Nine Heavens

Chapter 1651 Distraction and blood death

Chapter 1651 Distracted Blood Death

The Blood Flooded Mountain has numerous peaks, stretching as far as the eye can see.

Between the peaks, the evil cloud of dark red and thick blood mist rolled and rolled, flying wildly in all directions, piercing the sky at will.

And the peaks of the mountains below are all scenes of bloody waves rushing down.

And under the peaks, there is a vast ocean, rising in vastness, and the waves of blood rushing down from above the peaks gather wildly, and then lead to the surroundings in all directions like torn blood vessels.

Because of the blood mist and evil smoke, the original color of the Blood Flood Mountain could not be seen clearly, so all that Liu Qianlang saw was the filthy and suffocating dark red Blood Mountain.

Among the blood-red mountain peaks, Liu Qianlang raised his vision to the level of billions of breaths, and suddenly saw the highest blood peak.

A strange and terrifying huge bronze-colored strange tree dangled on it.

The canopy of the strange tree is full of dark curvy snakes and snakes. The snakes and snakes are the trunks and branches. Those poisonous snakes and snakes have countless ghostly skeletons hanging from their heads and tails.

At the same time, there are hundreds of millions of flying ghosts flying up and down around the strange tree, and these flying ghosts all look fierce and evil.

Each of them held a soul-guiding knife in their hands, and kept chopping those ghost skeletons.

The knife slashed the blood, and although those ghost skeletons were already spirit bodies of the underworld, they were still suffering such devastation.

Liu Qianlang raised his head and looked tens of thousands of miles away, feeling the chills on his skin.

Liu Qianlang's white hair was fluttering, surrounded by the spirit of the fairy, protecting her body, stopping her body, seeing such a scene, she did not move forward.

I thought to myself, this mountain of blood is really worthy of its reputation, it is extremely frightening.

Liu Qianlang looked back and found that Xiaojian and Hailing King hadn't arrived yet. To be on the safe side, he swung his sleeves and turned the Bojie Lingbo Shenhong under his feet into a huge sky circle of 100,000 halos towards the entire blood Hong Zhishan covered it.

After the Tianlun Aperture was slowly in place, the surging waves of blood rushing down from the Blood Flood Mountain were quickly blocked under the Blood Flood Mountain by the Tianlun Aperture.

Under the mountain of blood flood, a vast ocean of blood water has formed, which cannot continue to spread in all directions.

Seeing this situation, Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and then thought about the little sword behind Yaoyin and King Hailing:

"Use Bojie Lingbo to contain and clean up all the blood tides flowing away from this mountain of blood flood, and prevent any redistribution into the previous four-region blood river and two-region blood sea channel waters!"

"Haha, Brother Liu is so quick, we have arrived at the Mountain of Blood Flood so quickly, don't worry, the blood flood around the Mountain of Blood Flood will flow wildly, and I will leave it to the King Ling and Little Sword!"

"Ah! Master, why are you so active this time, isn't it always the owner of the sedan chair who is the vanguard.

Hmph, there must be some treasure in front of you, let me tell you first, I can help you, but if you have something good, you have to keep it for me. "

Liu Qianlang heard the responses from King Hailing and Xiaojian one after another, and then she had a lot of confidence in her heart.

However, Liu Qianlang was still worried, and with a thought, he quickly called out the bottle of Bojie Lingbo water that he had collected, and splashed it around the mountain of blood flood.

Not long after, two dark blue seas of light appeared around the Blood Flood Mountain, tightly surrounding the Blood Flood Mountain.

"Blood Death Prison Emperor! That white-haired man flying around is the Zhengling Boy, and the Red Coffin Blood Owl was killed by his sword spirit!

Unexpectedly, he is so powerful, even the guardian of the ten directions of death is not its opponent! Neither the Blood River of the Four Regions nor the Sea of ​​Blood in the Two Regions could stop them!

He has been bullied to the door of his house now, the blood dead prison emperor wants to make the decision for my fourth brother, the red coffin blood owl! "

"Shut your crow's mouth! Your fourth brother, the blood owl in the red coffin was killed, your crow in the black coffin, and the night beast in the purple coffin, and the five-headed lion in the crimson coffin are not going to take revenge. What are you doing here? I'm not happy on my trillionth birthday, are I?"

"Blood death, calm down! How dare our three brothers destroy the blood death's trillion birthday celebration!

The four brothers of us learned that the bloody death's trillionth birthday was about to be celebrated, so we made an appointment to come here from the Sifang Coffin Tomb Hades, and specially brought congratulatory gifts to celebrate our birthday.

He didn't want the fourth brother of the Red Coffin Blood Owl to be attacked by his sword spirit halfway and died. Our brothers have always had infinite respect for the death of blood.

Therefore, it is in vain to guess that Xuede will never stand by and watch the fourth brother, the red coffin blood owl being slaughtered by our common enemy, so I mentioned it here.

If Xuede ignores Yuhi and others' favor to you and is afraid of that righteous boy. Just acted like a black coffin crow and didn't say anything.

Let's celebrate your trillionth birthday freely, let me bid farewell! Walk! Two brothers, the Purple Coffin Night Beast and the Crimson Coffin Five-Headed Lion! "

"Hey! Haha..."

"Three coffin kings, don't be angry, how could Ben Xueshi be that kind of ungrateful person.

I said that just now because I thought that your ostentatious person committed another mistake and was massacred.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the red coffin blood owl is so affectionate and righteous, he never forgets the birthday of his death.

good! Anyway, this Zhengling boy, the mortal enemy of the evil god, must be killed, and his sword spirit will not let him go.

It doesn't matter if Ben Xuesheng avenges the Red Coffin Blood Owl by the way! However, now that the birthday banquet is in full swing, all the blood venerables, blood immortals, blood demons, blood demons of the underworld, blood mothers, blood fathers, ghosts and pot gods, are all in high spirits. .

The three coffin kings have worked hard all the way, so it's not too late to sit down first and have some fun! By the way, I heard that the official of the Blood Death said that you four coffin kings have the blood demon robes of poisonous wind, thunder and lightning, and they want to dedicate them to the Blood Demon. I wonder if this is true? "

"Hui Bing Xuede, that's exactly the case. How can we four coffin kings play tricks on the Trillion Birthday Ceremony of Blood Death.

As early as hundreds of millions of years ago, we began to search everywhere for the gift of trillions of birthdays of blood dead, in order to repay the daily protection.

The blessing of blood death, just in recent years, we suddenly found a place in the chaotic universe falling into the battlefield.

After some searching, they found the dead skeletons of the four evil gods of Chaos Poison, Wind, Lightning and Thunder.

Although their bodies were decayed, the evil robes of poisonous wind, thunder and lightning were not only not destroyed, but after countless years of purification, they became the robes of the immortal gods of the universe.

We four coffin king brothers know that Xuede has always liked to collect the mysteries of the universe, so we were overjoyed, and it took a lot of refinement to bring them back, so we excitedly met to celebrate Xuede's birthday.

The Four Elephant Blood Demon God's Robe and the Wind, Thunder and Lightning Robe are in the sea of ​​three of our brothers, but the blood demon's poisonous robe in the hands of the red coffin blood owl..."

"Well, the three kings of the coffin, please sit down, I know this blood dead, it must be the sword spirit of Zhengling Boy who killed the blood owl in the red coffin, and then took away the poison robe of the blood demon!

Let the three coffin kings have a drink! It's just a mere wave of the Tianling River in the lower realm. It won't be too late to kill him after you and us are full of wine and food!

This blood death is really strange, if you say that Youyingyingdeath is also the existence of the invincible underworld immortal supreme of Jiuyou, why did you lose to a human monk! ? "

"Thank you Xuede, this is the three-element blood demon robe of wind, thunder and lightning, please accept Xuede!"

"Haha, good! The left is dark and the right is dirty, come forward quickly!"



After Liu Qianlang set up two huge light wheels to block the Blood Flood Mountain, he suddenly heard strange voices coming from within the Blood Flood Mountain.

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