Nine Heavens

Chapter 16 Tianhe's Resentment

Unlocking the enchantment, Liu Juan moved her body slightly, and slapped away with her palms.


There was a crisp sound, and the light in front of his eyes suddenly increased, and his eyes hurt, making it difficult to look directly.

The whole space was suddenly filled with rays of light, extremely gorgeous.

Liu Juan closed her eyes for a while, then slowly opened them.

Looking at the strange wooden box, there are some jade beads lying quietly in the broken strange wooden box.

Jade beads, big and small, shine with different colors.

Slightly changing to a darker angle, Liu Juan looked at the jade beads in front of her excitedly.

Xin Dao, this is the legendary Ye Mingzhu, I am really lucky to find so many at once.


Liu Juan laughed out loud, and said to herself: "Now I'm getting rich!

Take it to your parents, exchange for a lot of silver, and use the silver to build a big flower house, so that those rich people will always look down on your parents!

Obviously my father is a descendant of the Liu family, so he must have said that he was born of a concubine.

It is too much not to allow father to enter the ancestral temple to worship the ancestors! "

Liu Juan stared at Yuzhu and thought obsessively, as if her father appeared in front of her eyes, watering the flowers and admiring the moon in the majestic and magnificent garden.


Liu Juan smiled a rare, happy smile.

Amidst the laughter, the memories returned to the scenes of childhood.

Dad held his hand and flew the kite on the hillside.

Seeing the kite flying freely in the sky, I wish I could become a bird so that I can fly with the kite.

You can also fly to the moon palace that your father said, and ask Grandpa Wu Gang for a lot of sweet-scented osmanthus wine, and give it to your father who loves to drink, that would be great.

In Liu Juan's heart, Dad is the kindest and best person in the world.

It's a pity that I was really ignorant at that time, and always caused trouble for my father.

Once when I came home from the field in the evening, I saw a big house under the setting sun. There were many rare fruit trees in the yard, and all kinds of fruits were hung on the trees.

I was so greedy that I salivated, so I begged my father to pick some.

Dad looked at him for a while, tears seemed to be in his eyes.

But he immediately shook his little shoulders and said with a smile:

"Haha, my good daughter, let's go home first, Daddy promises that Juan'er will have sweet fruits when the moon rises, okay?"

At that time, I faintly felt that my father's smile was a bit bitter.

"What you say is what you say, hook!"

Dad nodded intently and said, "Pull the hook!"

After dinner, Liu Juan rested her chin and stared at the sky, counting the time, waiting, waiting.

Finally, the crescent moon showed a small face.

At that time, my little self was so happy that my heart was beating and I was about to eat sweet fruit.

Hehe, I smiled happily.

Mother came to her side with a big fruit on a plate, her eyes seemed to be filled with tears.

The voice trembled and said:

"Juan'er, eat it! Daddy gave it to you!"

Then he turned his head away, avoiding his gaze.

It was a fresh peach, the tip of the peach was red, and the bottom was pink, it was delicious at first sight.

Liu Juan looked at her mother in surprise and said, "Where's Daddy?"

Niang turned around, touched her forehead and said softly:

"Daddy is tired, go to bed first.

Dad asked mother to tell Juan'er to eat peaches while looking at the moon.

In that way, peaches are especially delicious. "

Under the moonlight, a little girl held a big peach in her hands and gnawed on it.

Quietly, gently, slowly.

While nibbling, he looked at Yue'er.

Watching Yue'er eating peaches, the peaches are really sweet, and the sweetness has always led the girl into Mengxiang.

The next day, the little girl found her father lying on the bed moaning in pain.

There are circles of medicine belts tied around the legs, and I heard from my mother that they accidentally broke them.

Dad lay on the bed for half a year. After his body recovered, he, who didn't like trees at first, began to plant all kinds of fruit trees desperately.

That is to say, from then on, I can eat all kinds of fruits every year, and I must look at the moon to eat.

Only when I was a little older did I know that when my father went to steal fruit from the rich family in the villa for him, he was beaten by the servants.

Daddy is an extremely noble person who regards dignity as life.

Liu Juan knew how hard it was for her father to steal things.

But he went, for his beloved daughter.

After that, Liu Juan respected her father even more.

I secretly swear in my heart that one day my parents will become very, very honorable, no one dares to underestimate them, no one dares to bully them.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Liu Juan twisted her delicate body, and a real force shot towards Yuzhu from her palm.

Under the impetus of real power, Yuzhu hung six feet above the ground in the void, jumping non-stop.

With the brilliance of the jade beads, Liu Juan realized that what she was in was a huge stone room.

The four walls of the stone chamber are glowing with green light, and the previous green mist is entirely caused by the brilliance of the jasper cold bed.

Yuzhu exudes gorgeous colors, charming and magical.

At this time, the jade beads are scattered with each other, there are eight in total.

Divided into four colors, namely blue, white, green and black.

There are two pieces of each color, and jade beads of the same color are the same size.

The eight jade beads are all beautiful, but the one that Liu Juan looks at most comfortably is the green one.

The green beads, emerald green, give people a sense of calmness and arrogance.

The blue jade beads are watery inside and out.

The interior is like a blue sea, blue sky and white clouds on the sea, where sky and water meet.

The waves are flying, and the flocks of gulls are playing in the water.

The appearance is bright and colorful, and the water is thick and moist.

The white jade beads are the most gorgeous and dazzling, dazzling and dazzling, forming two beams of light as they dance.

Liu Juan thinks green is very caring, and when she sees green, she feels infinite power and her heart is rolling.

The two green jade beads are like two jade tears, dripping in the air, recalling in dreams.

However, the black jade bead is really weird, it is the biggest.

It is the size of an egg, like two clouds of smoke, which cannot be seen through.

Looking back at the pair of green jade beads, Liu Juan launched a wave of true energy and couldn't help but explore.

As the waves of true energy were continuously pushed towards the green jade beads, the emerald jade beads made a tinkling sound.

The emerald jade beads seemed to be very excited. At the same time, the emerald halo suddenly flourished and swirled around Liu Juan excitedly.

Liu Juan's eyes moved along with the emerald green jade beads, slowly discovering something.

The green jade beads have a subtle attraction to themselves.

He faintly felt that the green jade beads wanted to convey to him, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

The four pairs of jade beads are sensitive to each other.

Liu Juan clearly felt that when she was analyzing the green jade beads, the other jade beads were faintly sending out waves of anger towards her.

They were full of wariness and hostility towards Liu Juan at first, and then gradually disappeared.

It feels like everyone has become very close to Liu Juan.


On the magnificent Qingtian River Bridge, stands a pretty figure.

Under the sun, this figure was wearing a green dress.

The green skirt is shining brightly. This figure looks up at the towering mountains.

There was a trace of arrogance and hatred in the corner of his mouth.

This figure was Liu Juan. She was breathing fresh air excitedly with the newly acquired baby in her arms.

Liu Juan suddenly found out that the Qingtian River is so magnificent and amazing!

The big river is like a wandering dragon in the sky, moving from north to south among the dangerous peaks of Longyun Mountain.

The soaring waves stirred up by the Qingtian River hitting the mountain turned into sprays and scattered in all directions.

The waves are like clouds, like cotton, and like snow.

Staring at the torrential river, Liu Juan vaguely noticed that there was a small boat coming down the mountain bay at the corner of the river.

Following the arrow-like flow of the river, the small boat swung in front of my eyes.

On the tip of the waves, three pretty girls stand tall and graceful.

Under the feet is a speedboat about ten feet long, which rises and falls with the waves, fluctuating up and down.

However, the three girls stood firmly on the boat without any discomfort.

Three girls, one in red and two in white, are obviously master and servant.

When the boat came near the Qingtianhe Bridge, it stopped suddenly on the east bank side.

The three girls floated ashore.

One of the girls in white tied the boat to a tree on the shore, pulled it a few times, and was sure it was fastened.

Then the three of them walked up the Qingtianhe Bridge from the east of the bridge.

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