Nine Heavens

Chapter 1591 Light Shuttle Chain

Chapter 1591: Light Shuttle Chain

"Hee hee ha ha."

Xiaojian saw hundreds of figures of various colors flying towards him, but they were all seven or eight-year-old kids who were older than him, so he was immediately happy.

He thought to himself: "You guys want to eat your grandpa Xiaojian just because of you little ghosts. If you really dare to think about it, just come; come, maybe who will eat who."

"Wow! That kid is really serious, he ran out by himself, hurry up, let's form a circle, don't let him run away!"

Hundreds of children swooped in, one of the boys in blue clothes shouted.

Then the other children immediately obeyed his instructions, held hands, lined up, bent, formed a huge fan arc, and embraced the Dingyang golden sedan chair.

"Hey! You little devils, don't bother, your grandpa Xiaojian won't run away, so you all go forward and die together!

Did you see, this is the Execute Ghost Sword, when the sword comes out, all ghosts will be slaughtered! "


The spirit sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword in the little sword's hand let out a Qingyue Jianxiao, and immediately rushed to the sky.

Under the control of Xiaojian's one-handed articulation, the spiritual sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword suddenly cut out the bright red Liuxia sword curtain, and smashed down hundreds of children below.

"Oh! I'm so scared! He got angry and cut us with a sword."

"Hehe, he saw that he had a good time, and he is not as big as a sword."

The children didn't take Xiaojian seriously at all, and continued to pretend to be scared and mocked Xiaojian.

"Cut, Lianye Shuttle Dafa is activated!"

In the middle of the hundreds of children who surrounded her was a little girl in a bright red dress all over her body.

Seeing her, her eyes widened, she tilted her head to look at the sword screens slashing down from the sky with rainbow lightning, frowned, and shouted.

"Hee hee! Isn't it just a broken sword, it won't scare us anymore, transform! Go through the light shuttle chain and move on!"

The children on the left and right sneered.

Just as the sword curtain of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spirit slashed down, hundreds of children's gorgeous body colors flickered for a while, and they turned into shining knots in the shape of leaves one after another.

Then they are connected to each other to form a shuttle chain like a colorful swimming snake. The flashing chains whistle and sound, and continue to surround the little sword.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spiritual Sword The sword curtain is densely covered and cut down, the spirit body cannot escape, and the spirit and soul have nothing to hide.

However, Xiaojian only heard the sharp whistling sound of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword spirit piercing the air, but the gorgeous light threads transformed by hundreds of children can easily swim in the extremely small gaps in the sword screen, Not affected at all.

"Come on! We're going to get him, and we've got kids to eat today! Oh, oh."

Hundreds of children, although they turned into light shuttle chains, still chattered and yelled non-stop, watching the little sword of Nine Chaos come entangled.

"You guys are so annoying! I'm so mad, I'm going to chop you up!"

At this time, Xiaojian frowned, bit his lips, and screamed angrily. He raised his hand to retract the spirit sword of the high-altitude Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, and immediately flew towards the light-transmitting shuttle chain and slashed indiscriminately.


Unexpectedly, the all-conquering Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, the spirit sword, slashed on the light shuttle chain turned into by hundreds of children, and there were only bursts of clear metal impact sounds. Except for the beautiful light and flowers of various colors, there is no damage at all.


"Ding Ding!"

The cheerful whistle of the light shuttle chain, and the crisp sound of knots hitting each other when binding the small sword.

Xiaojian couldn't help but feel a burst of horror, and the next second he was already tied up by the other party.

"Tell me, why did the car owner only let us shout the slogan yes and not let our family help him? Isn't he stupid!"

"No way, judging by his appearance, he doesn't seem to be stupid!"

"What do you know? That's called pretending to be faceless. You see, he was so arrogant just now, sitting in the sedan chair to enjoy himself, and let us shout slogans to the sky and the earth. Now it's all right, he was caught."

"Pretend to be big!"

"Bah! What are you talking about? He is our sedan chair owner. Why are you turning your elbows out? If the sedan chair owner is caught, we will be unemployed in the future. Go shout slogans to someone.

Besides, Hai Ling cannot be ungrateful, but he saved us from Heng Ling's burial vortex. Walk! Damn, we can't deal with a broken chain with a hundred thousand sea spirits! "

"that is!"

"Everyone get ready, let me rush!"

High in the sky, there were hundreds of thousands of sea spirits, and the leaders chatted for a while, and then every ten thousand sea spirits formed a square formation, stirring up a hurricane all over the sky, raising their giant fists to pierce the light wrapped around the little sword. The shuttle chain was crushed to death.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!"

On the top of the golden sedan chair in the top of the sun, huge sea spirits several feet tall kept flying down one after another, swung their giant fists, and smashed wildly at Xiaojian's body, making roaring sounds .

Seeing the situation, the ninety-nine and eighty-one Hai Ling who were carrying the Dingyang golden sedan chair turned over and flew up to the top of the sedan chair, joining the battle as well.

"Oh! God! Earth! It hurts me to death!"

"Me too, almost crushing me! These sea spirits are so powerful, it's over, it's over, I'm dead, you must miss me!"

Hundreds of knots of light-transmitting shuttle chains glittered on the body of the little sword, and kept dodging the Hailing Fist that was wrapped in layers in a weird way, crying on purpose.

"You idiots, if you don't stop, you'll beat me to death in a while!"

One hundred thousand sea spirits, the giant streamer fist.

Like a meteor destroying the moon in the sky, poor Xiao Jian was beaten dizzy and screamed in anger.

After hearing the words, Hundred Thousand Hailings all stopped.

They retreated thousands of feet away, suddenly realized, and looked at each other foolishly.

But it seemed to be too late, the Dingyang golden sedan chair was smashed to nothing but a broken frame, and the bright red clothes on Xiaojian's body were torn to pieces, like a little beggar.

"Yo! Hee hee, he looks so ugly! I said we are very powerful, but I called us a broken tree leaf. Hmph! Now he looks so good!"

"Lan Suo, what nonsense are you talking about, be careful if the master finds out that we came here to tease people without permission, and we will be punished when we go back!"

The hundreds of knots on the shuttle chain suddenly scattered at this time, and turned into children in various clothes, chattering non-stop again, seeing Xiaojian's distressed appearance, cheering endlessly.

One of the little boys in blue shorts laughed and said, but the little girl in red immediately straightened her expression and whispered a wink to remind her.

Although the voice was small, Xiao Jian could still hear it.

Xiaojian instantly understood the true identities of the hundreds of children in front of him.

"Bah! I thought you were evil ghosts from the Heart-Cracking Hell, but it turned out to be the broken leaves on that Caisi tree! You humiliated me so much today, how could I let you off!"

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