Nine Heavens

Chapter 1649 Lingbo cleanses the turbidity

Chapter 1649 Lingbo cleans the turbidity

"Hehe, little guy, you've done well. Collect fifty bottles of Bojie spiritual energy and fifty bottles of Bojie spirit water from Bojie Dragon Palace. After enjoying them, it will be enough to turn your illusory spirit body into a spirit body. .

Isn't this what you've been expecting? Spiritual energy and water are easy to get, but spiritual virtue is hard to find, and spiritual virtue is the most important element that you can transform into a flesh body.

This dragon is the number one divine dragon of spiritual virtue in the chaotic world, and he can help me a journey. You have established spiritual virtue, but your body is fine. Do you have any complaints?

Hehe, there is no need to collect treasures everywhere in the future. If you want, you can turn things into treasures by clicking on them. You are the sword spirit of Jiutian Xianyuan, and you are also a baby spirit.

However, this is all after you and your master Zhengling Boy have defeated the seventy-seventy-nine levels of hell, and it is not enough at this time. Don't be too willful in the future, and pay attention to what the master says. "

The thought-dividing god general and Wulu Fanghun general heard the call of Prince Bo Jie, and immediately saluted Liu Qianlang one after another, and then heard the earnest words of Prince Bo Jie.

"Wow! Hey, I'm about to turn into a flesh body!"

"Gudong! Gudong!"

As soon as Xiaojian heard that drinking fifty bottles of Bojie water and fifty bottles of Bojie spiritual power would turn him into a flesh body, he suddenly cried out in surprise, and opened a bottle of Bojie spirit water to drink.

"Hehe, what a mischievous ghost. Thank you Zhengling boy, I will never thank you for your kindness. When we meet again, it will be like that day. I will wait for nine days to get drunk. Take care, we are leaving!"


Prince Bojie smiled freely, and Bojie Dragon Palace suddenly shot towards the sky, above which the blood of the Blood Kuva River rushed wildly, roaring and rushing towards the earth.

The surrounding space was instantly plunged into an extremely dark and filthy world. Liu Qianlang, Hailing King and Xiaojian were floating on the endless blood waves of the Blood Kuva River, torn apart by the hurricane and covered by the blood waves.

"Hmph! I'm really mad. Prince Bojie and Princess Xiying really have no conscience. We helped them with good intentions, and just threw us into the Blood Kuva River. It's really not a thing! What is the number one spiritual dragon in the heavens? , I think it is a big bad bug!"

Xiaojian drank Bojie Lingshui, his mouth was bubbling, he waved his hands, roared at the countless fairy swords and dragons under his feet, and pointed to the sky to cheer them up.

"Little guy, be careful! Bojieling water and Bojieling energy have to be enjoyed slowly, and you can continue to enrich them with your experience and spiritual virtue. If you drink it all up like you, you will have no chance to get what you want!"

Xiaojian was still scolding, when he heard the laughter of Prince Bo Jie and Xiying, God of Thought Boundary Separation and Wulufang Soul General from the sky, and Prince Bo Jie mentioned.


When Xiaojian heard that he hadn't completely left, his eyes flickered, and he quickly covered his mouth, feeling embarrassed. Thousands of miles away, above the waves of the Blood Kuva River, Hailing King looked at Xiaojian with a smirk on his face.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang smiled and said nothing, knowing that Prince Bo Jie still had something to say, she drank happily and waited.

"Prince Bo Jie was reborn after the catastrophe, and he still has the opportunity to return to the heaven, and he has understood many principles of love. Thank you Xiaojian and Boy Zhengling. How could this prince just leave like this.

Little guy, don’t you and your master want to destroy Heart Cone Hell? The prince will send you a ride and destroy four blood rivers, two blood seas, sharp cone wind vortex land and red blood desert for you, Lingbo open circuit.

How about paving the way for you to go directly to the blood-flooded mountain, the heart of hell, the mountain palace with seven swings, nine swirls and thirteen swallows? Hehe, boy Zhengling, hurry up and set off, junior brother, standing on this filthy Blood Kuva River, it doesn't feel good. "

High in the sky, Prince Bo Jie laughed loudly, obviously not paying attention to Xiaojian's scolding, when he said these words with a smile, three long river-like faint blue rainbows had shot down from the high sky.

The three beams of light were like three swimming dragons, they quickly swooped down to the feet of Liu Qianlang, King Hailing and Xiaojian, and then roared up again, lifting the three of them up and flying wildly at a burst of speed.

At the same time, below the three light rainbows, the azure blue color split into hundreds of millions of stars, flying towards the Blood Kuva River in all directions. Following the mysterious flying of Liu Qianlang, King Hailing and Xiao Jian, Blood Kuva The dirty blood of the river is constantly being melted and washed away.

When the three of them flew away from this area, the vast Blood Kuva River had turned into a beautiful river of beauty on earth with waves and clear water.

"Hee hee! Uncle Bo Jie, let me just say, no matter how you look at it, you are a gentleman, wow! Uncle Bo Jie is really good at it, the Blood Kuva River has become clear!"

When flying away from the Blood Kuva River in an instant, Xiao Jian looked back and saw that the sky over the Blood Kuva River that was once filled with blood mist suddenly turned blue and white, while the Blood Kuva River was rippling with blue waves, the heaven and earth were peaceful, and it was a scene of righteousness.

Even though he had never even met Prince Bo Jie, he immediately changed his tune and called him uncle kindly. His changes before and after were not even a bit excessive, which made King Hailing laugh out loud.

"Hehe, from now on, there will be no more rivers of blood and seas of blood in the prisons of the Netherworld, and when you reach the mountain of blood floods, it will also be the time when the seas of blood and rivers of blood will disappear in the prisons of the seventy-nine levels of hell.

However, because of the needs of this prince's death, Bo Jie's spiritual energy can't be exhausted, so he can only help here. You just follow the guidance of the three spiritual waves, and when you reach the mountain of blood flood, the three Bo Jie gods will naturally surround you To seal the Mountain of Blood Flood, as long as you destroy the Mountain of Blood Flood, the Tree of Ecstasy, and slaughter the Emperor of Cone Heart Hell in the Palace of Cone Heart Hell, you will successfully break through Cone Heart Hell.

Don't say too much, I wish Zhengling boy, junior brother and little guy all the best, haha."

Prince Bo Jie said the last words, and then he called his beloved wife Xiying, as well as the God of Thought Boundary and the Soul General of the Five Routes, completely silent. As for the shadow of Bo Jie's Dragon Palace, he was no longer visible.

"Respectfully send off senior brother, sister-in-law, and all the gods and generals!"

"Hee hee! Uncle Bo Jie, let's go, I will go and play with you if I have a chance!"

King Hai Ling sensed that his senior brother, Prince Bo Jie, had finally returned to heaven, and he was very reluctant to give up, and shouted from the bottom of his heart. Xiaojian is not the case, there is no disturbance in his heart, his mind doesn't know how to hurt, and all he thinks about is having fun.

Liu Qianlang didn't say anything, and what the other party said was not enough to express his gratitude for such kindness. Simply Liu Qianlang followed Bo Jie Linghong to fly back and forth, and still moved to the altar and drunkenly, happily chasing peaks.

"Master, why have you become so ignorant of etiquette? Uncle Bo Jie has helped us a lot. It's not too much for you to drink all the time without even saying thank you!"

Xiaojian stepped on the Bojie Linghong, circling and speeding all the way, the hurricane whistling in his ears, the road ahead was dark and hideous, but the rear he passed would immediately become bright and infinite. Such completely different scenes made Xianjian admire Prince Bojie even more.

However, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the owner who was only interested in drinking and having fun, and couldn't help shouting.

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