Nine Heavens

Chapter 1639 Nine-ring colored fish

Chapter 1639 Nine Ring Colored Fish

"Wow! Why did you come to feed me this time? I don't think I've seen you before. Forget it, it's mother if there is something delicious. I'm starving to death."


The nine-ring colored fish flew in front of Liu Qianlang, waiting for a pair of black eyes the size of a ping pong ball, first looked at the extremely cold silkworm with drooling eyes, then sized Liu Qianlang up and down and said.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly leaned forward and kissed Liu Qianlang hard, leaving Liu Qianlang drooling all over his face, turning his head and swimming towards the extremely cold silkworm in Liu Qianlang's palm. Started to yell and praise and ate.

"Ha ha."

"The colorful fish with nine rings has been fished out, and Princess Yunyu's consort has been determined. Next, the dragon fight will start, and the top four will hold a dragon fight to determine the ranking. The four princesses will be selected according to the ranking. Who will win?" Whoever is ranked first will choose first.

All dragon sons are invited to go up into the sky, free to fight! "

Two days after seeing the Huanyu Lake, the expected result finally appeared. Princess Yunyu in the distance of the Northern Dragon Dynasty glanced at each other, nodded slightly, and then the Northern Dragon Emperor looked around the entire Huanyu Lake and shouted.


Seeing such a result, by the bank of Huanyu Lake, the seven dragon sons all let out a cold snort, kicked their fishing rods away, and flew up to the cloud arena high in the sky.

"Bah! It's really nasty. This is not Fair Dragon Palace fishing. It is clear that the people of Bojie Dragon Palace secretly gave that white-haired lunatic extremely cold silkworm! You can see his virtues, but he came from nowhere. Let him take advantage!"

"Brother Long! Keep your voice down. You didn't get Princess Yunju, so there are still four princesses. With the strength of our Five Dragon Sons from the Blood Sea in the Eastern Region, defeating those two wastes is simply easier and more enjoyable. Brother help If you defeat them and withdraw voluntarily, then the four brothers will all get their wish."

"Okay! Just listen to Brother Long. The two wastes from the Blood Sea in the Western Regions, hurry up and die!"

"Ding Ding Bang Bang—"

Thousands of miles high in the sky, it was straightforward, and after a while, thunder and lightning struck.

Down below, gongs and drums have already been played, pulling Liu Qianlang and Princess Yunyu onto a wedding wave, and putting on festive and auspicious wedding clothes, waiting for the result of the high-altitude dragon fight, five Entered the bridal chamber for the newcomer.

Naturally, Liu Qianlang already knew about the other party's conspiracy, so not only did he not refuse, but he also acted as if he was lucky to be alive. His eyes were full of gratitude to the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory, and he even showed a feeling that he loved Princess Yunyu more than his life.

Seeing Liu Qianlang's reaction, the Dragon King of the Northern Territory became more confident in his plan, and Princess Yunyu was also very satisfied with Liu Qianlang.

However, the Dragon King of the Southern Region sitting to the right of the Dragon King of the Northern Territory, that is, the King of Hailing, secretly said in his heart, Boy Zhengling, please take it easy, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like you are acting, you seem to be really involved.

When Liu Qianlang and Princess Yunjie were surrounded by the nearby area just now, King Hailing coughed a few times on purpose to remind Liu Qianlang that he was afraid that Liu Qianlang would die of drunkenness in the gentle village.

However, Liu Qianlang held Princess Yunju's arm, so close, King Hai Ling wanted to kick Liu Qianlang's ass when he saw it, with an inexplicably annoyed expression on his face.

"Boy Zhengling! Don't forget our mission!"

King Hailing finally couldn't bear it any longer, and transmitted his thoughts to Liu Qianlang.

"Haha, the spirit lord is so happy today, I don't want the spirit lord to be so lucky in front of the seventy-nine hells, and now he is so lucky, and he is married to such a beautiful woman as Princess Yunyu !

Come, let the spirit master pour a glass of fine wine for the lady, and we will drink this glass together. "

Liu Qianlang didn't pay attention to King Hai Ling at all, his body swayed slightly, and he called out a pure white jade cup, and took the full cup for Yunzhen from the wine jar and sent it to Princess Yunjia next to him.

"Heck, Husband! We haven't paid homage yet, so we're ashamed to call him that."

With a charming face and a fragrant mouth, Yun Ling snuggled into Liu Qianlang's arms when the wine was finished, and looked up at Liu Qianlang's handsome face and said.

At the same time, the soul jade on Yunjie's forehead released a magical fragrance, and under the control of Princess Yunjie, it continued to immerse into Liu Qianlang's body in an extremely mysterious manner. Moreover, under Princess Yunyu's close sensing, she was sure that this time the fragrance of the Fanghun Jade had indeed penetrated into Liu Qianlang's meridians.

"Haha, beauty, why be shy. Yun Ling's smile is so beautiful, the spirit master is a little dizzy."

While Liu Qianlang was laughing, the movement of drinking and drinking was gradually a little slow, and his body was a little weak, so he had to accept the fairy wine, and then Princess Yunju supported him. Looking at the two of them from a distance, they looked like they were in love with each other, torturing people to death.

"Look at the two of them, isn't it too much? Uncle, they, and the Blood Sea Dragon King are all watching."

Qingyao couldn't see Dongsai by the Huanyu Lake at the moment, and couldn't see the battle situation in Gaokongyun Arena clearly, so her eyes turned to Liu Qianlang for a while, and secretly laughed that Liu Qianlang could act.

Mentally sniggering, naturally he couldn't say anything in his mouth, looked around the other three sisters, pretending that he couldn't bear to look directly, and covered his eyes and said.

"Heck, is that what you should say? Your idiot just now doesn't need their elegance!"

"I think sister Qingyao is envious, it's okay, that Dongsai might come to hug you in a while!"

"You guys, hum!"

The three princesses Tingyue, Wanzhu, and Cuiji immediately looked at each other and smiled when they heard the words. Princess Qingyao not only did not get sympathy, but was amused by them.

When Princess Qingyao heard this, she couldn't help stamping her feet, flicking her sleeves, and completely turned her head to one side, pretending to be angry.

Besides, the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory, the most confident person in the seat at the moment is naturally the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory, thinking that everything is under his own planning.

The most proud one is the Blood Sea Dragon King of the Eastern Territory, because in his opinion, his five dragon sons will undoubtedly win the dragon fight in the cloud arena thousands of miles high.

Therefore, since the seven dragon sons took off into the sky, the Blood Sea Dragon King of the Eastern Region only cares about eating fresh fruits and drinking fine wines with confidence.

With a relaxed look and a smile all over his face, he was waiting for the five dragon sons to marry the princess, Zhanbojie Dragon Palace.

As for Liu Qianlang's temporary success, the Blood Sea Dragon King of the Eastern Territory had long thought about it. As long as Bo Jie Dragon Palace gets his hands, he immediately plans to kill Liu Qianlang, and then Princess Yunyu will still be his dragon son.

The Dragon King of the Northern Territory and the Dragon King of the Blood Sea of ​​the Eastern Territory are confident and proud, and the two happily laughed and raised their cups, as if celebrating the triumphant return of an army.

Looking at the Blood Sea Dragon King of the Western Regions, it will be miserable. He knows very well how strong his two dragon sons are, so he still has the mood to drink. I can't tell when my dragon son fell from the sky.


The Blood Sea Dragon King of the Western Regions shook his head and sighed, and couldn't bear to look at the high-altitude controller, regretting that he shouldn't have brought the two dragons out in the first place.


Suddenly there was a scream from high above, and the six dragon kings looked up instinctively, and saw a dragon figure falling headfirst.

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