Nine Heavens

Chapter 1647 Qingyao Little Sword

Chapter 1647 Qingyao Little Sword

"What! Do you know that we are the guardians of the ten directions of Zhong Shi? Prince Bojie? We are also in this Bojie Dragon Palace, and you guys still know each other!?"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory was shocked, his momentum weakened a lot, and he asked in astonishment.

"Hehe, of course I know, not only that, I also know that the main soul of the number one evil god in the heavens, Zhongshan, is Emperor Oyo Luo of the dark spirit world!

As for Prince Bo Jie, let alone, we are old acquaintances! "

Liu Qianlang flashed his eyes and thought to himself, tentatively mentioning Emperor Aoyouluo. Moreover, observing his words and demeanor, he deliberately described himself as if he and Bo Jietai were old friends.

"Haha. That's right. Emperor Aoyouluo is the first evil god in the heavens, the soul of the thirteen hateful souls, nine strands of hate souls, and one party's evil thoughts. However, he is not the first main soul, but the second soul. The first You will never think of the main soul and primordial spirit, and you will never find it.

Based on your abilities, you are not worthy of knowing the existence of the first soul of Zhong Sheng!

Our Jiufang Dharma Guardians were arranged by Emperor Aoyuluo, the second soul of Zhong Death, to wait for you to come and die here, but it is a pity that you are so lucky that you did not die.

However, the defeat of this Dharma protector in your hands is definitely not due to your cleverness. All this is because Prince Bojie revealed to you the secret of our Dharma protector of the ten directions of death, and finally let you succeed.

I think you are also being used to lure us to gather four boundary beads and five fragrant soul jades to destroy the seal of Bo Jie's Lingyuan Yuanyuan Mountain, so that Prince Bo Jie's return to heaven will be fulfilled. And what do you get, hum! "

The Dragon King of the Northern Territory said in an exasperated self-balance.

"You haven't asked me what my other purpose is?"

The mockery of the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory did not make Liu Qianlang angry, but reminded him instead.

"Why ask, your other purpose must be to kill us, the guardian of the nine directions of death, and then continue to destroy the journey of seventy-seven forty-nine layers of hell.

It's just a pity that you have calculated everything and forgot that you are alone at this moment. No matter how powerful you are, can you beat our eight protectors? Can you beat one hundred thousand elite blood Kuva River blood poisonous shrimp soldiers and crab generals?

If you still want to die with some dignity, hurry up and crush yourself to death, otherwise you won't even be able to find a piece of intact hair! "

The Dragon King of the Northern Territory glanced around the East and West Dragon Kings and the three dragon girls who had recovered the pitch-black giant tortoise, as well as the Southern Dragon King and Princess Qingyao who had not yet recovered their turtle bodies, and then looked at the hundreds of thousands of people in the high-altitude tile blue circle. Hai Ling sneered proudly.

"Oh! This is what the spirit master said to you, right? Why is your Dragon King of the Northern Territory dying, and you are still obsessed with obsession, Xiaojian! Let them have a look first."

Liu Qianlang folded his hands on his chest and called out with a slight sigh.

"Small sword?"

Hearing this word, the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory was suddenly startled, knowing that the little sword was Liu Qianlang's sword spirit. But I already knew that this little brat almost passed out, and before coming here, he specially ordered the Dragon King of the Southern Territory to kill him, did he let him escape?

The Dragon King of the Northern Territory muttered in his heart, and his eyes swept towards the Dragon King of the Southern Territory thousands of miles away. However, the Dragon King of the Southern Region's eyes were full of disdain, and he simply ignored his questioning pupils.

The Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory burst into anger from the bottom of his heart, let out a whimper in his throat, and then searched for the trace of the little sword.

"Yes! Master."

Just as the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory was sweeping away his doubtful eyes, he suddenly saw Princess Qingyao, who was thousands of miles away, flying towards Tingyue, Wanzhu and Cuiji rushed towards Tingyue one after another.


There was a roar piercing through the air, and a giant sword of bright red and flowing clouds appeared in Princess Qingyao's hands. Following her figure, three sword rainbows had already chopped towards the heads of the three evil turtles in an instant.

When the three evil turtles saw that it was Princess Qingyao, they thought she was joking, and when the back of their necks felt cold, they had already moved their heads.

It's a pity that they didn't understand until they died, how could Princess Qingyao kill herself!

Princess Qingyao's movements were too fast and beautiful, and before she arrived, she killed the three guardians of Zhongshi. Immediately afterwards, when the sword arrived, Princess Qingyao pounced on the Dragon Kings of the Eastern and Western Regions.

"Dragon King of the Two Realms, hurry up! She's not Qingyao, she's that brat, the sword spirit of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spirit! The Dragon King of the Southern Region, hurry up and order a hundred thousand elite soldiers to besiege and kill the Zhengling boy!"

The Dragon King of the Northern Territory suddenly woke up. He first yelled to remind the Dragon Kings of the Eastern and Western Territories, and then roared at the Dragon King of the Southern Territory.


The Dragon King of the Southern Territory screamed in shock, and with a wave of his hand, hundreds of thousands of sea spirits fell from the sky in an instant, but none of them rushed to Liu Qianlang, but rushed to the Dragon King of the Northern Territory without exception.

"Ha ha."

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory didn't find it strange at all. Suddenly, his figure swayed, and he regained the height of the Hailing King, who was tens of feet tall.

"Hee hee! King Hai Ling, you performed well, the owner of this sedan chair is very satisfied!"

Seeing that King Hai Ling showed his original shape, the little sword that was chasing and killing the dragon kings of the east and west regions immediately returned to its original form. Xiaojian's killing intent is in full swing, and he is naturally fond of ostentation, so how can he forget to pretend at this time.

"One hundred thousand prehistoric demon swords, ninety-nine and eighty-one speed demon swords, Yang Zhuo opened the way, Guihun sword came out, and the dragon sword roared to the sky!"

The little sword screamed crisply, and in an instant, one hundred thousand prehistoric demon swords, ninety-nine and eighty-one speed demon swords, majesticly scattered across the sky above the Bojie Dragon Palace, and one hundred thousand swords roared to smash the rainbow and transform the dragon, roaring to cover the sky.

No matter how powerful the dragon kings of the eastern and western regions are, they are the opponents galloping to kill with countless fairy swords and dragons. Even though they have changed mountains and turned clouds, imaginary birds and beasts, they have not escaped the fairy eyes of the little sword, but with the effort of a stick of incense, It was chopped into black smoke by the little sword.

As for the Dragon King of the Northern Territory, the periphery was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of sea spirits. Inside, the King of Sea Spirits was fighting the Dragon King of the Northern Territory inextricably.

Liu Qianlang wasn't focused on fighting at the moment, and casually summoned the immortal wine, drinking while paying attention to the psychic energy gushing out from the spring of Bo Jie's spiritual source. At the same time, he summoned a psychic jade bottle and collected a full bottle.

"Master, they are so ungrateful, and they still claim to be the number one evil god in the heavens. What Zhong Zhan's ten-direction guardian, it seems that Zhong Zhan is not very powerful. When I see it someday, I will definitely chop him into hundreds of thousands of pieces!" Half!

Um? Master, it's so strange. Why haven't Prince Bojie and the Goddess of West Britain and the United States ever appeared? We're trying to capture Bojie Dragon Palace for them? "

The little sword floated above countless fairy swords and dragons. Although it didn't help the hundred thousand sea spirits to deal with the Dragon King of the Northern Territory, it sealed the possible escape position of the Dragon King of the Northern Territory by using the Dragon Roar and Sword Rainbow to seal it impeccably.

Determined that everything is safe, Xiao Jian's eyes turned around, and seeing that there were no enemies to kill, he couldn't help being smug and narcissistic, and then suddenly asked Liu Qianlang.

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