Nine Heavens

Chapter 1587 Sound Transmission Method

Chapter 1587: Sound Transmission Method

Such a scene was seen by Cheng Yuanfang, the head of the Sirius Zongling of the Langyuan Sect of Chaos Universe who was flying towards him. However, Cheng Yuanyuan was far away from the clouds in the sky, hundreds of millions of light away, he bent down to look down, stopped his figure, and did not continue to approach them.

The reason why Cheng Yuanfang came here was to see if the forty-eight full-rank star generals in the dark spirit five-color universe time and space intended to recapture the seven-color divine jade. After looking around, he thought that was the case, and then turned around and prepared to leave.

"My lord is the Xuanling boy, one of the four spirit boys in the chaotic universe. Since you are here, why don't you help me out? Can't you see that this girl is besieged by a group of dark spirit stars and generals?"

Cheng Yuanfang stepped on the light of the rainbow, the shuttle of the spirit crystal and the diamond of the flower, has turned the shuttle, and is about to escape back to the kingdom of the heavenly witch in the light and dark world. The powerful green rainbow phoenix guard voice came.

Since Cheng Yuanfang entered the immortal way, he already knew something about the sound transmission methods of ascetics.

The most common one is sound transmission through the mouth and throat of the five sense organs in the world. Ordinary people can only transmit within a few hundred meters, warriors can reach kilometers, and monks can reach thousands of miles with spells.

As far as monks alone are concerned, the more common ones are the seal message, the sound transmission of the mind, the sound transmission of the soul, and the sound transmission of the spiritual thought within the boundary, the sound transmission of the cross-boundary spiritual thought, and so on.

The premise of mind-thought sound transmission and soul-thought sound transmission is that each other must first establish a connection between the heart breath and the soul breath. In other words, these two methods are communication methods between acquaintances.

However, the sound transmission of spiritual thoughts within the world is different from that of cross-boundary spiritual thoughts.

These two methods of sound transmission can be used without the basic five sense organs and throat sounds, or they can be resonated. Those who are strong enough, if they don't want to control them, the sound can fill any corner of the universe.

At this moment, the voice of Lvhong Fengshou's shout was the voice of Transverse Spiritual Mind. Hearing it, Cheng Yuanfang lamented the strength of the other party's cultivation base, but also felt that the other party was obviously controlling the range of the sound. Especially behind the opponent, Lvhong Fengshou completely blocked the flow of his voice.


Cheng Yuanfang stopped and turned around again. He was very surprised by this, and after hearing what the other party said, he noticed that the two young girls, Che'er and Xiao Gu, were not with her.

With an involuntary sigh of doubt, Cheng Yuanfang instinctively raised his psychic eyesight to more than ten billion breaths, and then suddenly discovered a sea of ​​emerald green mist tens of billions of light miles away behind them.

Inside the sea of ​​fog, on a sacred mountain, Che'er and Gu'er were sitting cross-legged in the mist, with their backs to themselves, and they were both clasping together their hands, looking like they were in a guarding state.

In the depths of the sea of ​​emerald mist, there are two phoenixes flying side by side, always bright red, one with golden light flashing, the red is the female phoenix, and the male is the golden phoenix. Although Hongluan has a beautiful face, she appears to be very weak in spiritual power. She is lifted up by the golden phoenix from time to time before she can continue flying, and it seems that she can't control the direction of her flight.

Seeing this, Cheng Yuanfang faintly felt that the two red luan and golden phoenix seemed to be related to Che'er's father's air control, but he couldn't figure out the origin.

So Cheng Yuanfang also used the voice transmission method of cross-verse spiritual thoughts and said: "The forty-eight full-rank star generals are the allies of our army of four spirits from the chaotic universe who came to deal with Emperor Aoyuluo, and you snatched Che, the daughter of the brothers of the allies. Seven-color divine jade, do you think I will help you?"

"Xuan Ling boy, there is no need to listen to the rhetoric of this alien witch. This alien witch first killed her elder brother Air Control and Lan Ji, and then killed her beloved daughter Gu'er and her beloved nephew Che'er. I will not kill her today, I swear not Let it go! Boy Xuan Ling said well, we are allies, please don't interfere. This is a personal grudge between us, not a war between heaven and earth."

Hearing Cheng Yuanfang's words, Daji was really worried about Cheng Yuanfang's muddle-headed help to Lvhongfengshou, so he said quickly.


When Cheng Yuanfang heard the words, he didn't answer, but he was amazed again. Because he could see clearly, Che'er and Gu'er were sitting on the Wuhai God Mountain, more than a billion light miles away, and they were killed somewhere. Isn't this wronging others!

Cheng Yuanfang murmured in his heart, and wanted to tell Daji what he saw.

"Xuan Lingtong's psychic brilliance is already visible from the universe. My little girl's technique of hiding time and space must be invisible in front of you. I think you must have seen Che'er and Gu'er, as well as Hong Kong. Luan Jinfeng, please don't tell anyone what you saw, including the forty-eight full-rank star generals, and your close brothers and sisters.

Don't ask why, when the time comes, you will understand everything. Although I can't be called your friend, I'm definitely not your enemy. Not only did I not kill Che'er and Gu'er, the air controller and Lan Ji are still alive. Please believe me, I will never hurt you at any time. "

Lvhong Fengshou established a mind-soul connection with Cheng Yuanfang by using the voice transmission method of the trans-verse spiritual mind just now. At this moment, the soul mind transmitted the voice, and at the same time continued to fight with the forty-eight full-rank star generals Xuan Fei.

"What is your purpose in taking the five-color divine jade and the seven-color divine jade?"

Under Cheng Yuanfang's psychic eyes, he could clearly see the nimble and pretty body of Lvhong Fengshou and the five-color divine jade and seven-color divine jade shining in the sea, asking the question he most wanted to ask.

"This girl is actually not interested in five-color divine jade, seven-color divine jade, and nine-color divine jade, but I don't want the three major spiritual core spiritual jades to fall into the hands of Emperor Aoyuluo, nor do I want them to fall into the hands of Emperor Aoyuluo. Your hands, that's why this girl snatched the five-color divine jade and the seven-color divine jade.

Moreover, this girl has no doubt at all that I will snatch the Nine-color Divine Jade sooner or later. According to my calculations, soon, the Nine Colors Divine Jade will appear in the spirit world. "

Lu Hongfeng Shou's words made Cheng Yuanfang a little confused, and asked with a rare smile: "This reason is rare. Since you are not interested, why make it difficult for those who are interested. The three spiritual source spiritual core divine jades contain infinite divine power. The God Stone of Chaos is comparable to the master spirit master.

If it is used by us, the chances of defeating Emperor Aoyuluo will be much higher, so why should the girl stop it? Don't you want a scum like Emperor Oyo to disappear in the world of dark spirits! ? "

"Xuanling Boy doesn't know that there is a kind of life source, spiritual core, and divine jade in each of the three empties of chaos, the three sky of bright spirit, the three sky of dark spirit, and the spiritual world of the nine directions of the universe.

The nine chaotic spirit stones you mentioned are the spiritual source of the chaotic universe. Unfortunately, before they were born, they were opened up by Pangu's sky-opening axe, smashing the spiritual source of the chaotic universe, and the spiritual shell. As a result, the nine chaotic spirit stones did not finally turn into the spiritual core of the source of life.

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