Nine Heavens

Chapter 1594 Sea King Weeps

Chapter 1594 Sea King Weeps

In the white jade summoning spirit bottle in Xiaojian's hand, hundreds of children transformed from Caisi leaves were summoned by the strange voice in the summoning spirit bottle, and they all returned to the original form of Caisi leaves one after another.

Hundreds of Caisi leaves, hundreds of colors, sparkling, floating in the summoning bottle, good colors and butterflies fluttering, can be seen clearly outside the bottle.

Xiaojian had won a big victory over Caisi Ye, so he was so happy that he was going to show off to his master with the winning prize. But after hearing their complaints, they kept wanting to eat themselves.

Hearing this, I felt a pain in my buttocks. I couldn't help being furious, and shouted: "Shut up! I made you want to eat me. That's good! I'll eat you first, and see who eats whom!"

After Xiaojian finished speaking, with a thought, he grabbed a Caisi leaf from the summoning spirit bottle, threw it into his mouth, and began to chew.

"Crack! Crack!"

And it also made a crisp sound, just like the sound of wanting to crush bones and bones.

"Hey! It's delicious!"

While chewing, Xiao Jian grinned with pain on his face.

"It's not good, he, he ate my brother who is in the opposite door! My brother and I were on the same branch, facing each other day and night, talking endlessly. Now he ate my brother, wow"

"It's bad, he took Jianjian away again!"

"Run to the bottom of the bottle, he's crazy!"

There was chaos in the summoning bottle, and the little sword kept catching the leaves of Caisi, frowning and shouting vigorously, with pleading voices all over his mouth:

"Master Sword Spirit! I beg you, I'm not yet one year old, so you'll spare me, and I won't dare to eat you again!"

"Long live the sedan chair owner! Let me go, in fact, I don't want to eat you, they forced you!"

"Brother Jianling, you are so handsome, if you don't eat me, I will beat your back every day!"

"Hmph! If you dare to eat me, wait for the master to come, and it will be strange if you don't peel off your skin!"

Xiao Jian didn't care about the messy words in his mouth, he just chewed hard, and then swallowed straight into his stomach.

In less than half an hour, half of the hundreds of Caisi leaves had been eaten.


At this moment, Xiaojian only heard a loud rumbling sound suddenly coming from the sky thousands of miles away, looked up, and saw King Hailing, headed by Hailing King, a hundred thousand Hailings suddenly knelt down.

One hundred thousand sea spirits, each as tall as a mountain, filled the sky.

"Hai Ling King! Why are you kneeling down?"

Seeing King Hailing bursting into tears, Xiaojian asked in surprise.

"Owner of the palanquin, let me ask you, have we been shouting slogans for you all the time, and Hai Ling, have they been working so hard to carry the palanquin for you?"

King Hailing asked in tears.

"Yeah, that's right, what's wrong?"

Xiaojian asked.

"Then there is no credit but also hard work, why don't you give us a leaf of Caisi tree to eat when you eat so deliciously!?"

King Hailing solemnly stood up and questioned.


"Ha ha ha ha"

When Xiaojian heard this, he couldn't help laughing, leaning forward and backward, almost out of breath, he said after a long time: "So you want to eat the leaves of broken trees!

Why didn't you say it earlier, it made me close my eyes and eat them, it was so unpalatable! I will give you all the rest, but not a single piece of it is allowed to be left, and I must eat it clean. "

Immediately, Xiaojian waved his hand, and the remaining Caisi leaves were thrown into the sky.

One Hundred Thousand Hailings were overjoyed, the sudden sword shrunk down to the size of a bee, whistling, surrounded every Caisi leaf and began to eat it.

Another half an hour later, Hundred Thousand Hailing happily finished eating.

However, Xiao Jian still felt puzzled, so he sat on an open-air, sunny golden sedan chair without a roof, surrounded by the majestic guard of honor of 100,000 Hai Ling, turned around and flew towards the place where the Caisi tree was.

Liu Qianlang didn't know what Xiaojian had experienced, and he manipulated the shuttle to quickly appear on the edge of the Blood River Cone Wind Desert.

Behind him is the time and space in the new human cave, which he had once been righteous, pulling hell, full of righteous spirit everywhere, only the smell of dirty evil spirits wafting from the front.

Moreover, a huge river shrouded in evil rainbow and mist in the line of sight traverses thousands of miles away, and in the depths, it is the dark and vast desert.

"Yes, this must be the entrance to the Cone Heart Hell that Xiaojian was looking for!"

Liu Qianlang's white hair is fluttering, and she is surrounded by golden cicada robes and silver waves. Behind her, the golden light Tunlun cloak is fluttering.

Liu Qianlang did not rush into the Blood River area shrouded in the mist of the evil rainbow, but slowed down, observing the situation ahead while waiting for Xiaojian to catch up.

Talking about the area of ​​​​twitching hell not long ago, after the transformation of the divine wisdom in Cai Sishu's body, he recovered his mind, and immediately found an immature 307 main and auxiliary leaves on his head that slipped away while he was not paying attention.

After Hui Nian calculated, she couldn't help shaking with the wind and said to herself: "It seems that this is all due to fate!"

Then he stopped talking, and new leaves grew in the place where the leaves slipped away, and at the same time, a phantom fairy in a colorful dress floated out of the trunk.

The fairy in colorful skirts flew to the Caisi tree, smiling cross-legged, looking at the distant clouds in the northwest sky, holding a slender fairy needle in her left hand and a ball of colorful thread in her right hand.

The hands formed a beautiful fairy posture, as if waiting for someone.

"White-haired Flying Immortal, Returning Soul Excalibur meets ghosts and kills ghosts."

But after a while, the fairy saw a sea of ​​blue light appearing in the clouds in the northwest sky, and a golden sedan chair was speeding in front of it, and a naked little boy was sitting on the sedan chair, with a bright red cloud floating on his head , and the Excalibur with a slightly rippling purple ring.

They were still tens of thousands of miles away, and their shouts could be heard in my ears, quite poised.

The fairy just smiled and said nothing, calmly waiting for the other party to fly close.

"One hundred thousand sea spirits obey orders! I smashed this broken tree for my sword spirit. If it weren't for his broken leaves, how could I have been humiliated, and now I have no clothes!"

Surrounded by the mighty hundred thousand sea spirit guards of honor, Xiaojian stopped arbitrarily thousands of miles away from the Caisi tree, and then gave an order to completely eliminate the Caisi tree.


Hundred thousand sea spirits wanted to move when they heard the sound, and the spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword on the head of the little sword was also trembling and screaming, ready to attack at any time.

"Hehe, isn't this the sword spirit of Zhengling Boy? Didn't you go to attack Cone Heart Hell? Why are you back again? Where's your master?"

Suddenly, a sweet and soft female voice came from the Caisi tree.

When Xiao Jian heard this, he swung his small hand back, ordered to stop the attack, and looked carefully, and found the virtual shadow fairy sitting on the Caisi tree.

"Hmph! If I'm not mistaken, you are the tree god and fairy Caisi! Why did we come back? I have to ask your broken tree leaf."

Xiaojian covered his naked body with a white cloud, stood up angrily and said.

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