sea and heart sea?

I knew you two little girls were ghosts and elves, and you wouldn't believe anything I said, so I had no choice but to sit cross-legged in front of the mountain, let your spiritual consciousness enter my physical and spiritual world, and see your father for yourself An experience with Lan Ji.

Since you have come with me, don't doubt anything, as long as you do what I say, even if they can't recover their human form, they can save a life after all. "

Hearing the question, the nine women floating on the blue clouds, their skirts slowly falling down, their hair fluttering, stopped steadily, looked at the emerald and vast mist in front, and waited for the two girls behind to fly away. He stopped and said.

"Sister Luhong, don't be angry. Is Xiao Che just worried about what's going on with Daddy and Aunt Lanji?"

"Yes, Sister Luhong, it's not that we don't believe you, we are really worried about the safety of our adoptive father.

Aunt Lanji, although we know that she is not a bad person, but she was with Emperor Oyo, and I heard that she is still pregnant with the evil seed of Emperor Oyo. I am worried that she will pretend to be reconciled with Daddy and lie to Daddy of. "

Seeing that the woman in front of her looked a little unhappy, the two young girls spoke softly one after another.

"Okay, Sister Luhong just doesn't want to be angry with you. But listen carefully. First, don't doubt Lan Ji's sincerity towards your father. Everything she experienced was not what she wanted. She suffered a lot. You guys Not only do not doubt her, but also thank her.

If it weren't for you, Aunt Lan Ji, your family would have been killed by Emperor Aoyou Luo long ago. Second, whether they can successfully survive the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine days depends on good fortune.

If they can, they will naturally be able to restore their human bodies, if not, they can only be a pair of red luan and golden phoenix forever.

The reason why I called you here is that I want you to guard Feixuanfenglin forever, until your father and Aunt Lan Ji return to their human forms.

You also know that the three-party space-time war in the dark spirit universe is imminent, and it is too difficult for Feixuanfenglin to spend 99,999 days in peace. That's why I said just now that whether or not they come true depends on their good fortune. "

When Lu Hongfeng Shou spoke, helplessness and regret flashed in her beautiful eyes.

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