Nine Heavens

Chapter 1643 Hongmeng Wedding Man

Chapter 1643 Hongmeng Wedding Man

After the three newcomers were sent into the cave to return to the Immortal Tower, only the Dragon King of the Four Regions and the Blood Sea Dragon King of the Western Region remained in the palace hall.

"Dragon Emperor, why hasn't it been so long to receive the news from both sides of the Blood Kuva River that they went to poison and kill hundreds of millions of blood sea armor elite soldiers, civil and military officials?"

The Blood Sea Dragon King of the Eastern Territory has regained his calm and calm thinking ability. For the fishing in the Dragon Palace, he is satisfied with the process of fighting with the dragons and feels that it is too smooth. He always feels that something is wrong, but he can't tell.

Glancing at the drunken Blood Sea Dragon King of the Western Regions who was drinking heavily for joy, the Blood Sea Dragon King of the Eastern Regions sent a voice transmission to the Dragon King of the Northern Regions.

"The Blood Sea Dragon King of the Eastern Territory doesn't need to worry about that. Now that the overall situation has been decided, the Dragon King of the Southern Territory hastened to go to Zhengling Boy's bedroom, mobilize the Blood Kuva River elite soldiers who have become one hundred thousand sea spirits, and then act according to the original plan .

By the way, that little sword spirit kid is useless now, just kill the Dragon King of the Southern Region on his way there. Without further ado, the Dragon King of the Southern Territory hastened to go, we killed this guy, and immediately went to Bojie Lingyuan Yuanyuan Mountain. "

The Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory looked up for a while at the three palaces of Guixian Que, which was thousands of miles high, and saw the red, green and blue three whale claws and pearl eyes of the three palace buildings as a signal, and said solemnly and confidently.

"Of order! But when will the Dark Heaven and Earth Four Painted Dragons and the Tunming Chinese Evil Turtle arrive? I need to be clear and show up at the right time so that we can cooperate better."

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory, Shi Li, took the order, and the figure that had already run away suddenly looked back and asked.

"Why is the Dragon King of the Southern Territory so confused? Didn't we agree, leave us alone, and go to Bojie Lingyuan Yuanyuan Mountain as fast as you can! Don't waste time, go quickly!"

Hearing the sudden question from the Dragon King of the Southern Region, the Dragon King of the Northern Region was inexplicably annoyed and shouted coldly.

"call out--"

At the same time, a crimson rainbow shot out from his forehead, which contained terrifying divine power, engulfing the Blood Kuma in the Dragon King of the Northern Region, and suddenly threw it on the Blood Sea Dragon King of the Western Region, who was still drunk, drinking and giggling.


The sudden change, the Blood Sea Dragon King of the Western Regions was startled, he understood many things in an instant, suddenly dropped the wine cup, and was about to fight back vigorously.

However, the Dragon King of the Northern Region took the lead, and the Dragon King of the Eastern Region and the Dragon King of the Western Region also joined the battle immediately. For ashes.

Afterwards, the Dragon King of the Northern Region, the Dragon King of the Western Region and the Dragon King of the Eastern Region all let out a cold snort in their throats, and recovered the body of the pitch-black giant tortoise. A cloud of pitch-black mist rose from under their feet and shot out of the palace.

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory, which King Hai Ling had turned into, glanced blankly at the messy palace hall, then shook his body and disappeared.

Bojie Dragon Palace returns to Xianque, and there are three palace buildings.

The Oriental Palace, located above Huanyu Lake, has never appeared before because of the Luoying flower seal and the formation of countless Luoying flowers. It is rumored that it was specially prepared by Prince Bojie to marry his beloved Concubine Long. After it was completed, even I was not willing to go in.

Right now, Dongsai and Princess Qingyao are enjoying their wedding night in the main palace of this palace.

In the western palace building, Xi Feng was sitting around the table with the three brides, and continued to exchange cups and ask each other. Xi Feng looked at the three beautiful brides and danced with joy.

The middle palace is the place where the nine evil turtles think it is the most mysterious romantic marriage palace for dragon girls in Bojie Dragon Palace.

The main palace is majestic and majestic, surrounded by clouds, gorgeous birds and auspicious birds in the sky, flying like clouds from time to time, peaks and waterfalls are full of east and west, and bamboos and trees are luxuriant in the north and south. Elegant gardens surround palace buildings everywhere, and corridor bridges lead to gardens.

On the wedding night in the bridal chamber, Princess Yunju repelled the maidservant who came to present the auspicious blessings, and she personally led Liu Qianlang, who was unconscious and half awake, flying gracefully all the way, around the bridge and across the garden, and walked towards the bridal chamber.

The bridal chamber and palace, where the mysterious and mysterious flashes of orbs and spirit stones are, are not far from the line of sight. However, Princess Yunyu was not in a hurry, first she supported Ailang Liu Qianlang by her side, and walked gracefully with lotus steps.

Then, on a whim, she floated more than ten feet in front of Liu Qianlang's wobbly figure, carrying the bright red silk silk with a heart on her shoulders, looking back at each step, with shining tender eyes, holding Ai Lang, and drifting.

The charming bride's neon dress is foggy, and the Hongmeng soul man has white hair flying. The auspicious birds and butterflies follow each other, and the petals of the spiritual flowers hang over the verdant leaves.

Princess Yunyu tried her best to make the beautiful and romantic moments exist a little more, so the lotus steps are like dancing, slowly drifting through the forest of Gexin, passing through the wine pavilion, walking through the Garden of Dreams, walking along Hehuan Road, and finally leading Liu Qianlang Into the fragrant and intoxicating bridal chamber.

Median Palace.

"Ying'er, you look so beautiful without armor."

Prince Bojie himself restored the elegant and graceful appearance of the fairy body, with handsome and proud dragon eyes, and said affectionately to Xiying who was sitting opposite.

"Hmph! What do you mean by my husband, don't I look beautiful in armor?"

Xiying also regained her appearance as the God of Beauty in the Heaven Realm, her eyes sparkled, and after hearing what Ailang said, she purposely pretended to be angry and said angrily.

"This? Ying'er is not to be blamed. I blame me for not being able to speak. What I mean is that Ying'er has become even more beautiful in Feng Guanxia's daughter's red dress! Really, Ying'er is so beautiful!"

Prince Bo Jie quickly explained.

"Hee hee, well, I won't be angry with you, come! Let's drink the Lianli wine, and hurry up to help Zhengling boy and the others!"

When Xiying heard this, she immediately smiled, put her hands on her sleeves, filled two glasses of Lianli wine, handed one to Ailang, and bent her arms to greet her own mouth.

"Haha, at such a good night, you and I don't have dreams in the gentle hometown, but want to stir up disputes on the battlefield, wouldn't that be a shame. Come, let's drink the Lianli wine and go to Rouxiang."

Prince Bo Jie, laughing for a moment, came to Xiying, folded his arms and wrapped his wrists, and the husband and wife drank the wine together. Then, regardless of his beloved wife Xiying's repeated coquettishness, Prince Bo Jie drifted into the marriage tent with his beloved wife in his arms.

Western Palace.

The three princesses Tingyue, Wanzhu and Cuiji tried their best to coax Xifeng to lie on the marriage bed, and then killed Xifeng. However, Xifeng was beating around like a child, just drinking and making noise for fun, the more he drank, the more excited he became, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Let's do it! I guess the Dragon Emperor and the others have already arrived at Bojie Lingyuan Yuanyuan Mountain. If we don't kill Xifeng, I'm afraid it will be a mistake!"

"That's right, look, he has no desire to sleep with flowers and willows, our scheme of killing husbands in the soul bed will definitely not work, so we have to force it!"

Wanzhu and Cuiji watched Xifeng laughing and joking, and anxiously sent a voice transmission to Tingyue, asking for Tingyue's advice.

"No, haven't you seen that, with Dongsai's ability, even the Blood Sea Dragon King of the Eastern Territory and the four princes are not their opponents. If we force it, we will definitely not be able to kill him in a short time. In case of alarm If Zhengling Boy is gone, all our plans will be over!"

Wan Zhu flashed her eyes and thought for a moment, while pouring wine for Xi Feng, she replied via voice transmission.

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